Ashlyn Black



7 years, 11 months ago


Hopeless romantic with a bloodlust. Ashlyn spends a lot of her time day dreaming and messing around on dating sites. She likes cutesy things (which includes baby spiders, snakes, and some others) and practicing stabbing people in the back. She prides herself on being able to take people down with one hit and likes to show off whenever possible, making her somewhat reckless in a fight. She's confident in her own ability and acts very shy around boys.

Would paint her fingernails all the time if she had any. Instead, she has to settle for painted claws, which she sadly can't flaunt as much. Loves books and reads a ton of them.

Shelter...? He walked by when she and some of her siblings were doing something illegal and then had to chase him down and inform him that he'd seen to much and needed to die. Shelter didn't really care too awful much and, for some reason, this got to her. She decided, much to his confusion, that she was going to protect the sad man. She overthought it from day one, thinking maybe that he was ~ the one ~, but even a friendship took an excruciatingly long time to build. Eventually, the majority of those thought wandered from her mind and she focused on building his trust. A long time later, though, something changed. Shelter wasn't acting quite right and she found that the thoughts had returned. They sort of tried to build their relationship further, sort of didn't. It was all silent and low profile, never saying they were dating or anything like that. Shelter became scared to death of ruining Ashlyn's life and often went into one crisis after the other. He thought he was too much of a burden, too ugly, and didn't deserve it, or rather, she deserved better. The both of them became somewhat stiff, but Ashlyn was unwilling to give up on him. Constantly, she reassured him. It seemed not to work and a long time later, she began to consider giving up, but there was a sudden show of trust from him. Right away, he receeded, but it was clear he was finally getting better.

Here for you Now by Lesley Roy