Melody Parrino



5 years, 4 days ago


Melody parrino
 gender female
 age 20
 birthday April 29
 height 5'4"
 sexual orientation bisexual
 weapon none
 title The Tailor
 song info







 SKIN  #fce4d2
 HAIR #68a8d5
 WANTING solo art

  • Her hair is wavy, with noticeable curling towards the tips. 
  • Her hair also has a braid that gets tucked into her side bun.
  • Melody is a bit plump, though the ref does not show it well. 
  • Her chest is rather large.


Still waters run deep, that's how the saying goes. And Melody's waters run deep, so much so that at the bottom lies dynamite. 

When at ease, Melody looks like any other girl. Perhaps a bit shy, timid and nervous. Her resting face just screams defenseless. Honestly, even talking with her, you may get those vibes radiating off of her. She's a natural introvert, but does love a good social gathering- only if she knows a majority of the people.

But she's a firecracker, lying in wait. Melody has an explosive temper, one that can manifest in the form of tantrums, screaming and yelling. An unfortunate byproduct of the mother that brought her up, and inability to control her anger. 

Typically she lets things pile up, though her fuse is much shorter than most who bottle up their feelings. She is also the sort that needs to be burned before learning, and is honestly quite spoiled and used to having her way.


Melody had been roaming the market with her father, Rem, leisurely wandering and looking at the various crafts and produce. After the chaos, she finds herself with Percy, Liz and Emily, the four fighting to get to the school.


Melody is the first and only child of Rem, and was raised in a household with both her parents. However, it wasn't all sunshine and butterflies. She remembers lots of yelling, mostly her mother at her father. A lot of anger, a lot of resentment is what she witnessed growing up. At 9 years old, her mother suddenly relocated the two into the city, completely cutting her dad out of the picture.

Her mother ended up dating a new man, who Melody despised- and the man despising Melody. The two would butt heads, and eventually he started talking openly about Melody moving out- ie, kicking her out- as soon as she turned 18. To her dismay, her mother agreed wholeheartedly.

It was then that Melody called her father at 16, asking to move in with him. He accepted instantly, telling her pack at that moment, he'll get her right then and there. Since then, she's lived in her old childhood town. 


 REm fatheR

Her father, and the only one so far that can contain her anger. He's her safety net, and the two are very close. She runs to him first.