


5 years, 7 days ago


  • Posie (Poseidon)

  • Age 18
  • Gender Male
  • Grade 12
  • Role Student Council (Senior Representative)
  • Alignment --


For Gakuen Olympia RP [2014 - 2016]

"Whatever, do what you want."

ring around the rosiesssssss pockets full of posies


AU (RP groups)

  • Arcem Alva: female counterpart Rhodeia Ennosid AKA Rosie; half-dark elven trident-toting wizard privateer with an indifferent facade over a dumbass temper. [deceased]
  • Arcem Alva: Pòsidris Siosalach AKA Posie; dark-elven fork-toting wizard, half brother to Rosie who he never knew lmao.


Birthday: September 7th
Origin: --
Height: 5'11 (180 cm)
Build: --
Weight: 160 lbs (73 kg)
Clubs: Clubs: Student Council (Senior Representative), Equestrian Club [President].
Residence: Gamma House (γ)
House: Lapetus (Ἰαπετός)
-- --
Theme: --
  • forks
  • horsies
  • praise... sekretly...
  • broken forks
  • overachievers
  • actually really dislikes when people don't keep their word in spite of his own lacking commitments.


Indifferent; The type of person who looks like they don't really care too much for anything... which he basically doesn't. Usually. He has no problems interacting with others, he just doesn't think much of it. Because he's prone to this trait, he tends to not get many things done by himself without some sort of incentive.

Average; Generally compliant to others' decisions or requests, he neither under- nor overachieves. His overall mediocrity in many aspects may just be due to him not caring enough.

Envious; And yet, he still can't help but feel miffed by those who excel beyond or receive inordinate amounts of attention... while he can't muster up enough effort to spare. What a cycle.

Moody; Contrary to his supposed apathy, if he's pushed too far the wrong way, he does get a little... well, emotionally volatile.


  • Is pretty decent at swimming, but has no particular interest in pursuing it more than leisure.
  • He likes to carry a fork around from the family's silverware. Maybe it's out of some unconscious family pride, or maybe it's like a silver, three-pronged teddy bear. Who knows. Either way, don't take it from him.
  • Sometimes wears reading glasses in an attempt to be studious. Hopefully it makes him look a little more attentive. Probably not.
  • Mermaid hair is in the family genes.
  • On that vein HE CAN GROW A MEAN WHITE BEARD IF HE WANTS To i'm jk except not


Middle (and only) son amongst his seven other siblings. With capable elders, pampered youngers, and driven adults, he's a bit lax when it comes to contributing to the wealthy household–especially as his family mainly invests in passenger and cruise lines alongside dabbling in city infrastructure... nothing of which tickles his fancies. Go figure.

When he was younger he was far more prone to acting out and simultaneously passionate in what he pursued. But rather than a singular incident, it was a gradual realization that led to his current apathy and mediocre performance in everything despite his capabilities; these habits' roots ran deep and difficult. With little attachment to anything in his prior school, be it friends or subjects or otherwise, he took the offer to Olympia with little hesitation when the family was approached–mainly just to try a new experience. He didn't care whatever happened either way.

How did you incorporate the myth you chose into your character? (details please):

  • Personality-wise: the bad temper, moodiness, and violent nature. He's prone to (petty) vengeance and tantrums, much like his namesake who was notorious for the traits; thankfully, it's long-hidden and he intends to keep it that way.
  • Design-wise: Trident and dolphin embroidery on his scarf, two of Poseidon's chief symbols; his dark-skinned and pale hair palette is one of several interpretations artwise.
    • Ethnically mixed to account for Poseidon's assimilated roles and migration (possibly, as one of several theories) as a more land-based god, to ruler of the seas, following the Greeks' changing lifestyles.
  • Background-wise: Poseidon was master of the seas and additionally referred to as 'earth-shaker' for the quakes and disasters when his trident struck the ground.
    • His family is divided into two general divisions to relate to both aspects [ship lines for maritime, hard-infrastructure for the earth.] Family crest is based on Poseidon's symbols.
    • His mother here is named Thalassa; a moon of planet Neptune and in myth a primordial sea goddess (often a counterpart to Amphitrite).
    • He does not get along with his (step)fathers, in light reference to the mythos of Cronus and Rhea. [more expanded on this later if further sought icly.]
    • His 7 sisters are all named after Nereids, sea nymphs in the retinue of Poseidon; more specifically, they are six of the Nereid-named moons of Neptune, alongside Amphitrite, the wife of Poseidon.
  • Hobby-wise: Poseidon was god of sea, storms but also tamer of the horses.
    • Posie is not a brony okay but he does have an affinity with the creatures and far more understanding when dealing with them alone. On the other hand his patience grows thin when their attention is divided to others.
    • His own horse (a dappled grey Arabian) is named Arion, after the talking equine offspring, only his horse doesn't talk and they are most certainly not his offspring



[ peer ] A demanding girl...



[ peer ] An undemanding girl...
