


5 years, 1 month ago



Name sheila
Age 8 years
Height [info]
Species canine
Breed australian cattle dog
Gender female

Designer science
Worth $407


Crazy | Excitable | Stubborn

She wasn't planned. My bio dad wanted another "Blue Dog" and she just happen to be dropped off here. Sheila is a VERY active dog. She loves to sleep, but she'd rather play a game. One time, she took one of her toys, threw it to Nova, and looked back and forth from her toy to Nova. Poor thing wanted Nova to play with her! She is VERY stubborn. She knows commands but will refuse to listen to you sometimes. She LOVES to follow me everywhere. She was a nervous Nelly when we first got her, now, she hardly ever flinches when you pet her, but she still has her moments. She's in constant need of attention and wants to play ALL the time. She's a good girl, and is a fast learner. She loves to try and trick us into thinking she doesn't know a command, when we all know she does.

Design Notes

  • Maecenas ullamcorper erat et sollicitudin facilisis.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


  • A lineless headdie from Colonel
  • Her playing with a tennis ball/her pink gorilla toy or her playing with her feet
  • Varies recolors/LA's
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


Sheila, well, Sheila was dumped here. We're not sure exactly when nor by who, all we know is that she chewed up the furniture on our front porch and wouldn't leave. She told US this was her home, and well, we couldn't refuse. She was thin and losing her fur. When we first fed her, she was allergic to the dog food and started losing her fur even faster, as soon as we switched, her fur started coming back in. She is 8 years old and was born on October 16th, 2010.


  • Tennis balls
  • Blankets
  • Pink gorilla toy
  • Walkies
  • More walkies
  • Cheese
  • Cuddles


  • Wasps
  • Yelling
  • The landlords
  • Flying bugs
Jack owner

Sheila...well, Sheila loves Jack, don't get her wrong. But to her he's just kinda...there. He plays with her from time to time, but it's rare these days. She's just a bit too wild for him.

Lief owner

Sheila loves her mama, and while she is closer to Duke and Void, she loves her mama so much. Misses her when she's gone and loves her when she's home. ​ She's a bit too wild for Lief.

Sukki brother

Sheila thinks Sukki is...okay? He's a tad bit scary, which makes her nervous, but he hasn't done anything menacing...yet. So for now he's okay, but she's keeping her eyes on him. ​ He's kinda weird, he seems to think he's a dog!

Void owner

Duke and Sheila are very close. They are both clumsy and have the same wild antics. While their energy levels don't match per se, they can definitely keep up with each other. ​ Void, on the other hand, loves Sheila's cuddles and would rather lounge around with her than play with her. Taking it easy, just the two of them. ​ Sheila wouldn't have it any other way.

Nova sister

Sheila is absolutely terrified by Nova. Nova doesn't attack anyone, hiss, nothing. Her mere presence is enough to bring fear into this cattle dog. ​ Maybe she's part panther....

Jasmine sister

Sheila loves Jasmine with all her heart, even if she accidentally steps on her and pushes her out of the way to get cuddles from her family. She enjoys playing with Jasmine and going on car rides with her. ​ Even if those car rides end up at the vet.