


5 years, 1 month ago



"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." 
  •  Name  Jenna Noell Birch 
  •  Age  20's 
  •  Gender  Cis Woman
  •  Pronouns  She/Her 
  •  Sexuality  Lesbian 
  •  Bio 
  • She was the first and only clone of Jenna Prime. She adopted the self-cloning power from Jenna Prime, though not the self-resurrection. All of the other clones are a result of her. She is the most proactive clone, doing lots of superhero field work and basically devoting her life to the job. Unfortunately, her love life has suffered as a result and she is no longer dating her childhood friend Alex, though they still have feelings for each other.

  •  Personality:
    Jenny is Hardworking and Stubborn. She can and will push through any task given to her. She is self-sacrificing and cares a lot for other people, though she may struggle at showing it. She is also the responsible clone, taking on the life of the original Jenna and maintaining her familial relationships as most of them are unaware of her duplicates.
  •  Likes  list of likes 
  •  Dislikes  list of dislikes 
  •  Other
  • Extended Bio 
  • Jenna is the lovechild of her mom and James. She was raised by her mother who she grew to fight with constantly, and eventually moved in with her dad until she was able to live on her own.
    Her powers were discovered in her late teens, when she died and miraculously came back with an additional power. Only her dad and super-powered co-workers know about this.
    Eventually, after a few deaths she develops the power to create a duplicate or a ‘clone’ of herself. She splits into Jenna Prime, who retains the power of self-resurrection, and Jenny, who only retains the ability to clone herself.
  • Dawn and Ruby are both clones of Jenny and share all memories up until they split. Jenny keeps her name and family; the clones are expected to come up with new identities and lives which is extremely disorienting at first.
  • Cloning Power Explanation 
  • Jenna Prime develops the ability to clone herself, leading to the creation of Jenny. Jenna Prime does not make any more clones before dying and changing powers. All other clones are the result of Jenny. Clones retain all memories up until the point of their creation and look identical minus the occasional small blemish or power related change. They are completely human and tend to gain a new power but lose the cloning power of Jenny. Often, they will adopt new identities and will alter their appearances to differentiate themselves.

  • Because powers come at birth, powers may develop in similar scenarios. In the case of Jenna Prime, her resurrections work similarly to as if she was a completely new person. With each death and subsequent resurrection, she is given a new power, but the nature of her original power allows her to keep it between lives. Similarly, with Jenny each clone gets their own power as they are just being created (and it is not a 100% exact clone).