
5 years, 5 days ago


  • Rothik - The White Walker

  • Age Immortal/15
  • Gender Stallion
  • Race Dutch Warmblood x Percheron
  • Role Regent of Sharad
  • Alignment Sharad/Autumn

"The White Walkers dont care if a man is free folk or crow. We're all the same to them, meat for their army."

A sturdy thick body is what holds Rothik up. He towers at a good height of 17.2hh, on top of three black toes instead of one whole hoof. His legs shimmer between a white creamy color mixed with hints of brown through out, getting significantly darker as it nears his elbows. The base of his body is a dark deep green, something that would remind you of a swamp deep within a forest. It's tainted with dapples, oozing out around his face. More so around his eyes and cheek area traveling into the middle of his face. While the other dapples dance down his neck, across his withers to his barrel. Some more making home on his rump The color that is on his legs can be seen on his withers and lower parts of his barrel, changing the color of the dapples. He appears to have a creamy looking blaze of sorts, shifted off to the left side of his face. It looks as if someone took paint and just squiggled it down over his golden eyes. Horns protrude out from his skull, giving him a bit more of a rougher tough look. His mane has hints of black and green through out it, as well as his medium length tail.

Rothik carries himself with a sort of regal pride. One that has a tough layer built around to protect himself but others as well. Once you have his hand in friendship, you have his hand in battle as well. He is the type of guy to wage war upon his enemies and show no mercy. Not knowing when to stop is one of his weaknesses which he views as a strength. Sometimes Rothik can make hasty decisions, but thats simply because he tends to follow his heart and what he feels is right. Hes a bartering type of man, refusing to give information if he gains nothing from it. All together some of these traits make him seem like an asshole, which he can be. Especially if you take a look at the quick fiery temper he can have. Hes stubborn - its tough to get him to sway from an idea. Not many have succeeded. And some will tell you Rothik can be a bit strange and secretive at times.


Alok-Dilon is his name, translating to Necromancy. Alok is roughly 25 hands high, towering over Rothik by quite a bit. He makes him feel rather small standing beside him missing the days when he was a hatchling. The dragon has black scales with distinctive red eyes that feel as if they are watching your every move. Alok once knew Rothik from his previous herdland however upon meeting him in Caeleste he came too him in the form of a newborn. He is Rothiks eyes and ears, his tough skin littered with scars here and there from old battles. With the way his scales are made they give him a slightly skeletal appearance, some of the skin on his wings ripped and torn here and there. Just like Rothik he has his own pair of horns that sprout from his head. Hooks can be seen along his wings as well.




DoB: 17th of September
Origin: Arnor Realm
Height: 17.2hh
Build: Thick/Muscular
Demeanor: Content/slightly serious
  • The Evening
  • Spooky Things
  • Friendly People
  • Weakness
  • Hopeless Feelings
  • Being Preyed Upon




A descendant of the legendary warrior - Amadeus blackblood; a necromancer. Rothik had only heard whispers of him growing up about who he was. A necromancer who waged war across the northern plains of the Arnor realm. A horse who slaughtered a herd and brought them back to life only to do his bidding - to act as Sentinels. For some reason this fact made Rothik feel strange growing up. He felt as if others looked at him weird, as if he was cursed. And that feeling did not help at all when he finally got booted from the herd.

He knew not to take it personally. But he couldn't help it. And it bubbled a small rage up inside of him which only expanded as he ambled through out the lands on his own. The first few months was rough but he was set out a mission and that was to master something. He would not be able to return empty handed and it spurred him on more. While on this hunt he encountered predators - bringing upon his very first fight. Which was also his very first kill. And what was born from this was a set of skills that came to him almost naturally; a warrior of sorts. But he walked away from that first fight with a huge lesson. Do not let your guard down. Even if your on a simple walk, always be ware of your surroundings. The lesson resulted in a rather deep neck wound. And if that Crow had not been watching, it could of taken a very bad turn. For the crow that had been spying upon Rothik since day one brought something to the young stallion. Another being from the blackblood lines whose hands had been dipped into necromancy.

From there Rothik learned of necromancy. The art showed him why he felt a strange artistic vibe when it came to fighting, as well as the family knowledge he gained. It also showed him how it could be a valuable asset in his arsenal. Rothik also earned a friend - a skilled fighter who refused to give up her name. Together however with her help, she improved his skills and shaped him into who he is today. A horse who was feared in the land he came from, crafting his own armies with her help. As well as many battles under his belt with the scars to prove.

He came to Caeleste to see what else he could learn that would help him and the Arnor, not knowing what would happen once he passes into their land.


Caeleste held a lot of adventures for Rothik upon his arrival. Upon entry into the passage, he felt something was wrong. All of the magic was being seeped away by some mysterious forest within the passage and the feeling of regret of ever coming here hit the stud. Maybe karma was finally creeping up on him for all of the blood he had on his hands. What made it worse was wandering around in circles. The exit seemed like it didnt exist and that he was forever lost. Just when he thought the forest was empty too he stumbled across a thicker, slightly taller ebony male. The shadows seemed to move with him, giving off an eerie vibe. And for the 1st time in Rothiks life he was made the hunted. Maybe the forest felt the game of cat and mouse happening because a small white orb appeared, helping him to freedom.

He spent his time traveling the lands of Caeleste before stumbling into someone that would turn into a life long friend. Leonidas helped Rothik learn about the lands and the deities that resided here. That was the day he pledged himself to Sharad - the autumn alliance and began his quest to get his necromancy back. It was a very long journey that earned him some more friends along the way such as Andromeda, Itarille, Vulkan, and Harena. He continued to practice his fighting skills with friends and strangers alike.

It wasnt long before he became Second in Command of Sharad. He always had Leonidas back, patrolling the land nad helping out with the military. Sharad would always be his home - the 1st actual place he felt like he belonged too. But he wanted something more and thats when he acquired a piece of land within the Desert. It housed a grand pyramid with magical properties and this place became Menhit Battlegrounds. A place that hosted tournaments, maze challenges, as well as survival events. It tested your skills and helped you improve.

It wasnt long before he felt like karma was creeping into his life again though. The last quest of his final sorcery stone had him bring back those that he killed and find closure as well as helping strangers find closure. This brought up emotions he never experienced before such as loneliness; the desire of having someone there in his life. Maybe it was what he needed after all. Maybe it was why the gods made him immortal - to help him grow as an equine. Him growing and changing didnt stop there. When the tsunami hit he got away lucky compared to others with temporary hearing loss.


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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
