


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Kitty Wright



Name Kitty
Pronouns She/her
Age 16 (born 2/29/04)
Gender Girl? (cis)
Race White
Height 5'9"
Sexuality Straight
ND Autistic

Appearance notes

Kitty wears pretty much the same outfit all the time: a light lavender lab coat with a blue shirt underneath and purple pants. She always keeps her hair in a braid, which she sometimes pins up into a bun for robotics. She's tall, fairly thin, and generally angular.


  • Technology
  • Podcasts (mostly taz+wtnv)
  • Cats
  • Clarinet


  • Programming
  • Large blocks of text
  • Dogs
  • Hot weather


Technology has been a huge part of Kitty's life for the past five years. She's the head of the robotics mechanics department, and loves taking computers apart to look at the hardware. She's not very good at programming though, since she has trouble processing lots of text at once.

Kitty is definitely a cat person. She has a cat named Rose who she adopted in fourth grade. She doesn't like dogs because she hates being licked, and a lot of the time they get in the way when she's working on projects at friends' houses. Rose seems to underestand her boundaries better and can sit on her shoulder without disrupting her concentration.

Kitty is very proud of the fact that she was born on leap day. She skipped second grade, and could've skipped third grade too but her mom was worried that it would be too much. Because of this, Kitty is a year younger than all of her friends, but she doesn't mind. Marie is her neighbor and helped a lot with welcoming her into the friend group. She has the most impulse control of anyone in the group but enjoys watching everyone else's shenanigans.



Marie Best Friend

Kitty and Marie are neighbors and have been best friends since third grade. Marie helped Kitty meet the rest of her friends.


Caitlin Friend

Caitlin is Kitty's best friend on the robotics team. She helps Kitty out with programming a lot.


Character [ relationship ]

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