


5 years, 1 month ago


Name Jun Tu (Two)
Age 32
Build Tall & lanky
Species Disgusting NEET
Gender Male (He/Him)
Orient. Teraphile
Taken? Chronically Virgin
Creator hopefully no one
Worth excuse me?

Two is....... everything in a personality that you dont want to meet. While he is incredibly confident, analytical, and self driven, he lacks shame, decency, social awareness. He is an avid Teraphile, meaning he's exclusively sexually attracted to monsters and the supernatural, and has Zero interest in humans romantically or sexually. He pursued Monster hunting for those wishing to track down and either research, cull, or preserve the monster reality people are left to live with........................................................and try to have sex with them. Fortunately, he......fails. And ends up getting maimed more times than he can count and is covered in scars from all his encounters. But damn is he dedicated.

He is blunt, abrasive, crass, unempathetic, unsympathetic, Goal oriented, and talkative. He loves to chat, and usually about his own interests. He will talk outloud and in great detail about information that you probably have droned out the moment he opened his mouth. He retains information incredibly well, he can read actions of others and their intent but he cannot recognize why his interactions with people are perceived as uncomfortable.

He is not afraid to say no to anyone. Even those in more authority and power. He will however, do things for money, so just try to negotiate with him. 

If hes not out in the woods standing naked shouting a monsters name in hopes it appears, he is at home on his computer with 4 monitors eating mac n cheese for the 5th night in a row.


-Two came from a rather wealthy family. He has always been classified as Weird to everyone around him and his parents have tried desperately to get him to conform to what should be expected as a respectable member of society. But Two had other plans and wasn't very interested in being anything other than what appealed to him. He'd get in trouble in school, with his parents, and struggles (more like doesn't even want to) maintain or create relationships with others. While he is incredibly smart and skilled educationally, receiving high marks, his personality as a whole tends to get him in unfavorable situations. Not that he cares anyway.


  • Repulsive
  • He has IBS
  • Two got his ears pierced and stretched but he probably dealt with a lot of infections cause he didnt clean then properly
  • He will have no qualms saying "Dont talk to me" in neutral tone if someone tries to strike conversation with him
  • He lacks critical imagination skills for creativity
  • Though he does have fantasies about monsters
  •  voice claim: 

  • Not Showering


  • normal human sex


Name Lydia

Name N/A
