


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Lucius
Called Lucius
Age Adult
Gender Male
Race Litch
Role Alchemist | Photographer
Zodiac Key

Bored with normal the business life, Lucius has thrown himself into his work in the underbelly of Asphodel. His aptitude for alchemy has led to him making and providing potions and poisons for rather seedy individuals in the downtown of the city. He works mostly with bounty hunters and other contractors but is never too inquisitive of his clientele. Lucius is a very relaxed but witty man, tending more towards passive aggression than conflict. Beyond his alchemy, Lucius has an interest for photography and is often looking for interesting places and people to add to his portfolio.


  • Alchemy
  • Quality Time
  • Involvement


  • Criticism
  • Obstacles
  • Flippancy


Lucius' family have lived in the demon capital for generations and, over time, have lost touch with their race's history and culture. Lucius remembers his mother apologising for this when he was a child, often wishing they could visit their homeland to learn more about their heritage, but the young Lucius couldn't care less. As far as he was concerned, the city was his home and always would be. They maintained a few litch traditions, however, such as being an incredibly tight-knit family - Lucius' home housed almost a dozen relatives. Like many of his kind, Lucius grew up believing patience and manners were important, but the city freshling also picked up street smarts and developed a quick wit.

Seeking Purpose

Lucius felt most of his life was simply going through the motions - he attended the Academy for his entire childhood and graduated with slightly above-average grades. The litch wasn't unintelligent, he merely put most of his focus and energy towards networking and picking up amateur photography. Much to his parents' delight, the class he most thrived in was alchemy. Feeling it was a more enjoyable endeavour than most and knowing it would appease his family, Lucius attended Leviathan to study the field and inevitably find work making potions. Once graduated, Lucius surprised his family by moving out alone into a city studio apartment. When confronted on this decision, the litch insisted he simply needed space for both his photography and alchemical creations, but he said so with a glint in his eye.

Dark Deeds

Lucius' career started off uneventful so, to bring spice into his life, he began sourcing work in the underbelly of the city. It wasn't easy, but the connections he'd formed throughout his life and in the club-photography scene got him the access he needed. To his delighted surprise, a niche that needed filling was combat potions for underground fighters, less-than-clean cops and bounty hunters. He happily filled this space, enjoying the challenge and excitement more than the money - although he couldn't deny it was lucrative. While working with these seedy groups, he met many interesting and somewhat off-putting individuals, but the one that most caught his eye was a bounty hunter named Cyan. He was instantly fascinated by her and her energy and was quick to find his way to her side. Lucius insisted he provide her with any potions she may need on her bounties and, due to a natural chemistry between them and the litch's persistence, they eventually became an item.

Family First

It didn't take long for Cyan to move in with Lucius and, after a relatively short period of time, the two became happily engaged. The couple are still in this engaged period due to Cyan's work becoming more active and the hybrid needing to put in more time as a solo-worker; she couldn't rely on others to plan missions or provide equipment. Lucius helped as much as he could and was more than content to simply support his fiance in her career. He was incredibly encouraging when she suggested she join a team-mission to see if it was better than solo work, but he could never have predicted what Cyan told him on her return; that she had met another bounty hunter - Marie - and fallen in love with her chaotic energy. Lucius was obviously shocked and put-off, but he had never been against poly relationships. Lucius has only met Marie a handful of times but he can say confidentially that he is not fond of her. Still, for the sake of his beloved fiance, Lucius is determined to at least not-hate the wild chimera. At the very least, he's glad Cyan has found a partner to have in the field, despite his deep suspicions of where it may lead.



Cyan [ Fiancé ]

Lucius' fiance whom he provides potions for in her bounty hunter work. The two seem to share a natural chemistry, but Cyan's insistence on involving Marie in their relationship still sits poorly with the litch. He is still incredibly in love with and committed to his fiance, however, and will continue to support her decisions.


Marie [ Partner ]

Cyan's fiance, Marie is not overly fond of the quiet Lucius. They are almost polar opposites in personality, making it difficult for Marie to see anything interesting in the litch beyond his connections to the underground of Asphodel. While she'd never admit it, Marie is glad Lucius is around as he provides stability for Cyan where Marie never could - the chimera sees him as an escape if she ever wants to leave, knowing Cyan would still have him.


Magenta, Elowyn and Zemsta [ Children ]

The children he had with Cyan and Marie, Lucius adores all three of his darlings. Having been a stay-at-home dad during their infant years, Lucius formed a strong bond with all of his children, giving them more lenience and freedom than most parents would. He has always encouraged learning and experimenting in his family and hopes this will shape them into confident, intelligent individuals as they grow older. While he sent them to live with marie during school days for their own good, Lucius somewhat questions his decision; the chimera nears on abusive as a mother and Lucius misses having his children around. Every day he considers having them stay at his apartment permanently, but every day he talks himself out of it. Lucius hopes nothing more than to maintain a strong relationship with his children as they grow into young adults.


Hale [ Familiar ]

Being involved in the photography scene, Lucius couldn't help but notice the amount of content involving peoples' pets. Curious to see what the appeal was, he sourced an expensive but well-bred jackalope, appreciating their aloof nature. Hale tends to keep to himself and only appreciates comfort from Lucius, but is content to sit around the apartment all day and look gorgeous. Much to Lucius' delight, the jackalope seems to have shown uncharacteristic affection towards the litch's fiance, Cyan; the same can't be said for Marie (to Lucius' secret pleasure).


Strem [ Familiar ]

The moment the species was announced to the world, Lucius became obsessed with groffu. While he knew most people assumed they were just magical frogs, the litch went out of his way to research the strange creatures and discovered the truth of the parasitic eyes that anchored themselves to the amphibians. Lucius found this fascinating and was quick to find one of the familiars to take home for himself. Strem mostly keeps to himself, occasionally interacting with Hale. The exceptions are Lucius' children; the groffu loves being held by the freshlings and often croaks eagerly at their company.


Reyn [ Familiar ]

As bunyips aren't allowed at the Academy, Lucius' children immediately wanted one. Marie refused - rather violently - to have such a lumbering creature in her beautiful apartment, and so once more the job fell on Lucius. Gritting through a smile, he allowed them to pick out a bunyip from the local fair and he would look after it whenever they weren't home. Seeing as they're barely home once a week, Reyn is more Lucius' companion than the kids. Much to his surprise, he's enjoyed the bunyip's company, and has actually used her a few times in his photoshoots. After all, her markings are particularly striking.

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