Remington Parrino



5 years, 6 days ago


 gender male
 age 40
 birthday June 15
 height 6'1"
 sexual orientation bisexual
 weapon handgun
 title The Merchant
 song info







 SKIN  #fce4d2
 HAIR #694d4b
 WANTING solo art, couple art

  • He has a scar across his nose.
  • He has a trimmed and maintained goatee. 
  • He has an undercut.
  • He has large eyebrows.
  • He's quite thick and muscular. 


Rem is a talker, an extrovert by nature who will talk to you like he's known you his whole life. He loves people, and gets antsy or pensive when left to his own devices. He loves busy work and needs to always have tasks to do, relaxing just isn't in his nature. He enjoys organizing, budgeting, all those business duties that many other extrovert types may find boring. 

He tends to come off as softer given he spent much of his life in with girls- especially one being his daughter. His dad jokes are also top notch, and he loves a good pun. However, don't let any of this make you think he's a pushover. Especially after being burned by his ex, who took advantage of his understanding and kind heart, he has no problem standing up for others. The underdog will always be his team, and considering he's older and taller than most of them, he feels the need to play Papa Bear. 

And though his daughter is here, he isn't the type to peer over her shoulder and glare down any lover she comes into contact with. Though on the flip side, he'll probably not leave the two alone, as he's quite the chatterbox. 


Rem was busy having a blast at the farmer's market, socializing and buying home necessities. He had lost track of Melody, quite common and he wasn't alarmed, as she's well over 18. The outbreak happened, and he found himself with Cass and Ivy.


Rem was born and raised in the town. He had a few girlfriends before he settled on the girl that would become his wife. She was a bit crazy, a bit opinionated and a bit selfish. Still, Rem was patient and their good times were really good. It also helped that he was out of the house a lot of the time. While still in high school, he had taken a job working in a mine nearby. He would come home dirty, tired and hungry. Still, this hard work wasn’t enough for his new bride. She wanted a child- so a child they had, when he was 20.

For many of Melody’s formative years, Rem was toiling in the mountains. This means her mother got her hooks into the young girl, and it was seriously shown by her personality. Rem watched as his little girl became more prone to outbursts, bitter and easily offended. It was a painful realization she had inherited her mother’s worst traits. Still, he did his best to curb her anger and help her channel that energy into alternative, positive ways.

This made his wife feel like he was trying to take Melody away, and resulted in more fighting. Years of working in the mines also meant Rem was more susceptible to injury, and he had to take more and more days off. This is when he began to seriously consider a new career path. During his time of wondering, his wife laid a bombshell on him- she wanted to divorce, take Melody, and live with her parents in the city. It wasn’t negotiable, and she made it a point that mothers will always win. Tired and telling himself he’d get at least joint custody, he watched his 9 year old daughter pack up and leave one last time. He had lost his daughter at 29.

He didn’t let this get him down though, and pursued owning and operating his own general store. He took over the one in town, and it was much more suited for the social, cheerful man. His cheer spiked when years later, at 36, his daughter called him up and asked if she could live with him. He asked no questions, and immediately made her room available for her. Since then, the two have gotten close. He does his best to quiet her temper, though she still has flare ups. He can tell she’s gotten angrier since she’s left.


 melody daughtER

His only child that he adores. He dotes on her, and is quite patient with Melody and her outbursts. He's protective, but encourages her to befriend others.


 ivy friend

A girl who moves into town, and they discover they're both huge fans of DnD. This is a bonding thing for them, and they love nerding out together. He loves his Lawful Good dwarf paladin.