Shuto Yutaka



5 years, 10 days ago


(in incandescence) How much light passes through you? Is it enough to write a letter? Pick a letter. Pick a new name. Can you hear the woman singing? What was your death’s taxonomy? Where is its kingdom & domain? How important do you feel to others? Are you sitting atop the creaking hinges of something only you can see? Are you certain there is no part of your body that is missing. Are you certain there is nothing missing at all.

Listen, they are calling to God to save their souls, screaming for His intervention, weeping. But no ideal being of ardor order grace fairness would miss their species were it to vanish—and, for all its obscene clinging to itself, it will vanish. Like Agamemnon, these minuses—always at war and jealous of their property—“eat ruin.” Perhaps after a chastening apocalypse like this one, someone brandishing an LED torch (lol) may lead them to a spiritual disarmament. A spark, a rain cloud approaching, suspicions, theories—no, it wouldn’t last.


"Innocence is a chrysalis— a phase designed to end. Only when we are free from it, do we know ourselves."


Shuto Yutaka

首都 優




Neutral Evil

Male (he/him)


Black-Hat Hacker

May 4th

Tachikawa, Tokyo




A particle horizon no one can see past, hiding the time before the universe became transparent: his invisible history, still it is part of his light cone.

Its depth encoded on its boundary,
a null sheet, like a memory.


Yutaka has been active as a black-hat hacker since age fifteen under the alias MINERVA, notorious for being a general threat to cybersecurity, often picking random people to terrorize just for the hell of it. ; he received little socialization from elsewhere in his life, including at home, instead falling into unmoderated online message boards at a very young age— the only places he could turn to for attention, camaraderie, even for help with things that the adults in his life should have been teaching him.

The internet practically raised him, and Yutaka in turn voraciously absorbed everything about the behavior of its collective consciousness— especially the casual cruelty towards others. In general, his in-person social skills are extremely stunted; he speaks with an almost uncontrollable nervous stutter, often becomes so overwhelmed that he just shuts down and goes quiet altogether.

His position so far on the wrong side of the law also leaves him extremely paranoid and borderline agoraphobic, distrusting others as a rule and hardly ever leaving his small apartment. He'll only venture outside in the early hours of the morning, and only when it becomes absolutely necessary for him to stock up on supplies from the local 24-hour convenience store, or withdraw cash from an ATM. He gets spooked incredibly easily while out of his "safe zone"; notably terrified of raccoons.

Online, however, Yutaka comes alive— precariously straddling the line between confidence and outright megalomania. He frequently starts fights, derails forum threads, and insults people just for his own entertainment. He'll DDoS random websites because he was "bored".

Yutaka sees the internet as his playground thanks to his prodigious hacking skills, and the people around him as nothing but faceless, simpleminded ants; reveling in the knowledge that he could ruin lives with just a few hours of coding. And he has, many times. He writes computer viruses for fun and will even vanity-search for help threads and articles about them sometimes.

His way of typing is crass and rude, thick with internet jargon. Even when attempting to hold a real life conversation, Yutaka always ends up falling back to his usual slang and making things really confusing. He'll begin to throw around mockingly cute kaomoji when he gets too into his online identity; his favorite is the (´・ω・`) face.

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Yutaka was the consequence of his mother's infidelity; unwilling to terminate the pregnancy, she numbly allowed her husband to believe that the slowly-growing embryo belonged to him instead. The Shuto household enjoyed six idyllic years within this farce, until it became impossible to deny that their youngest son bore no resemblance to his father and siblings — Yutaka was instead becoming a mirror image of Tadao, his mother's coworker who had also been a friend of the family for years.

When the truth of Yutaka's parentage finally crystalized, he became a ghost. His essential needs were still met — just barely — but there was no more love in the eyes of any of the adults he tried to turn to. Word travelled quickly in their neighborhood, and overnight, Yutaka had become a living monument to his mother's shameful acts.

A devout Catholic, she believed it to be her divine punishment that Yutaka had been given Tadao's face. Now, only times his mother would acknowledge more than the bare minimum of his existence were to drag him with her to their local church to pray to God for forgiveness. Yutaka's father ceased to acknowledge him at all, and his older siblings followed suit.

He was given an old tablet to keep him occupied, but the lack of any child safety lock on it gave Yutaka free rein of the internet at a very young age. He fell into anonymous message boards and other forums, eventually learning to turn to them for socialization when the full reality of his shameful, ghostlike existence finally set in.

Though his school life was hardly better, it afforded him the opportunity to start messing around with a real for the first time. He picked up coding at a shocking speed and threw himself fully into it, wanting to learn everything.

Yutaka kept on coding as the years went by, eventually able to acquire an old laptop to replace his tablet. He fell deeper and deeper into the culture online, with the effects of it beginning to show in his social development. He no longer seemed to have any idea how to speak to another person face-to-face, and had come to care very little for humanity in general.

Yutaka was learning how to use his code in cruel, self-serving ways, which brought with it a sense of control, of power, for the first time in his life.

He began to retreat further from the "real world" and the people around him, culminating in Yutaka dropping out of school at age fifteen to fully embrace the life of a hikikomori.

This period of Yutaka's life coincided with his mother's abrupt illness; what began as a relatively innocuous case of bronchitis spiraled into something much more debilitating, sapping her strength until she was left bed-bound. Her husband was quick to seize this opportunity, leaving for good with Yutaka's two half-siblings.

With nobody else left, Yutaka's mother fully acknowledged him for the first time in years — begging not to be abandoned.

He spent a year looking after his mother, going through the motions robotically and putting no love into it, just as she had done for him. Resentment was building, and Yutaka was becoming poisonous. To keep their funds up now that his mother was unable to work, he started writing ransomware viruses and trying to break into insecure bank accounts.






WARNING: Exception raised

Unhandled page fault on read access to O0x00000014 at address Ox1029760b.

Do you wish to debug it?







void init_python(void)

PyStatus status;

PyPreConfig preconfig;

preconfig.utf8_mode = 1;

status = Py_PreInitialize(&preconfig);
if (PyStatus_Exception(status)) {

He covered his tracks. Thankfully, the landlord of this derelict apartment building only bothered to drop by if a tenant was late on rent; Yutaka's hacking endeavors ensured a steady stream of "income", so it was as simple as cracking the password to his mother's bank account and dumping more money in whenever it started to run low.

It was easier to not think about it than he feared it might have been, and easy to make her fade away. She had been the disgrace of their neighborhood for as long as Yutaka himself, after all.

When her illness first took hold, a paltry sum of so-called good samaritans from church would sometimes drop by with porridge or groceries, but their pity was quick to dry up when it became apparent that his mother was only going to get worse. Towards the end, their apartment hadn't had a visitor in months.

Yutaka entombed himself within his small apartment— severed from any connections to the outside world, now unequivocally alone.


His apartment is full of computers and monitors. There's five of them in his bedroom alone.

Frequently mocks people online by calling them virgins, despite being one himself.

His hair is very thick and grows quickly. Because getting a proper haircut is absolutely out of the question for Yutaka, he'll let it grow out for months until it finally gets so unmanageable that he gives up and cuts it himself (very badly).

Extremely anemic.

Since he rarely leaves the apartment, he doesn't have much of a reason to wear stuff besides t-shirts and sweatpants. But he likes techwear clothing in theory.



3655836?1609461240 Shitamachi Seigo
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you-
Seigo is the only person so far to successfully unearth MINERVA's true identity; for better or for worse, he opted to use this information as blackmail material instead of turning him over to the police. Yutaka has tried to get him killed multiple times to no avail.
20850016?1687717438 Hayashi Ukai
dont come crying to me when you get caught one of these days kakiyamabushi www
A "client" of sorts; Yutaka maintains the TOR site used to hire Ukai's services as a hitman. They have a purely business realationship and only interact when necessary, though Yutaka does hold a slight grudge against Ukai for refusing to take out Seigo.
72186415_TGZ.png YUKIO
P-P-P-P-P-Please s-s-stay a-a-a-away—
While on his 4AM supply runs, Yutaka sometimes sees Yukio either fishing discarded knives out of the nearby river or standing motionless under a street lamp. Yutaka is absolutely terrified of this man. Yutaka is 100% convinced that he's a serial killer.
43435733_GLZ.png Hachi
I d-d-d-don't have any f-fucking cat food! G-Go away!
Another bizarre character Yutaka sometimes runs into when he leaves his apartment. If Hachi spots him, he'll start to follow closely behind him while meowing and plaintively saying he's a "hungry widdle kitty" who "needs a home". It can take over an hour to lose him. Yutaka hasn't ruled out the possibility of Hachi being an undercover fed.


Sunday morning. Retinas itchy from bluelight. Mother's voice beyond the bedroom door. Calling. Always calling. You used to go weeks without hearing your name.

Yutaka. Yutaka. Yutaka.

Like a prayer. Sunday mornings were for worship, until one day they weren't. No more sermons. Empty Sunday. Normal day. Medicine for mother. And yet, something twinges. A new sensation. Bile on your tongue. Stay here. Safe here. Safe within this room.

Yutaka? Yutaka? Yutaka? Yutaka? Yutaka?

Louder. Urgent now. Impatient. Sunday morning but the blinds are closed and the sun is an LED monitor. No sleep. Burns when you blink. Burns when you think. Keep working. Anything can become white noise if you want it to be.


There's a metaphor here somewhere. Code execution. DDOS. You know what you are doing. And yet. Surreal, almost. Lovely Sweet Dream. There's no world or worries beyond your bedroom walls. No need to stand. No need to serve. No need to save. God won't do it and neither will you.


You wait another week, even after it all goes silent. Precaution. The hard part is next. Shovel. Shoes on. Gloves on. Disposable mask over mouth and nose. Doesn't help. The smell is so thick you can barely move. Blood. Sweat. Vomit. Ammonia. Rot. Food rot mixed with flesh rot. Mother rot. Try not to look.

Wrap her in her filthy duvet. It's okay that your hands are shaking. No one will see you. Too heavy to hold. You have to drag her across the floor. Squishy under your palms but so much heavier than it looks on TV. You have to go, Yutaka. Go.

Out of the apartment. Down the second-story stairs. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Sickening sounds. 4AM silence. Thankful there's so few tennants left in this shithole. Aren't you lucky, Yutaka? No eyes. No evidence. Expunged. Just a little further. Everything will be okay.

Shovel. Axe would have been easier. Break her into segments. Start with the legs. So tired. Sweating in the January air. You can't stop now. Maybe you should have stopped a long time ago. Bury everything. Hope the worms will eat her.

Let nothing remain.