


4 years, 11 months ago


have no idea why i've left his page blank since i got him ? ?? ? ????? i have HAD thoughts for him lol

anyways he's one of the few dragonkin that was not blessed with flight. he takes this horribly, constantly lol (it's a running theme in this world that those without wings/flight can be a bit... mad about it... understandably)
malding so hard he takes out his anger through working out and is strong as shit, doesn't take ANY flight dragonkin's shit, and conveniently ignores how his whole life was molded around how genetics dropped the bomb that he couldn't be like his winged parents, but rather like some rogue great-great-great grandfather who did not have wings and was probably exiled after he was caught cavorting with a Winged One(tm)
^takes his past so personal that he technically exiled himself as well because he grew up in such a shit environment that he didn't want to be welcome even if he did magically sprout wings lol. he was a probleme childe growing up, ofc. but as he got older he turned all that angry energy to strength, which in turn was able to get him genuine work beyond stealing (not much better, honestly, but at least he's fighting on the RIGHT side of the laws)