


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Marie
Called Pyro
Age Adult
Gender Female
Race Hallowed Chimera
Role Bounty Hunter
Zodiac Spear

Marie is an incredibly cocky and short-tempered individual, her personality as full of fire as her magical talents. She's always striven to be the best and never backs down from a competition - of course, in her eyes, she has no competition. After graduating from Leviathan majoring in pyrestia, Marie became a bounty hunter. After only a few years in the field she's become a high-profile contractor and is known for efficiency and success. When she's not on a mission, Marie can usually be found drinking anyone under the table at sleazy dive bars.


  • Control
  • Power
  • Strategising


  • Weakness
  • Idleness
  • Being Questioned


Marie was born to a clan that lived near the top of the average-sized peeks, meaning her family wasn't particularly well off nor considered 'lower class'. This provided her with what was essentially a clean slate. Like most Chimera, she was encouraged to train her ability to fly from a young age, and to her clan's delight she was a natural. Her fiery passion asserted itself from the time she was an infant, allowing her to get ahead of those her age around her, and this carried into her flight. Since she was a freshling, Marie treasured her ability to fly, refusing to walk if she could help it. This skill only bolstered her already-developed ego, and she quickly became a self-assured, assertive young lady. She had almost no contact with the world outside the Sceptres, only occasionally spying other races in the form of occasional traders or pilgrims and her family was even more isolated than most, being part of the Forgotten Clan. As her family was protective and community-focused, almost no one brought up the fact that Marie was hallowed. She saw her mutations as advantages; an additional eye to see further, larger wings to aid her flight, even clawed feet allowed her to traverse the mountains easier. Instead of feeling ashamed of her mutations, she often bragged about them. Her attitude didn't earn her many friends, but it surrounded her with others who wanted to benefit from her success and confidence.

Striking Out

Marie stayed in the mountains for her entire childhood, not even considering the rest of the world until she was a young adult. By that time, she was the strongest flyer in her clan and had begun to perfect her fire-breathing abilities. As always, she wanted more. She may not have had contact with anyone outside of her own little world, but like most she had heard of the Demon capital of Asphodel and, more importantly, their universities. Marie doubted anyone outside of her own species could know more about the school of fire magic, so she assumed there was a Chimera teacher somewhere. Sick of being a large fish in a small pond, she moved to Asphodel to study at Leviathan. She easily passed the entrance exams, showing an obvious proficiency in her major, Pyrestia.

Making a Killing

Applying her tenacious attitude to her studies like she had the rest of her life, Marie near-topped her classes and graduated with ease. However, her controlling and short-tempered attitude led to her being almost completed avoided during her time in university. She acted as though this didn't bother her, but she was internally shocked that no one wanted to be with someone so successful and ambitious. Her experiences simply led to her being most self-interested and she was quickly attracted to the world of detective work. Her keen eyes for observation were perfect, but simply looking for work in the field made her frustrated by all the rules and regulations. During her search, she found jobs that intrigued her in the world of bounty hunting. This independence and encouragement to use all means necessary - in her case, her studies in fire magic - tempted Marie into her first bounty. She tracked the woman down with little effort and brought her in, finding the job easy but exhilarating. Now, Marie has already made a name for herself in the world of bounty hunters, and is determined to climb to the top.

Family Last

On one particular mission, the employer insisted Marie worked with a small team if not with a partner. Always determined to be a lone wolf, the hallowed was incredibly reluctant to source out other bounty hunters to help her - more people meant less share of the bounty for her, but the job was too high-paying and exciting to pass up. One of the individuals she worked with was a feisty hybrid named Cyan. She immediately caught Marie's eye; the chimera was always one to be to drawn to high and unique energies. After some flirting on the mission, Marie knew she had to take her. After a passionate evening, Marie was almost ready to leave immediately in the morning as she usually did, but something about Cyan made her stay. She soon learnt that the hybrid was engaged; Marie expected herself to be furious, but she found herself almost relieved. While she wanted to stay with Cyan, the hybrid's fiance - an alchemist named Lucius - would provide most of the emotional stability of the relationship while Marie could simply enjoy the fiery passion. On a whim, Marie agreed to imbue some stones with the triad, knowing she'd hardly be around to contribute in their upbringing. Unfortunately for the hallowed, now that her children are freshlings and want to attend the nearby academy, she has been saddled with the responsibility of having them in her apartment on school days. This has worn Marie's already-barely-existent patience thin and only time will tell when she'll blow - when, not if.



Cyan [ Partner ]

Marie's partner both on the field and in bed, Cyan is a somewhat recent addition to Marie's life. While she still goes on most missions by herself, Marie has grown fond of having Cyan nearby when she's working. Her possessiveness of Cyan is tested by the hybrid's fiance Lucius, perhaps playing a part in her agreeing to imbue stones with her - Marie had to prove she is as valuable to Cyan as Lucius is. Cyan is the only reason Marie is bothering to hang around now that the children are older, but even this may not be enough as the children grow older.


Lucius [ Partner ]

Cyan's fiance, Marie is not overly fond of the quiet Lucius. They are almost polar opposites in personality, making it difficult for Marie to see anything interesting in the litch beyond his connections to the underground of Asphodel. While she'd never admit it, Marie is glad Lucius is around as he provides stability for Cyan where Marie never could - the chimera sees him as an escape if she ever wants to leave, knowing Cyan would still have him.


Magenta, Elowyn and Zemsta [ Children ]

The children Marie had with Lucius and Cyan, she hardly sees the siblings as individuals but more of a collective. When they were younger and living with the others, Marie was amused by the children who would fawn over her when she chose to visit. Now that they have been forced into her home, however, she is far less amused. Marie treats her children almost like tools, hoping to shape them into strong fighters like her. She doesn't care for any one of them in particular and took a few years to even learn all their names.


Chachki [ Familiar ]

When she was staying in a small apartment during her first months in Asphodel, a vespercat would often find its way onto Marie's balcony and try to gain her attention. Marie tried to chase it away at first, but as it kept coming back she began to admire its persistence. Seeing her own determination in the vespercat, Marie began to put out food for the familiar, eventually even allowing her into the apartment. As few people in her clan had familiars at all - and none of them vespercats - it took Marie years to even know Chachki was mutated. This obviously didn't bother her, and she congratulated her new friend on its evolutionary advantage over the others of her species. Marie could never bring herself to force the familiar away and has grown begrudgingly fond of her, even bringing her along to her new penthouse.


Velour [ Familiar ]

On one of the few evenings where she was allowing her children to relax, Chachki brought home a friend to Marie's penthouse. At first, the chimera was furious at a wild animal being brought to her patio, but her children grew quickly attached to the mutated jackelope. Marie couldn't help but admit that she was impressed by the jackelope's superior appearance - the children even compared its wings and horns to her own. Begrudgingly, Marie allowed Velour to stay, although she always insists that he is the kids' responsibility, not her's.

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