

Name Candy
Called Deedee
Age Young Adult
Gender Female
Race Hallowed Slime
Role Familiar Adoption Agent
Zodiac Wreath

Like most first generation slimefolk, Candy comes across as innocent and naive, almost child-like. Fortunately, her mutations as a slime weren't too severe, but she still earns strange looks for slimes and non-slime alike. Candy hates feeling anything but happy, and tries to help others be the same. Her life is currently dedicated to looking after familiars in an adoption centre and to help them find loving homes. Her secret interest is in the particularly intelligent slime familiars, hoping to encourage them to become sentient like her.


  • Socialising
  • Happiness
  • Animals


  • Stress
  • Unfairness
  • Arrogance


Candy was among the first slimefolk to evolve from a familiar, however she was seen as particularly intriguing as she had been a mutant slime as a familiar. When she evolved and adapted into a sentient individual, her mutant-shaped slime endured the transition. Fortunately, her floating hearts were more seen as endearing than freakish, and Candy was happily accepted into the classes that specialised in teaching the new slimefolk how to be a part of society. Like many newly evolved slimefolk, Candy was timid of her surroundings but had a child-like innocence and sense of discovery. She was often praised by her teachers for her ability to adapt and learn the world around her and found joy in helping the other slimefolk as much as she could.

Passing Classes

Despite the praise in classes, it was clear when people looked at Candy they saw nothing but a child. While many people were accepting of the new slimefolk, others found it disturbing that familiars could evolve into free-thinking individuals with as many rights as any other race. She found herself being subconsciously taught to stay in her shell and not try anything too ambitious - she was just a smart familiar, after all. Despite her pleasing and helpful nature, she grew frustrated by the constraints constantly being raised around her. She believed everyone was only trying to help but she, too, wanted to help others. With the assistance of kind teachers and patient friends, Candy was able to pass the curriculum set out by the Asphodel community college. She had studied in familiar care, her soft nature lending itself to work that involved helping others, especially little critters that couldn't help themselves.


Upon graduating, Candy was at a loss. She had been implicitly told over and over that she could not live on her own. The world was new to her, after all, and it was difficult to be treated with respect when only a few years ago she had been a pile of semi-sentient goo. During her time at college, she had seen a few small groups of slimefolk fighting for the rights of their familiar kin. Slime ranches had started to gain negative press, and many slime familiars had been disowned due to the difficult nature surrounding their ownership. As a slimefolk herself, however, Candy saw no problem in her kin having loving homes pre-sentience. It was during this time of internal turmoil that Candy decided what she wanted to do with her life - help familiars, slime and others, find loving homes. She quickly applied to a local familiar adoption centre and has found boundless joy in spending her days with familiars large and small. Who knows, she might even be able to influence particularly intelligent slimes into achieving their own sentience.



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