


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Tsuki
Called Ginger
Age Young Adult
Gender Female
Race Fey
Role Student | Asterion (Biology/History)
Zodiac Staff

Tsuki has always been interested in science, particularly in genetics that can help make the fey more stable without their flowers. However, after her partner became an infected, her interests have shifted towards the cure for his kind. She's still infatuated with her old partner but knows it's healthiest to try and move on. Tsuki loves baking and wine-tasting, but the topic she'll talk most about is definitely biology as well as historical biology - particularly with fey genetics. Tsuki is a very intelligent and curious individual and despite her isolated tendencies, she's very kind and thoughtful to those she meets.


  • History
  • Theories
  • Problem-Solving


  • Helplessness
  • Limitations
  • Monotony


Tsuki was always an intelligent child, but unfortunately her parents were always far too distracted to notice. Her father suffered from an illness caused by prolonged lack of exposure to moonlight during his work in Below, resulting in his flower wilting and producing symptoms of depression. Consequently, Tsuki's mother was always so busy caring for both the mental illnesses and the physical implications involved with her husband, allowing little to no time for her child. This instilled a natural fear of Below in the young Tsuki, and also forced her to become capable and competent within herself. It wasn't that her parents didn't want to spend more time with her, it was just poor timing; she was awakened just before his issues began to surface. Tsuki didn't hold anything against her parents; there was nothing in the world she wanted more than for her father to get better.


Knowing they were far too preoccupied to properly raise her, Tsuki's parents sent the young fey to the Asphodel Academy, knowing they would educate, shelter and care for her. Tsuki fought them every step of the way, terrified of going Below and developing the same illnesses as her father. They tried to explain that the Academy catered for all species and that - with her new generation - there were far less issues with fey flowers. Tsuki had no choice but to listen to them and was sent away to the Academy. She become very isolated in herself, not pushing away people but not being open to friendships either. Instead she focused on her studies and began to excel in her classes. She was particularly interested in biology - especially anything to do with the flora races - and history. There was only one individual who manged to enter her studious bubble; a young hybrid named Havelock. He was drawn to her quiet, intelligent demeanour and his slick tongue and charming smile quickly won Tsuki's heart.

Power Couple

By the time she graduated the Academy, Tsuki was completely infatuated with Havelock. The two of them became near-inseparable, and he was always encouraging of her studies and passions. With his support, Tsuki chose to go to Asterion to study both biology and history. Her studies focused on the history of the fey and how to use that knowledge to help modern fey biology - particularly in minimising the impact that their flowers have on their nervous system. Havelock, meanwhile, went into political studies. His suave and confident demeanour meant he would inevitably excel in the field and, of course, Tsuki continued to be smitten by his personality and ambition. It was during her third year of studies that the modern disaster of Below occurred; the night of the Infected attack. Tsuki was at Asterion at the time and managed to avoid the whole situation, but she knew Havelock had been at the Academy visiting his younger brother, meaning he was in the thick of the chaos. From the safety of her department's bunker, Tsuki clung to her radio to hear any shred of news available, tears streaming down her face as she prayed to the Nine to keep Havelock safe.

Ghost from the Past

It seemed the gods did not answer. The next day, in the chaotic aftermath of the traumatic event, Tsuki found and comforted Havelock's brother. She soothed his fears, trying to not sound terrified as she asked about her love's condition. The freshling burst into tears, but through his sobs she understood; he was gone. Tsuki spiralled into despair, spending weeks isolated in her lab, drinking wine and not responding to anyone. Her fellow scholars became hopeful when she started to produce results once more, but she was still non-responsive to anyone who wasn't a computer. After months of this behaviour, only one shocking event could bring Tsuki out of herself. One night, on her walk home from Asterion to her apartment, a shadowy figure emerged from a sidestreet. She couldn't see who it was, but she would recognise the suave voice that greeted her anywhere; it was Havelock. Her eyes immediately teared up, and she was about to throw himself into his arms when she noticed; his eyes were glowing red, and there was something different about his smile. He pinned her to a wall in the alley, tasting her cheek while whispering she would join him again. In a moment fuelled by adrenaline, Tsuki struck him in the throat, causing him to bend over in agony. She managed to escape, running the last two blocks to her apartment, tears streaming down her face.

Finding a Cure

After this traumatic encounter, Tsuki's resolve returned to her. She knew what she had to do; develop a cure for the infected and find a way to deliver it to Havelock. She knew there was already a team in her biology department working constantly on a cure, and she insisted she be put on the project. Her grades were historically immaculate, so they hesitantly allowed the undergraduate to join the team. They ended up being grateful that they did; no one worked harder or more efficiently than Tsuki, and within months they had developed a cure. It was distributed to those who had only been partially-cured previously and Tsuki's team were celebrated as heroes. But her work wasn't done; she still had to perfect it for those who were completely turned and, most importantly, she had to cure Havelock. Tsuki continues to study at Asterion, her history classes taking a slightly lower priority to her biology but she still continues to excel.



Tsuki [ Ex-Partner ]

The hybrid who helped Tsuki come out of her shell and find confidence in herself, Havelock has always been her soulmate. Now that he has become infected, Tsuki's entire life is devoted towards finding a cure for her love so that he can return to her world and reignite her passions. It's a race against time to see whether she can bring him to the light or be pulled into his darkness.

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