


5 years, 9 days ago



☆ punk princess. ☆

"Ya'll are acting like this is one of those medicine commercials- I always hated those. "

Name Juniper
Called Juniper / June
Sexuality Heterosexual
Favorite Gemstone Aquamarine
Gender Female
Height 5'7
Worst Fear Death
Role Podcaster
Demeanor Sassy & Sprightly
Black Licorice


Juniper was born in the small village of Woodhurst, surrounded by trees, Bloomwood Lake, and the bleating of sheep from across the way. From the moment she was born, her parents knew the young girl would be their reckoning, her already spunky and rebellious personality showing its true colors. She grew up being the coolest kid on the block, her natural tomboyish nature, and her desire to create chaos wherever she went became a major hit with the boys her age. When Juniper was allowed to go outside and play, she would stay until the world became dark, her parents having to drag her by the shirt to get her inside for the night.

When Juniper was old enough to start school, her popularity from her earlier days seemed to transfer into the halls, the girl quickly finding her friend group and causing her normal amount of trouble. Despite the crowd she ran with she was never considered a school bully, rather the class "vigilante", standing up for the little guys and picking fights with the more pompous and preppy of her school. Despite her teachers' warnings and the many in-school suspensions, she resisted the pleas to remain quiet and let the staff handle it themselves, leading to her coming home in the custody of the town security, littered with scratches and bruises. In hopes of transforming her aggression into something more beneficial for the town, her school advisor recommended her parents enroll her in summer class electives, much to Juniper's frustration- and she made it very well aware to those around her that she didn't take lightly to having her summer break ripped from her.

Against her will, as she'd put it, she was enrolled in a summer astrology class, and Juniper refused to participate in anything related to the topic. She hoped that by refusing to partake in class, she'd be allowed to drop out, however after being introduced to the topic of constellations one day, she couldn't help but finally listen to what the teacher had to share. She immediately fell in love with the stars, investing in her own professional telescope and spending her nights gazing at the world above her. She started her own astrology podcast shortly after, capturing the attention of people from across Etharia, where at present Juniper finds millions tuning into her weekly episodes. To this day, Juniper is always looking to the stars, hoping that one day she will be able to join the big leagues and travel the universe.




Juniper suffers from Celiac's Disease, an intolerance to gluten.

Juniper's sweet tooth is unrivaled, despite her gluten intolerance.

She has around 15 skateboards, all custom-made.

Her favorite color is sunset orange.

She despises salty foods with a passion, and orders her fries unsalted. She's bullied by her friends constantly for this.





Sakura and Juniper met on an online astrology forum, the former working as an astrologist in Blackburn Ridge. Juniper was elated to find out that she worked there, and the two spend their time gushing about the astrological world and what may lie beyond the known. At present, the two are hoping to fly Juniper up to Blackburn Ridge, where she can join the staff at the Grento Astrology Research Center.




Nova is the head of Grento's Astrology Research Center in Blackburn Ridge, and became a close friend of Juniper's after Sakura referred the girl to her. Nova admires Juniper's passion for space, and hopes to make her a permanent member of the team, though she needs to find a way to help Juniper balance podcasting and work at the same time.




Juniper and Raika grew up together, finding common ground in their desire to cause chaos in their own ways. While Juniper tends to create destruction outright, Raika likes to be behind the scenes, spreading half-truths and whimsies that find their way even across the lake to Bloomwood. The two love to joke and tell each other about what they have each been getting up to, and like to spend their weekends at the skate park in Bloomwood.