Aleksey Mikheev



5 years, 1 month ago



Name: Aleksey Mikheev
Called: Alek, Aljosha, Himmel
Age: eighteen
Gender: male
Origin: Russian
Race: Human
Role: Hostage --> criminal
Alignment: well
Status: ---
Theme: Song link

Aleksey or "Alek" is a Russian-born (14 Dec 2000) human being who was raised in Germany, due to his father's work (Dmitri, who was the Russian Ambassador). Living as the son of a politician never actually influenced his growing and developpment during the first years of his life (he may seem a little spoiled in first place, but he is actually a cute and caring potato who could love you and spoil you whenever he can). Sadly, something eventually changed during his teenage (when he was fourteen years old). He is now part of a criminal organization, which you may or may not think he's happy of living in; his work name - which was given to him by his co-workers and boss- is Himmel, (in German "sky") and if he wasn't spoiled by his parents when he lived with them, he surely is now that he lives with someone else.



  • ice cream
  • sports
  • hanging out
  • his mom


  • strict people
  • being told what to do
  • dark places
  • you


Cuteness (:

He's always been a sweet, kind person since he was a child. He's favourite human being in this world was and will always be his mother, but in any case Alek's that kind of person who comes up to tears when something bad happens to someone important to him. He can get really affectionate and attached to people, sometimes even leaning to much to them - not in a pathological way, but he could still feel deeply hurt when rejected or let down. It's pretty difficult to trust people for him, but mostly because even being friendly and all, he can't always get to open himself to others so he often has that feeling that doesn't let him feel "known" by people around him.


Aiming skill

Aiming Skill

aiming skill:
Alek is still learning, but is sight has developped pretty good since he started his training. Even though he doesn't really like the idea of arms itself, and used to be afraid of the shot, he is now learning how to deal with it. He also has a really good aiming.


As an ex dancer and iceskater, Aljosha is pretty flexible and agile, expecially when it comes to doing things other people with body shapes different from his can't do.


Aleksey has a really, really, really though time everytime it comes to adapt to a new situation, may it be a new house, a new city, a new job. He honestly doesn't know how to not start feeling nervous and anxious.


Let's say it wasn't the main purpose of the ones who gave him his skills to be strong at all, but he has other qualities.


Aljosha is a good-looking male; you couldn't call him "tall", but he isn't that short now that he's fully grown up. He has a lot (really, A LOT) of blond hair he got from his mother (Anya) which, if not taken care of, will probably go in every direction. His skin is particularly pale and clear, but in a healthy-looking way. He also has lots of freckles on his nose, a little bit on his upper cheeks as well and a small beauty mark under his right eye. His big, oblong shaped eyes are of an intense blue, but closely looking at him you may notice a yellow texture in the center of his left pupil, due his father had hazel-green eyes. In general, he got most of his lookings by his mother. While still living with his parents and going to school, he used to practice lots of sports due to his schooling, but he actually used to live for dance and iceskating (which is that one sport who actually didn't let him grow as tall as his father). In any case, in the last four, five years he didn't actually have the time to ice-skate, so his body had the way to change, even if just a little.


Aleksey was born on the 14th of December 2000, in his mother's family's Dacha (summer or vacancy house), somewhere out Moscow (Russia). His father, Dmitri, was at the time a 28 year old young man working as a soldier in the Russian militia; when he married Anya, Alek's mom, after she got pregnant with the baby she wasn't 20 years old yet. Luckly, Anya was already an indipendent part-time working woman and, even if she used to attend the Foreign Language and Cultures Faculty at the University, she could manage to take care of their child when her husband was in mission for months, gaining her degree at the end. When the mom was about eight months of gestation, the fetus got an infection, which got them both sick: the birth was anticipated, so they could both be saved. Sadly, this happened a few days before Dmitri could come back from the front and he couldn't manage to see his child coming to life, but luckly Anya's mom was there to help her.

'Till the young boy was four years old, they lived in a flat in Moscow, then moved to Germany (Berlin) because Dmitri was trying to enter in the Ambassade to assure an easier family life for all of them. This has been a really difficult period for Aleksey, due to the fact that his parents didn't even bother to warn him of the imminent moving, which he took as a holiday at first. Learning a new language, a new culture, when he didn't care at all looked like a constriction to him and there hasn't been a day the boy didn't want to go back to his actual life, in Russia. It was in this period when he met his bestfriend Wilhelm, an older boy who was his babysitter's son. He was a smart, friendly boy and he was three years older than him, which somehow both scared and excited curiosity in Aljosha while he was growing up. Wilhelm has also been the biggest trigger in Aleksey's life: when the older boy, in fact, lost his father in a strange and never-solved housefire (being him a fireman), Aleksey took in consideration the fact that something like this could happen any time, to anyone. When added to the already existing stress, the new fear of losing his father at war made the whole "Germany situation" unbearable for the young boy and the family faced an unhappy period once again. This was one of the main issues which took his father, Dima, to candidate as Ambassador for his native nation, winning the place when Alek was seven years old. Anya started working for the Ambassade in this period aswell. From being a normal boy with a normal house in a healthy family, Aleksey became a normal boy with a politician father and a big, big house in the fancy side of the German Capital. He attented private schools till he was fourteen years old, he studied different languages and sports, but he also started getting excited over things and behaviours he wasn't allowed to have, both for his age and his family's social status. Even after moving house and country, they still went to Russia every summer, where they lived with their family and the big dog, Bogdan, in the Dacha.

One year after his father gained the role of Ambassador, he made friends with another really important person in his life. Haruka, the same age as him, was a Japanese born girl who, when they both were eight years old, moved to Berlin with her family who had a really famous restaurant business in Europe. She didn't speak German at that time, so maybe he felt like "he could get what she was going through" and they got unseparable since then. Somehow, Aleksey always new that, it didn't matter who and why was important for him, Wilhelm was always in the first place: it was later when he was twelve that, for the first time ever in his life, he actually felt that his best friend Wilhe was "cute", but being him too shy to express what he felt and thought, Alek never faced the fact with anyone. Probably, the only person who could say how much important was Wilhelm for Aleksey, would have come two, three years later...

When Aleksey was about to turn fifteen years old, something drastically changed his life: he got kidnapped and lost his parents, both killed by the criminal organization in which he still lives and works for after five years. It was in those moments he met someone who could, maybe, be even more important than his first "crush": Van.






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