


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Havelock
Called Havelock
Age Adult
Gender Male
Race Infected Hallowed Litch | Demon
Role Political Leader
Zodiac Key

Havelock was on the path of a successful politician before the night the corrupted attacked. In a daring act to save his brother, the hallowed was bitten and infected, forever changing his life. His only passion now is to find his old lover and infect her as well. He has managed to rise through the ranks of the other cannibals, using his political skills to gain favour and power. It's difficult for him to interact with anyone outside of his own kind, but in dark clubs and alleys sometimes it’s harder to see his... disturbing features.


  • Control
  • Order
  • Uniqueness


  • Distractions
  • Subversion
  • Injustice


Havelock was born into a wealthy family, and was the firstborn of a powerful union. His demon mother was the head of the Vetinillia family, a longstanding name amongst merchants that had been established during the first large demon civil war. His other mother was the second in line to a powerful litch house - Rinari - who provide alchemical potions and ingredients to some of the most established companies Below. It was expected that Havelock would be raised with the most expensive education and resources. The fact that he was mutated meant little to his parents, although quickly-quelled rumours frequently arise among the families as to why his mothers had risked awakening a child during the hallows. Despite the concerns, Havelock grew to be confident and near-disturbingly intelligent; his ability to problem solve was seen as a great boon, ensuring he would be a significant asset to either the merchant family or the alchemical monopoly. It wasn't until he was a teenager that Havelock realised he was missing a key part of his education - socialisation. While he often saw other children within his families' social circles, he became aware that he was practically clueless towards any other cultures. The young hybrid insisted that he attend the large Asphdel Academy so he could observe the less fortunate and learn more than he ever could within his insulated home. His mothers were dubious at first, but it was difficult to deny any requests from the persuasive teenager. When he left, his mothers chose to awake another child, concerned that their firstborn may be straying from the path they had desired for him.

Bright Future

Once he arrived at the Academy, Havelock found himself thrown into the midst of a whole new world. While he still lived at his large family estate, just spending a few hours a day in the new environment was enlightening. It didn't take him long to slide to the top of the school hierarchy; his smooth tongue and quick wit was enough to compensate for his intimidating appearance. Havelock found himself so invested in the different communities around the school that he signed up to be a school leader, enjoying the challenges of problem solving for dozens of different cultures and how to get them to co-operate and engage with one another. This hobby eventually turned into a passion for the hybrid, and he made the confident decision to pursue a career in politics. Seeing all of his plans come to fruition, chaos turning into order, people eager to follow his ideas and instructions - it was intoxicating to him. Only one thing distracted him from his studies and political interests; a beautiful fey named Tsuki. She was studious and yet so hesitant, an obvious cloud of fear always following her. Havelock approached her once after a history class, concerned she may need help. The fey was immediately infatuated; a handsome, confident stranger had taken a notice of her, and she immediately felt more at ease in the hybrid's presence. Havelock always responded well to people admiring him, but there was something so sincere in Tsuki that he felt himself being equally drawn to her. Despite the fear that seemed to surround her, there was a burning passion in her eyes that he found both charming and inspiring. Over the next few years Havelock loved nothing more than getting to know Tsuki, discovering her deepest passions and fears; he was always encouraging her to pursue what stoked her inner fire, sincerely confident that she could excel in any field she desired. Together they were unstoppable, and they remained together throughout their studies at Asterion. Havelock graduated a year earlier than her and had launched into his career of politics, although it came abruptly to a halt when the Infected attacked.

The Greatest Sacrifice

Havelock had been visiting his younger brother who was enjoying some festivities at the Academy when the alarms began to sound. He quickly leapt into action, organising the chaos into orderly groups, making sure everyone stopped panicking and used the most efficient routes to the safehouse. Of course, this meant he himself was still in danger when the first group of cannibals arrived. He was prepared to fight - all Vetinillia children were taught by an established assassin family, and his venomous tail was always useful in a fight - but hadn't realised his brother had stayed behind to watch him lead the masses. Needing to both escort his brother to safety and fight off the attackers, even Havelock couldn't survive the night unscathed. As he threw his brother into the safehouse and closed the door, he was pinned to the ground by a powerful Infected. While he felt their teeth sink into his neck and his vision begin to fade, he replayed the last thing he had saw - his brother screaming, tears pouring down his cheeks as he reached out for his hero, just as the door slammed shut.

Dark Present

Havelock awoke in a cave, greeted by other Infected... his new family. A hunger had filled him during his slumber, an insatiable desire for power and control. The cannibals hadn't realise what a prize they had found when they first turned the hybrid; a bright mind that could manipulate the most chaotic civilisation into a well-oiled machine. Within a few weeks, the Infected were far more efficient in their hunts, growing their numbers and power. While the Queen was their undeniable ruler, many of them turned to Havelock to solve their problems and guide them in their daily routine. Havelock was satisfied with his new life for a few months, but his ever-present hunger was slowly driving him mad. In such an isolated community he could never truly gain control or experience the thrill of guiding a nation, as he was intending to do in his old life. He came to the conclusion that the Infected needed to grow their numbers dramatically and infiltrate the upper echelons of Asphodel. Of course, such a bold plan would need others that were just as determined and skilful as he was; he needed passion and support, and he knew exactly what he wanted; Tsuki. His first attempt to contact her was unsuccessful - he hadn't been prepared for her violent rejection upon realising what he was. Havelock still persists, however, as he has been filled with a new hunger, a new hunt. The hybrid will turn all his careful planning and analytical mind towards this goal, hoping Tsuki will finally satisfy his all-consuming hunger.



Tsuki [ Ex-Partner ]

The fey who Havelock had been infatuated with throughout his studies has become the infected's insatiable desire. The two had supported each other unconditionally throughout their youth and Havelock wants nothing more than to be reunited with his soulmate. Of course, she doesn't understand his new life and is unlikely to join him willingly, but Havelock will never give up his hunt for her.

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