Argus's Comments

WOOOONDERFUL JOB ON THE NEW REF >W< It's looking awesome!! It's so nice to see Argus again :D Your art style is really improving!!

OH gosh thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it!!

It's been nearly half a year, how have ya been?? ^w^ I'm still so excited to see Argus' inner workings!

Ah, sorry to keep you waiting! I've just been busy with a lot of stuff that has come up, and also there's a lot of art stuff I need to get done. On top of that, I got hit with the chronic pain demon, so between the doctor's visits and scheduling and pain, my energy to draw often is dwindling. However, I was thinking of doing really simple explanations/drawings of said things once I next have free time- I even have rough drafts of my ideas written up so far. Though I'm hesitant to promise anything, as the pain can be unpredictable!

Aaaah, that's what I figured! It's no worries at all, I didn't mean to rush <XD I was just so excited! You've been posting a lot of great stuff lately <3 I'm sorry to hear you have chronic pain though, that sounds terrible QWQ Be sure to get lots of rest and don't overwork yourself!

Explaining it in writing or simple doodles would be really interesting; a document written about all the inner workings ideas you have would be such a fun read for sure ^w^

Awh thank you so much! You really are so kind to me, I appreciate your kindness and patience so much!

Dawww >W< It's really nothing! I'm more than happy to be patient with ya, you have legit reasons to be busy, plus I'm always excited to learn more about Argus! You really seem to give him lots of love after all ^w^

Yo yo! Any progress with the inner workings? I'm still curious to see :D Did you read my previous comment?

I did read your comment! It is really sweet, I've actually kept it in my inbox so I can read it a bunch. I think I genuinely forgot to respond, however, and I am so sorry about that! Though, I do really appreciate it, your words are really kind, and I can't express how amazed I am that someone is actually like, interested in my ocs and learning about them! As for inner workings, I unfortunately lost my laptop which had all my writings and doodles about inner workings. BUT! I am working on getting them back, pretty gradually! I'm currently participating in ArtFight so I have a little bit of time, but I am trying to finish up extra references for my mains (Argus included) that hopefully will describe a little bit about how he functions. Right now, I actually have a part of my other robot oc's extra reference where it details his animatronic face, so I hope to include stuff like that and more for Argus!

That is honestly just the most sweetest thing oh my gosh!!! QWQ <3 <3 <3 I'm so so SO happy my comment brings you so much joy and that you go back to reread it!! That seriously means the world to hear ^W^
I'm absolutely interested in learning about em! You put a lot of love and effort into developing Argus and it shows!! With all of the intricate little details I'm super eager to see how they fully function :D
I'm sorry to hear that you lost the laptop with all of the info though!! QWQ Hopefully you can get most of it back, though you probably remember most of the ideas in your head as well!
Hopefully artfight gives you lots of great art, I'm really excited to see the extra references!! Ooooh, which robot OC has the details? I'd love to take a look!

Thank you so much by the way! I really appreciate the kind words <:3 Fortunately I do remember well! As for the other robot, I don't have it posted or finished yet. I can however, share a screenshot of the animatronics so far! ( Also artfight has been great so far! However, I am leaving for a trip on the 18th so I'll be gone gskjdgh. It's just been really busy for me outside of the internet!

I'm so SO sorry for the late reply on my end, holy moly!! Life was buuusy <XD
But WOW that really does look awesome!! And that's just a teaser of the mechanical detail you're capable of! Absolutely wonderful :D If just a robotic mask looks this good, I can't imagine how amazing a full robot would look!! 

No worries! Life has been super busy for me as well, I was off out of state in Massachusetts visiting a close friend. Home now tho ;-; Awh, thank you so much though! Really happy to hear it's turning out well <:D

1 Replies

That's actually an incredible looking robot design, they look so advanced! I loved that one picture showing their facial mechanisms, do you think you might do a full anatomy-style inner workings drawing to show how they function and all of the weapons they got and such?

Oh, thank you so much! I actually do in-depth drawings to show the functioning of my OCs, I just never thought anyone was interested so I never uploaded them! Now that I know people might want to know, I might polish them up and post them. Your comment is so sweet and really means a lot to me, as designing these sorts of things and coming up with how they work is just so fun and important to me!

Oooooh!! Yes yes, please show!! That would be incredible to see!! I'm so happy you also share the same admiration for inner mechanisms and how things work, I'm a huge nerd for robots and I've always had the dream to build one in real life, so I've grown really fond of seeing how any sort of robot works on the inside, seeing all of those gears, wires, motors, circuits, and metal can all work together to make a "living" robotic being! :D I love seeing even robotic fictional characters like Argus' inner workings because for characters like them that are so well developed and cared for by their owners, there's usually lots of intricate little details and such that I adore seeing!! So the fact you're just as interested makes me extremely excited to see how they function, and I'll definitely subscribe to you to make sure I can catch when you post them! <3

I'm really happy my comment made you so happy, and how we can share a common interest like that!! ^w^