
5 years, 1 month ago


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name: sen
nicknames: n/a
age: 11
species: humanoid
gender: male (he/them)
sexuality: nah
relationship: too young
sen, much like a young bird, imprints himself on people quickly. if you're nice enough to him, he might even be obliged to follow you around all day, clinging to your clothes to not lose track of you. while 13 is a decently normal age to still be babied by your mom, sen seemingly just has that instinct even with people not related to him.
very much still enjoys piggy back rides and sleeping against people's chest, although he's not the kid of kid to trust just anyone either. has a good sense of who he can trust and who he cant. will start loudly crying if you're trying to do anything that makes him uncomfortable. cheer up pretty easily once the drama has passed.
his big brother, eichi, disapproves of his behavior of clinging to people he likes, but accepts it with a scowl, knowing it makes his baby brother happy.

the feathers that he has collected on both his bracelets and his ankle straps are all his, just ones he has molted. the only real feathers are the ones in his hair and growing behind his ears. when its winter, they'll grow around his neck too, but he heavily dislikes when these grow. tried to rip them out in the past but it just ended up hurting him.
the neck feathers molt away naturally once the temperature rises.
he has a small mole under his left eye and body markings all over. his ankle markings resemble leg warmers, and his back markings almost look like wings.
(fletchinder gijinka! tl:dr he's babey)