Evelyn LaRoche



5 years, 1 month ago



Name Evelyn Ariel LaRoche
Called Eve, Evie
Age 29
Gender Female
Race Maoren
Role Singer
Alignment Neutral Good
Theme Lady Sings

While Evelyn is best known as the bassist (and lead singer later on) of La Femme Boheme, she is nowadays employed within the Gold Leaf- a well-known club on Mars and its moons (the largest located on Ganymede.) Of the LaRoche twins, Eve remained in the spotlight while Asher fell off the radar after the band's falling out. While her job title only entails singing and entertainment, she's been known to arrange social events in and outside the city, suggesting there's more to her work than her resume claims.


  • Perfection
  • Cleanliness
  • Her solar system bracelets
  • Music


  • Unwanted contact
  • Chaos
  • (most) Reporters
  • Certain...business partners.


"Emerging in the late 2080s, La Femme Boheme hit the airwaves with a firey synth pop sound, backed by energetic pop punk elements. Formed by brother and sister Asher and Evelyn LaRoche (vocalist and backup vocals/bassist respectively,) the duo took to the local scene and streets of Autre-Lorraine with humble beginnings. Little more than a guitar-and-bass duo, the band didn’t form in any official sense until they met a solo artist by the name of Da Leigh (formerly the drummer of Rapid Construct,) and soon struck a deal with Saturn Digital Records-- a company hailing from its namesake’s moon, Dione.

Like many of the industries on Earth, their sights soon set to the stars and worlds beyond. But search as they might from moon to planet, all under the tow of a contract and record deal, the band carried on in near obscurity until late 2091 with their 19 million-selling album, Cat Killed Curiosity."

-Anraí Albers, The Stellar and Interstellar


Evelyn displays the typical cat-like ears and tail of her race, though with a rather unusual trait: the markings down her back, thighs and shoulders. While markings on Maoren fur are by no means uncommon, the rosettes on her skin are extremely rare; none of her siblings bear markings beyond the ears and tail.



Evelyn knows how to play to the crowd and the individual- she can be demure, professional, playful or a flirt depending on what may benefit her the most. The *actual* Evie favors the quiet times, and despite her workaholic nature she does lean towards rest and relaxation. That said, she's also quite secretive; she prefers her private life to be private, and for any skeletons to stay buried. Outside of family, most really won't know about Evie outside of her professional endeavors. And, perhaps as a result of all of this, she can be hard to read when she's not putting on a face.



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