


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Honeyblossom
Age 29.5 moons
Gender Cisgender; She/her
Breed Maine Coon mix
Clan Ridgeclan
Rank Medicine cat
Mentor Hawkpatch
Apprentice N/A

Honeyblossom is a dainty she-cat with a brilliant cinnamon striped coat with white masking her chest, belly, muzzle, paws and under tail. She has long, very soft fur which is well kept as she doesn't like it when it's messy. She is one of the few in Cragclan that has inherited the rare trait of purple eyes. Unlike most Cragclan cats who are built for fighting, Honey instead has a very slim build with not a lot of muscles, meaning she excells more in her nimblness rather than strength.


  • Spending time with those she cares for ❤❤
  • Meeting new cats!
  • Helping others!!
  • Flowers & Herbs~!
  • The sound of rain at night.


  • Violence
  • Seeing her friends hurt
  • Feeling useless
  • Being ignored
  • The sound of thunder


  • Becoming a medicine cat ✔
  • Making friends in other clans ✔
  • Figuring out the meaning behind her dreams
  • Having the medicine cat meetings reinstated


  • Not being able to save someone
  • Losing her loved ones
  • Not being needed
  • -


Gentle, Compassionate, Hardworking

Explaination of good traits here

Trusting, Curious, Positive

Explaination of Neutral traits here.

Reckless, Self-concious, Overthinker

Explaination of Negative traits here.


Before Birth

Brindleflare was a warm-hearted she-cat of CragClan. The Clan side-eyed her and her siblings but she had time and time again proved her loyalty. Kind to her Clanmates but resilient in the face of danger, she was one of the cats chosen to reinforce the inner dens in case of cave-ins. Her own life was of little matter to her - a true CragClan at heart, her blood dictated otherwise. Born as the product of a CrossClan relationship between a CragClan and RoostClan warrior, she was given to her father in CragClan due to the rising hostilities - and because her mother's mate in RoostClan wasn't aware of her affair - and she looked very much like her father. Her father taught her about her mother but she had never personally grown close to her as she grew. However, that made her very lenient towards RoostClanners and would more often than not befriend them. She was friends with Hummingflight and thus knew Petalsnap, the deputy at the time. She was alarmed when Petalsnap told her that he was helping smuggle some CragClan sympathizers into RoostClan. Brindleflare said nothing until it happened. There, she was introduced to a small group of five warriors.

Buzzardstorm, a warrior older than her was a familiar sight - he had been the RoostClan deputy. He claimed that some cats were left behind and that RoostClan was falling due to Coldmoon's influence, one of whom Brindleflare learned was his daughter. He stated he knew the times of the habitual patrols, when and where they'd be, and would help CragClan reclaim their rightful territory. Elkmoon was hesitant to allow the RoostClanners in and they had to prove their worth - however, when it came to light that Buzzardstorm's words had merit, the war was started. Petalsnap resigned as deputy - he knew that as deputy they would try to preserve his life and he'd much prefer to be in the heat of battle. Buzzardstorm was chosen as deputy and with that, his control grew. He was charismatic and would charm most cats - Brindleflare included. He knew that she was friends with most cats in the Clan so he initially used her to broaden his knowledge and to befriend more cats in CragClan. However, Brindleflare was curious on the life that she had missed out on and Buzzardstorm gradually indulged her. Time passed and the war went into full swing - with Elkmoon resigning from the position and taking his unshed lives with him, too ashamed to own up to the fact that he let the war happen, but let the other two Clans believe that he perished. Buzzardstorm stepped up from his position and became leader. He never grew cold towards her but distant, but she could tell that he loved her all the same. They had agreed to become mates half a year prior to the end of the war and he was perfectly doting mate when he could be. However, he learned that he would have another reason to strive to better CragClan and win the war - not just for his mate but for his unborn kits as well.

After Birth

Honeykit was born to a litter of three. She was orginally stillborn, but as fate would have it the cats in Dawn decided to grant her a second chance at life. A connection was formed because of this unknown to her and as a result for short period of time she used to have frequent dreams that involved starry cats. Unfortunately, due to the war she wasn't able to spend a lot of time with her father meaning a deeper connection couldn't be built, but he was always very kind towards them whenever he popped up with a big old smile when he saw his three kits. Honeykit liked his big paws and his rough voice, she always felt safe when she was with him. However, as fate had it his life was taken one day, such as was to be expected to happen in war but Honeykit at the time who had been pretty sheltered from it all just couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to see her father anymore. She spent a couple of days where she just refused to eat all together and would sit waiting at the edge of the nursery waiting for her father to pop in like her always had- But that never did happen. It was only when she realized that she was causing her family grief because of her actions that she started to begrudging eat again and plaster her normal kind smile back on. Whether she truly got over the incident though, was never actually known however time and the distractions of life did allow her grief to subside after the war ended. One day their brother was feeling ill, Honeykit and her sister Adderkit found a small tunnel while playing in the camp. Deciding to investigate the pair found it led to the outside- A whole new work appeared before the small kit’s eyes, the two had never been outside after all. In their excitement they clambered all the way up to the Lighthouse where a Tideclan patrol consisting of Sedgestream and Troutpaw, discovered the pair. After the appearance of Bluestripe, there was a rough conversation, the tensions from the war still quite clearly prominet, before the two kits were hauled back to Cragclan.

Honeykit was well liked in the clan and loved both her siblings equally and as she grew she ended up making friends with two apprentices in particular Batpaw and Koipaw who she saw as older brothers. One day after sneaking out, Koipaw suffered an injury while the two were together and ended up breaking his jaw, luckily the pair was able to stumble across Tawnysplash the Tideclan medicine cat who was able to help. Honeykit hated how useless she had felt in the moment and began to admire the medicine cat profession. This admiration deepened as she started to spend time with Hawkpatch when she would pop in to see how Koipaw was. She got lost in discovering her new path as she had always harboured doubts about becoming a warrior, when she was a pacifist by nature and preferred helping cats in other ways. It seemed though that her gaze was too fixated on what was to come and because of that she angered her brother who thought she was choosing becoming a medicine cat over spending time with her siblings.


  • As she grows into apprenticed hood, everynow and then she starts to have odd dreams but Honeypaw doesn't pay any real attention to them.
  • After asking Koipaw to help her find some Catmint the two stumbled across Tawnysplash at the Tideclan border. Honeypaw thanks the she-cat again for her help with Koipaw and then excitedly informs the she-cat that she has decided to take the path of a Medicine cat! Tawnysplash is thrilled by the news.
  • Batflame returns to camp with an injured paw, while tending to his wounds he asks Honeypaw if she has any goals. She replies that she'd like to make friends in other clans and hopes that perhaps one day she can get medicine cat meetings to happen again. The warrior tells her that her goal is admirable and offers to introduce her, to one of his friends in Tideclan at a later date.
  • Honeypaw meets Lichenpaw for the first time at the Roostclan border, who is injurged after running off a small fox. After tending to his wounds the Roostclan apprentice expresses his interest in herbs and Honeypaw is only more than happy to talk about her passion and make a new friend in the process.
  • Honeypaw runs into Troutpaw again at the Tideclan border. Troutpaw doesn't recognize her at first but Honeypaw can't help feeling she's seen him somewhere before. Before long Honey realizes she meet him at the lighthouse as a kitten and gets a little embarrassed about it. During their talk, Honeypaw picks up on his interest in herbs. Eager to make friends with similar interest she keeps talking to the tom until her mentor, Hawkpatch calls her away.
  • One of the apprentices from Cragclan, Plumpaw, starts to hang around the Medicine cat den a lot, in order to avoid their mother, Magpieshade. Because of this Honeypaw gets to talk with them a lot and they hit it off almost instantly.
  • Batflame pops into the Medicine den to ask Honeypaw if she'd like to meet that friend of his, she agrees after finishing up her morning duties. When they get to the Tideclan border, Honeypaw realizes that cat was none other than Sedgestream, the she-cat who she'd meet at the lighthouse as a kit. Sedgestream tells Honeypaw stories about when Batflame was young- which Honey is only more than happy to hear about.
  • Having some free time on her hands, Honeypaw decides to go hunting for some flowers nearby Roostclan territory. There she meets Sahara a loner, who seems to have a great interest in the clans. Honeypaw likes the she-cats spunky attitude and the two get along.
  • As a change of pace, Honeypaw decides to out on a patrol with Swiftpounce, a Cragclan warrior. She learns more about his history, namely how his parents were loners.
  • While on the search for herbs by the Tideclan border Honeypaw bumps into Snakebite, a new warrior from Tideclan. Despite the initial awkwardness from the warrior, they two hit it off. Their talk is quickly interrupted as Koipaw arrives and tension run high after a few snarky remarks from Snakebite. After a little scuffle Koipaw leaves in a huff with Honey in tow.
  • Honeypaw runs after Koipaw to make sure he's alright. It seemed the comment that Honey might like Snakebite better had gotten to him. Honey reassures him that it was Koipaw who was her best friend. With this Koipaw starts feeling better.
  • A week later Honeypaw meets Snakebite at the Tideclan border, it seemed he had been hoping to catch her again. The two congratulate each other on their new status's as warrior and apprentice respectively and Honeypaw explains why she choose to be a Medicine cat.
  • Honeypaw is excited about going with out on an herb patrol with her two littermates, Adderpaw and Flickerpaw, along with Swiftcreek and Batflame. At the Roostclan border they quickly bump into Chestnutfur and Longstep, who are a bit suspicious of the large patrol but things seem okay until Honeypaw spots Stormkit who she doesn't realize is a spirit. The atmosphere gets weird but Flickerpaw ends up sticking up for his sister, which Honey appreciated more than he knew.
  • Honeypaw and Flickerpaw are assigned on a patrol with Hollyblossom. Both are not very impressed with the older she-cat's snide comments towards some of their clanmates.
  • Honeypaw meets up with Tawnysplash again, there she is introduce to Reedkit. A kit Tawnysplash had found and decided to take care off. Reedkit remarks that she's heard about Honey from her mother before and the two bond over sharing stories about Tawnysplash.
  • Honeypaw meets Snagglefang, a Tideclan warior and offers to help him search for herbs, for his clan.
  • At the Roostclan border, Honeypaw meets Redstorm and soon discovers that not only was she Koipaw's sister but she was also expecting kits! When asking about the father, Redstorm quickly lies and tells her the name of a Roostclan tom.
  • Honeypaw gets chosen as one of the cats to participate in the event to help improve relationships between the clans and the outsiders. As fate would have it, she ends up paired with Sahara!! The two cats are very happy about this news and happily chat to one another.
  • Hornetmoon steps down and Bluestripe becomes the new leader. She appoints Darkstipe as her deputy.
  • In her spare time Honeypaw would spend it either hanging out with her friends Koi or Plum, or checking in on her siblings.
  • After getting to know Sahara better, the loner confesses that she'd like to join Cragclan but is worried about Adderpaw as the two used to be together. Honey encourges her friend to do what she thinks is right reguardless of others and offers to help her meet with Bluemoon.
  • After arriving back to Cragclan, Honeypaw goes to see the leader and tells her about Sahara. Bluemoon agrees to meet the loner, but makes not promises about accepting her. Honey thanks Blue and is excited to tell the news to her friend.
  • Honeypaw and Bluemoon meet up with Sahara at the promised place. After a quick talk, Bluemoon gives Sahara an assessment to see if she would be suited for clan life. After passing both the hunting and fighting part of the assessmnet, Sahara is welcomed into the clan.
  • Sahara joins Cragclan and gets her warrior name Wildpaw! Honeypaw though continues to call her by her nickname Hara.
  • Honeypaw meets up with Lichenpaw again at the Roostclan border. He informs her that he's decided to take the path of a medicine cat as well after being inspired by her. Honeypaw is of-coarse overjoyed by the news.
  • Honeypaw helps deliver Smokeflower and Batflames kits. All is well until she notices that an extra kit suddenly appears.
  • Honeypaw has a hunch that Sunkit might be Redstorms kit, what with the timing and uncanny resemblance, but doesn't want to believe that Batflame would cheat on his mate.
  • Bonefeather confirms her suspicion about Sunkit after mentioning the mother was from Roostclan.
  • While near the Tideclan border a spirit by the name of Mosspaw appears asking her for her help, she follows to find Troutspark collasped on the ground and nurses him back to health. Worried about him, she gets him to agree to meet up with her so that she can check on him.
  • Honeypaw and Flickerpaw talk it out(?)
  • Honeypaw does battle training with Hawkpatch, learning how to defend herself from others.
  • After battle training meets up with Koipaw, where after conversing for a bit the two are approched by Darkflame who starts to question Koipaw's loyalty due to his background and even goes after his family. Honeypaw defends Koipaw as well as rebutted the tom's statment when he tried to tell Honeypaw that Adderpaw agreed with his thinking.
  • Afterwards Koipaw confesses his feelings to Honeypaw but Honey tells him she only loves him as a brother.
  • After talking more with Troutspark and finding out what had probably caused his collapse, she suggests that he try mixing in with his food. And gradually increases the amount he ate, as too much at once would likely only upset his stomach which wasn't used to eating much.
  • Honeypaw meets Morningwish, a Cragclan spirit killed during the war time. Morningwish ends up following her back home.
  • Honeypaw runs into Reedpaw again at the border and finds out they have become an appprentice now!
  • Visiting Troutspark and Mosspaw becomes a part of her routine and something she looked forward too. When Troutspark would leave to return to his clan, Honeypaw would often stay a little longer to talk to Mosspaw.
  • Mosspaw and Morningwish get to know each other during the time when Honeypaw would go to visit Troutspark.
  • Honeypaw's strange dreams come back even more frequent and urgent than before. It feels like she is being called somewhere. Honey finally decides to discuss her dreams with her mentor, Hawkpatch. Hawkpatch believes it might be a message and tells her than medicine cats used to receive prophetic dreams from Starclan.
  • Honeypaw and Hawkpatch go to Bluemoon to discuss Honey's dreams. Blue suggests that Honey go and seek out the other medicine cats from Tide and Roost to see what they think. Hawkpatch can't go with her, since they need one of the medicine cats to stay, which he isn't too happy about. But in the end, they agree that Swiftcreek with go with her instead. Since her assessment is due soon, they decide to put the excursion on hold until she's received her full name.
  • Honeypaw finds out that Swiftcreek is in a realtionship with a kittypet named, Celeste. She is supportive of their relationship. Even helping the tom to have an excuse to go see her.
  • Honeypaw decides to complete the warrior's assessment and goes into the tunnels alone, she is successful and manages to find the exit by herself.


  • Honeyblossom is granted her full name along with her two siblings Adderbite and Flickerscent and one of her good friends Plumbelly.
  • Honeyblossom finds out that Swiftcreek and Celeste are expecting kits!! She is very happy for the loving pair.
  • Mosspaw tags along with Honeyblossom and Morningwish on one of their excursions to Celete's house.
  • Sweetpaw comes to see Honeyblossom after running into a bramble bush while training. While Honey treats the apprentice the two talk. Sweetpaw is down because she believes isn’t doing very well in her training while her siblings seem to be progressing well. Honey reassures her that everyone has their own strengths and learning pace.
  • On one of her ventures to meet up with Troutspark, she comes across Koispots and Snakebite already at the Tideclan border. After explaining what she was doing briefly without going into too much detail, since she wanted to respect Troutspark's privacy, she shares some playful banter with the two. However, they are interrupted by Darkstripe who attacks Snakebite without warning. After stopping Darkstripe from almost drowning the Tideclan warrior he orders Honey and Koi to back to camp. The two grudgingly do as they are told but Honeypaw makes sure that Snakebite is fine first.
  • Honeyblossom returns later to fifull her meeting with Troutspark.
  • The next day her and Koipaw return to meet with Snakebite and double check that he was okay.
  • Troutspark starts to slowly look healthier and put on weight.
  • Honeyblossom notices Sunpaw looking down and asks if he'd like to join her for a change of pace.
  • Morningwish and Mosspaw pass on together.
  • Honeyblossom finds Snakebite crying at the border. He tells her about Mark and how he's having kits. Honey comforts the tom and feels conflicted that she isn't able to help him more.
  • Honeyblossom helps deliver the CelSwift kits.
  • Koispots tells Honeyblossom that he's leaving to be with Snakebite. Honey is conflicted by the news, but wishes him the best.
  • Honeyblossom often took time to pop in and see the Celswift kits. She very much enjoyed playing with them and the four kits seemed to have taken to her. She starts to consider wanting kits of her own one day.
  • The kits come of age and two of them, Cecil and Lucien decide to join Cragclan. Honeyblossom is of course thrilled by this and welcomes them both.
  • Honeyblossom does training with Cecil, Lucienpaw and Flicker maybe(?)
  • Honeyblossom finally sets out with Swiftcreek in the early morning to visit the clans about her dreams. Both Swift and Honey have meetings beforehand so they agree to meet up later. However, Honey gets into an accident and falls off a cliff striking her head. Luckily, she had planned to meet up with Troutspark at the time, so him and Snakebite quickly find her and take her to the Tideclan medicine cat den.
  • The next day she wakes up with no memories.... (Currently being Rp'd)


Mother Brindleflare
Father Buzzardmoon
Flickerscent & Adderbite
Chestnutfur, Beetletooth, Shellflight, Crocusdrop
Daughter(s) Dahlia/Lilykit
Son(s) xxx
R.Orientation Demi-romantic
S.Orientation Asexual(Wants kits though)

Troutspark [Good Friend / Current Love Interest]

"I think true love is being with someone who makes you feel lucky to be yourself." - Faraway
"Everytime you look my way, my heart starts to flutter... Could these feelings be...?"


Snakebite [ Close Friend ]

"I'm very happy to have become friends with Snakebite! Though I wish I could do more to lift the burden from his shoulders and pray that he might only find happiness from now on."


Dahlia/Lilykit [ Future Daughter ]

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