Kinguyakkii Lusa



5 years, 1 month ago


Kinguyakkii lusa

"Make me some bread"
Basic Info

Name [King]
Age [171]
Height [5'6]
Weight [178]
Gender [Bear]
Species [Demigod (Child of Nyx)]
Birthday [May 27, 1846]
pronouns [He/She/They/It]
ethnicity [Inuit]
Occupation [N/A]
Orientation [Pansexual]
S/O [Westley Libratto?]
Design Notes

  • Vitiligo over his body. Mostly on his left eye.
  • Purple eyes.
  • A braid over his right ear
  • His hair covers his left eye
  • He has burn scars all over him in random splotches. 
  • Long lashes

  • Fatal Flaw: Sloth
  • Powers:  Umbrakinesis, hypnokinesis, dream control
  • Greatest Fear: Losing Kaya
  • Theme: ---
  • Languages: Cup'ik, English, Greek

 During the day, King is very groggy and clumsy, with a habit of staring into space. He goes for weeks without sleep, living entirely off of caffeine, moonlight, and sometimes spite. She speaks with a stutter and trips over her own feet… that is, until night rolls around. Once twilight hits, King is as sharp as a whip, strong as an ox.
All around, they’re rather laid-back and friendly, preferring to let their sibling do all of the fighting, while King hones its abilities. Unfortunately, most people only meet it during the day, so they don’t quite get a feel for how smart and compassionate he is. 


  • Kaya
  • Sleeping
  • Random trivia facts
  • Westley
  • Fishing
  • Kayaking

  • Fire

1846, Kinguyakkii and Kaya were born to the Shaman’s daughter, Lusa, and the primordial Greek goddess, Nyx. The two lived rather happy lives in their tribe, trading with the settlers who were adventurous enough to reach their small coastal town. It wasn’t until 23 years later that everything changed for the worse.
A few English whalers, angry at something, started a fight with a few of the other tribesmen, and subsequentially accidentally started a fire that ravaged the town, killing much of the tribe. King and Kaya had been separated at the time, doing gods knows what, and each had been burnt in the chaos. The two reconvened at a convenient little hotel, called the Lotus Hotel, and decided they’d stay there until their family arrived.
Which never happened.
Their needs were met, the time was fun, and King and Kaya no longer had to worry about the threat of settlers, and King didn’t need to take care of his sickly older brother. King began to grow into his powers during this time, spending weeks on end awake and practising and amusing his brother- and after a while, they saw through the glamour of the hotel, but they had nowhere else to go, so they stayed.
It wasn’t until 2039 that they finally left, forcefully dragged out by Nyx before being explained their heritage- “no, King, you aren’t using shaman powers, those are my powers”- and then dropped off at Camp Halfblood to stay out of harm’s way. 


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.