


5 years, 29 days ago


đź’˘Sheila "373-J"đź’˘

A tiny, boisterous and loud Micromanager that loves to take control and show control. She's a short-tempered chickie that's rage can only be calmed by Big Greasy. Sheila resembles the very embodiment of all Bossbots. She's bossy, controlling, unwilling to listen to opinions, and refuses to work as a team. Her loud personality makes it hard for people to be around her. Her fiery emotions are a constant source of frustration to her team.

When Sheila's angry, it's hard for her to see the positive side of things. She'll rant and rave on how things were supposed to be a certain way; as she's prone to throw tantrums when there's a change in plans or when things don't go into place as she expected. And yet, despite this micromanager's anger issues, she's a very hard-working and competent Cog. She expects a sense of diligence from everyone around her, as well as herself; so she's very assertive in completing her goals. She never fails her duties, as she strives for excellence and perfect. Her need for pushing for perfection comes from her deep insecurities as a micromanager. Not only does she want to leave her role as a micromanager and rise to the top, but she wishes she'd be, quote, “taller and more pretty, like the CEO's daughter in a way”.

Sheila also likes to watch others fight each other. Something about physical violence makes her giddy, and it's a joy for her to witness a beatdown. Perhaps it could do with a personality glitch of hers to find a thrill in drama. She’s forever bent on becoming an independent woman who becomes president of her Bossbot district, it’s what she strives for every day! But dealing with a Cashbot bully and a Bossbot stalker isn’t really helping her situation. A strange Cog who come into the story later...


Name: Sheil, small fry, shrimp, shortstack
Gender: Female (Sexless)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Species: Bossbot
Home: Bossbot HQ
: Stocks Supervisor

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do because of me size! Keep on tryin' me and you'll end up wit shattered kneecaps, bucko!"


  • Domination
  • Total control
  • Tyranny
  • Yelling
  • Getting her point across
  • Stepping stools


  • Weaklings
  • Open-minded people
  • Criticism opinions
  • Second thought 
  • Patience
  • Humbleness


by oskodos

⚙Cog Facts⚙

  • she has thick New York accent; Staten Island to be more exact
  • secretly like soft things she can rub her face on
  • will swear up and down she doesn’t watch or love anime she's lying'




  • Assertive
  • High in gumption
  • Brave
  • Confident
  • Hard-working
  • Fiery
  • Stands her ground


  • Selectively listens
  • Short-tempered
  • Fussy
  • Egotistical
  • Nosy
  • Weak to criticism
  • Can dish roasts out but can’t take it





Sheila has a traditional way of looking how men should show perform. She has the belief men should shield their emotions and not cry. So when Big Greasy slips into his warmest side, she gets easily irked and deems him to be weak. While it seems like it her trying to exert her sense of authority and assertiveness, it's most likely due to deep-rooted insecurity. Which is why despite her being annoyed my Greasy's easy going demeanor, he's the only one that respects her for her and doesn’t talk down on her unlike her superiors. Eventually, she comes to slowly accepts (but not fully) his personality. She hates to admit it, but she's a sucker for his cuddles. And Greasy knows JUST how to provide them.


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