
5 years, 1 month ago


  • Kenzie

  • No icon yet
  • Age 18
  • Gender Female
  • Race Human
  • Role Supportive girlfriend
  • Sexuality Lesbian


DoB: 4 July
Origin: New York
Height: 144 cm
Build: round, chunky and short
Demeanor: happy ball of sunshine
Starsign: Cancer
  • Hugs
  • Clara/White Spider
  • Smiling
  • People who make fun of her body
  • Politics
  • being angry

"I love hugs! Could I please give you one? You look like you need a hug!"

"Don't tell me what to do! I can smile as much as I want!"


Kenzie was a rather shy girl when she was a child. Her parents loved her unconditionally, but because of her overly positive attitude, she never had any friends. But she continued to tell herself that all she needs is her family as they make her happy. She wasn't as plump as she is now when she was a child. She began to put on weight when she got into high school. She never exercised as much and due to her having no friends, she turned to sweets to make her happy. When she moved out, she met Clara, her first friend and her roommate. Well, they started off as two awkward people who couldn't make conversation, but when Kenzie found Clara's supersuit, she just had to talk about it to her friend. Soon they started talking, and became much more than just friends. 


She now supports her super girlfriend, always making her happy when she's down by using her signature squeeze hug. She cheers Clara on and helps her through tough times. She is the girlfriend every superhero wants. someone who will support their decisions and help guide them on the right path. She may not have powers, but she is definitely a hero in Clara's eyes.

Hopes for the future

Kenzie doesn't hope for much as she thinks she has everything that she has ever wanted right now. But she does hope that her and Clara could get married one day, but maybe that's a little too optimistic. 

White Spider

girlfriend ] The best kind of relationship: Edgy super child and hug-able ball of sunshine. 


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