Miku (Razorwave)




NAME Razorwave
AGE 15 Moons
GENDER Cis Molly
BUILD Semi-Cobby

CLAN BloomClan
ROLE Warrior
MENTOR Dragonsun, Scorchplume


A short, chubby blue and white molly with over grown fangs and mismatched blue and purple eyes.

The granddaughter of BlizzardClan's leader, Dovemoon, rather than being in BlizzardClan when she was 8 moons old she ran away, braving the cold of Leaffall to arrive in BloomClan, where she now lives. Upon arrival the then Iciclepaw was apprenticed to Dragonsun and despite their obvious differences and any hardships the two seemed to get along quite well and are rather close. The reason why she ran away is held close to her chest, always seeming to tell an exaggerated version of events with left out information that make her look like a fearless, strong cat... Which is something she tries to act like normally, she likes showing off her muscles and brave personality especially to other mollies. Razorwave is a cat with a large personality, loud and impulsive, a wild-child that speaks her mind. However she's also insecure, quick to quit and struggles to find her place among her peers in BloomClan. However much like any other issue she rather die than saying so.


  • Bold
  • Friendly
  • Enthusiastic
  • Adamant
  • Competitive
  • Humorous
  • Impulsive
  • Insecure
  • Rebellious
introverted extroverted
hostile friendly
apathetic empathetic
hasty patient
awkward charismatic
cowardly courageous
insecure confident
subservient authoritative



Iciclekit was born to the only daughter Dovemoon had, Icywater, however due to complications with her birth she passed away before the two cats could ever meet. Icywater joining her stillborn siblings from many moons ago while Iciclekit was named in her honor. While raised by the other monarchs, nursed in particular by one named Grasswhistle, her kithood included her not being able to ignore her deceased mother or her relation to Dovemoon. While at the time Iciclekit adored her grandfather, it made it rather difficult for her to bond with the other cats in the nursery as kin rather than nannies and nursemaids.

As a kit she even boasted about who her grandfather was. Still she managed to get some friends during her time in the nursery, ignoring whatever feeling of lacking that seemed to linger, thinking about some things her nursermaid, Grasswhistle, may have said in passing. Instead she tried focusing on playing games with her friends and grandfather. By all accounts she seemed to be shaping up to be one of BlizzardClan's most loyal cats.


Iciclepaw was apprenticed to Scorchplume, a cat that fed into her nature that was already there. However this is where the problems began for her relationship with Dovemoon. According to Iciclepaw, at this point she started to realize how much of an asshole he was, that he didn't really care for her and many other things that sound like rather typical problems an apprentice would face with their kin. Arguements heard between them in BlizzardClan, no exact words able to be pointed out. Perhaps it would be easy to blame Scorchplume or Grasswhistle for how she turned out although she doesn't seem to mention them by name, instead talking about cats she noticed who "had it rough".

This budding resentment eventually lead to her impulsive decision to leave BlizzardClan in the middle of a snowing Leaffall night after another arguement with Dovemoon, the content of which in all her telling of these events never including what it was about. As Iciclepaw tells it she walked and didn't stop until she was found by a BloomClan patrol, not many questions asked for the apprentice to be taken in. When she arrived she was named Dragonrise's apprentice by BloomClan's deteorating Cicadasun.

However not long after she arrived, Cicadasun died and her mentor was made into leader. The two moons of rest BloomClan had rather awkward for everyone involved and due to BlizzardClan's closed borders it was only when she was ten moons old that anyone in BlizzardClan learned she was even alive. Between the loss of Cicadasun, her own personality, the struggles of ther apprentices around her and how Iciclepaw learned how to show friendship, Iciclepaw found it rather difficult to connect with any of them, instead mainly sticking to Dragonsun and occasionally the BloomClan "Elder" Charm, avoiding gatherings entirely after the one where she had to make it known she was alive, the conversation with Dovemoon driving her even more away. Although she still acted friendly with her peers and like the lack of bond didn't bother her, even though she briefly worried abot not having Dragonsun to talk to after she graduated.

After dealing with Dovemoon again and then seeing Flickerwings get her own name, Iciclepaw eventually decided that she wanted to get a different name as well. Not wanting anymore connection to her BlizzardClan roots while in BloomClan, not wanting to be the offshoot of a dead cat she never met and more importantly having nothing else that Dovemoon gave her.


This finally coming to fruition recently, revealing her chosen name to the clan, Razorwave.


design notes
  • She is not a chimera. She just has funky white spotting.
  • Her upper canines are larger than normal.
  • Her pupils must be shaped like hearts! This is not a stylistic choice.
  • Her markings emulate waves.
  • Her inner ears and pawpads are black like her nose.
  • Razorwave is getting scruffier as she gets older.
Other notes
  • Due to her odd pupils she has bad vision.
  • Her overgrown fangs, while less of a problem now, occasionally cause her to slur her words or drool.
  • Razorwave adores water and all things swimming.
  • Color: Ocean Blue
  • Prey: Fish
  • Scent: Rivers/Ponds
  • Season: Greenleaf
  • Activity: Swimming
  • Color: Browns
  • Prey: Mouse
  • Scent: Strong Floral Scents
  • Season: Leafbare
  • Activity: Doing Nothing