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It's been nearly half a year, how have ya been?? ^w^ I'm still so excited to see Argus' inner workings!

Ah, sorry to keep you waiting! I've just been busy with a lot of stuff that has come up, and also there's a lot of art stuff I need to get done. On top of that, I got hit with the chronic pain demon, so between the doctor's visits and scheduling and pain, my energy to draw often is dwindling. However, I was thinking of doing really simple explanations/drawings of said things once I next have free time- I even have rough drafts of my ideas written up so far. Though I'm hesitant to promise anything, as the pain can be unpredictable!

Aaaah, that's what I figured! It's no worries at all, I didn't mean to rush <XD I was just so excited! You've been posting a lot of great stuff lately <3 I'm sorry to hear you have chronic pain though, that sounds terrible QWQ Be sure to get lots of rest and don't overwork yourself!

Explaining it in writing or simple doodles would be really interesting; a document written about all the inner workings ideas you have would be such a fun read for sure ^w^

Awh thank you so much! You really are so kind to me, I appreciate your kindness and patience so much!

Dawww >W< It's really nothing! I'm more than happy to be patient with ya, you have legit reasons to be busy, plus I'm always excited to learn more about Argus! You really seem to give him lots of love after all ^w^