


5 years, 1 month ago



Name nova
Age 10 years
Height [info]
Species feline
Breed domestic shorthair
Gender female

Designer science
Worth $235


Demanding | Spoiled | Vocal

Nova is the Queen. She has tortitude and you better know it. She's sweet and gentle. She loves being brushed and being held upside down by her peasants. She idolizes her mama but loves equally. ​ She's quite shy but vocal. She tends to mind her own, staying in her little bubble of a world. But she loves to cuddle with her favorite peasants. Not so much with the dogs.

Design Notes

  • Her left front leg is black from the elbow down.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


  • A lineless headdie from Colonel
  • A headshot/fullboy of her in a pile/field of flowers (baby blue and pink are her colors).
  • Varies recolors/LA's
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


Nova was born in our neighborhood of an intact stray tortoiseshell cat. We assumed Nova was the runt of the litter because she is only 6 pounds and is small, while her mother was long and lanky. Because she was the runt of the litter, we assume her mother abandoned her. She found Sukki, or Sukki found her and they took care of each other. Nova was only 4 months old when we found her, she was as small as a week old kitten and malnourished. We fed her tuna and dog food (which was all we had at the time) and eventually she found her way into our hearts and our home. She was a nervous wreck for a few months, so we gave her her space and she has now warmed up to us. When Nova first came to us, she literally had no voice. She would open her mouth to mew but nothing would come out. Nothing was wrong with her, she just hadn't found her voice. When she turned about a year or so old, we started hearing mews out of her and she hasn't stopped since. She is 10 years old and was born on March 10th, 2009.


  • Textures
  • Blankets
  • Tuna
  • Soft things
  • Being picked up
  • Cuddles


  • Wasps
  • Knocking
  • The landlords
  • Dogs barking
  • Sukki
Jack bubba peasant

Nova adores Jack so much. Jack can carry her upside down in his paws. She finds that calming and comforting. ​ Jack can be a little rough with her, which annoys her, but she tends to put up with it for some reason.

Lief mama peasant

Lief is Nova's mama peasant. Everyone is a peasant to Nova, but those who are special to her get a title and then peasant. So like brother peasant, bubba peasant, etc. ​ Lief is the most special to Nova. No one knows why.

Sukki sukki peasant

Sukki is an annoying older brother. He plays too rough, is incredibly loud, and thinks he's all that. He likes to be where everyone is and that tends to leave Nova out in the cold. ​ To be fair, he's starting to play a lot nicer.

Void sister peasant

Duke/Void loves Nova. They have your typical relationship, though. She demands attention from them constantly and they obey, just like the peasants should. ​ Nova has them wrapped around her little paw.

Sheila sheila peasant

Nova sees Sheila as a wasted ball of energy. An energy that doesn't suit her fancy. If Sheila could not run over her or near her or just be in the same room as her, that'd be just fine by her. ​ Pffft.

Jasmine jasmine peasant

Nova sees Jasmine as everyone does, the Princess. She might be a tiny bit special, but she will never be Queen. ​ Jasmine's wary and slightly scared of Nova. Which suits Nova just fine. ​ Nova's tiny, but she's fierce.