Ashe Almond



7 years, 7 months ago


2/15/17. Ashe is a muddled mess of so many things that he pretty much is just a grey dude at this point. He's really a Satyr, mountain lion prowler of shifter type, Cyclops, Stonewatcher, Zephyr hybrid, if not more. Most of these things only show up in rare flickers. For example, if he decided to stay up at night and watch the stars, they'll start to show in his eyes for a bit. He has a monster feline form that fierce and imposing, but he can only use it when he's enraged thanks to his Cyclops genes. He can freeze people with his gaze, but doesn't often have reason to use it, so it mostly goes forgotten. The most prominent thing he has to deal with are the Satyr's fear instincts. Although they could be worse, they're still pretty bad. The sight of a predatory species isn't enough to freeze him, but a sudden fight breaking out is

Ashe used to be the black sheep of his friend group. When they were first starting out, they struggled to include him without causing trouble. Eventually, they managed to get him comfortable with the rest, but it wasn't without emotions running on high, paired with bouts of loneliness and violence. Even after having several years to change his attitude, he's still pretty hostile to new people and gets very uncomfortable and fidgety in crowds with the potential to snap if pushed. It's very possible he has a fear of crows or that they initiate a panic attack, as he's prone to have those. He's very grumpy and has a tendency to lash out when angry (though he tries really, really hard not to hurt his friends at this point). Probably has his arms crossed at any given time. Not one to be bossed around and hates being patronized with a burning passion. At the same time, he's not really a trouble maker. He'll follow the rules as long as he believes them reasonable. Has a difficult time accepting help, as he doesn't want charity or sympathy. Gets caught up in the whole love potion deal.