
5 years, 29 days ago

Basic Info


Ex-Warlock, Trickster Cleric of the Temple of Ha


Tiefling (Rakshasa bloodline, Drow heritage)


Sage, Researcher (Astronomer)


True Neutral (Previously Neutral Evil)


Board / Playlist


Dune is a 6'3" lanky drowish tiefling with long, sharp ears, nose, limbs -- everywhere is angles. He has a loop of black horn that sits on his head, which is occasionally hidden under a pointed black hat that's been magically altered to hide the horn within. He has naturally dark hair, but he does a messy job of dying it light blonde. His right eye socket is filled with black obsidian, and his remaining one is often narrowed in skepticism. The expression on his face is normally one of sarcastic apathy or else half-amused incredulity.  While he's wellknown for his snark and bitterness, it masks his constant paranoia and fearful nature. 


[ I've been playing in this campaign for 2 years! I have over 200 pages of notes, but because they're messy, I'll give you a quick summary:]

Dune began his journey as a warlock of the Queen of Air and Darkness, and set out from his home to gather information and secrets in her name. Upon accidentally falling into another dimension, he pulled out a relic of a destructive god, and stabbed out his own eye. He then pursues the Shadow Weave relentlessly, wanting to know more about it. The curiosity had gotten him and his party in too deep, and Dune helps the other tiefling warlock of the adventuring party, Nicholas Wick, to release a Succubus they aren't prepared to fight. Nick is able to get the party out of the situation at the risk of his own life. After a trip through the Feywild, Dune loses his identity and his magic to a changeling, and the party comes back to the mortal to realm to find the kingdom of Haven on the brink of destruction because of the demon they released. Dune's visited by a familiar god who offers him new powers, and now he's set on spreading her word and protecting the very few people he holds close. 



Cabaan is a city underground that can only be entered through a rock entryway. The entire populace is drow warlocks who have made pacts to the Queen of Air and Darkness as children, and is devoted to her learnings and teachings. Children from the ages of nine to twenty are sent away to a boarding school, where they live and work, until they come of age and are sent out into the rest of the world, where they are expected to spread the word of the Queen, and then return to Cabaan to have a child for the Queen. 


After leaving Cabaan, Dune immediately ran into trouble with a cult called the Order of the Circle, and to shake them from his trail he escaped into the Naresika Forest. The trees reach up to the sky and blot out the sun, and there doesn't seem to be any animals at all. He comes across a lone cottage in the forest, and meets a wood elf named Toska. Toska says he lives here, and that he'll guide Dune through the Forest, since no one can get through it. Once they reach the end of the Forest, Dune leaves Toska behind. 


[Relationships that aren't relevant or don't happen until after the campaign are marked as PC.]


Dune considers Nick his brother, though it'll take him a couple of drinks to admit it, and is always trying to balance looking out for his safety with endorsing his messy ideas. Nick's chaos balances out Dune's cunning, and when given the time and ambition, the two are a terrible force.
When they first met, Dune didn't hold him in very high regards -- not because of the expected competition between the two secretive, tiefling warlocks with fey pacts, -- and they spent most of their first interactions bickering and insulting one another. But after Nick saved everyone in the party, Dune included, Dune had a change of heart. Nick was the first person he went to when his magic began to crumble, because he was the only person he could trust. Since then, they've been fiercely loyal to one another.
As of the present moment in the campaign, Nick is the most important person in Dune's life.


Ha is Dune's god, but he doesn't worship her in the traditional sense. She's more of a mother figure to him, but he also has an intense inclination to protect her. Despite her godly status, he sees her as frail, and playful, and not at all for the crafty and devious god she is. He helps and heals people in her name, but because his bond with her is so personal, he doesn't take to the cleric tradition of converting strangers.
Ha first came to Dune when he was 11 years old, and at her touch, over the next half decade or so, his horns began to grow until they formed a halo on his head. She told him she would be back for him, and then was never heard of again. He faced outcasting and shunning by his own community, and then was sought after by a cult called the Order of the Circle who took his circle horn as a sign from Ouroboros himself. Once the Queen takes his powers away, and Dune makes a promise to Nick to help him, Ha returns to him and offers him her magic. As the god of unjust pact breaking, she only asks that Dune helps people find freedom. At first skeptical, Dune took her offer with his back up against the wall, but when she comes to his and Nick's aid at a time of need, he has a complete change of heart. Later on, Ha is alluded to being in trouble for causing issues with Shar, and Dune blames himself for calling on her.


Dune's feelings towards Hansol are mostly of pity and tried patience. He has never wished any harm upon Hansol, in revenge or otherwise.
Hansol was the only person Dune had met who knew anything about the relics, and so he spent a lot of energy pursuing Hansol -- for answers and secrets, of course, but his way of kissing up to them could definitely insinuate otherwise. The blatant annoyance he felt at Hansol's knowing what he didn't spurned on their business communications, but that feeling soon gave way to trepidation and fear as Dune began to realize what all Hansol was capable of. When Hansol takes Dune's face and rules Haven with it, Dune only feels defeat. In their last conversation, Dune makes it clear that he has no intentions to harm Hansol in any way, and asks that Hansol trust him. Hansol reveals, surprisingly, that they do not wish to see Dune killed either.


Dune is afraid of the Queen. He wonders if she'll come back for him somehow, finding that he betrayed her. In his insecurity, he relapses back into her teachings, and thinks that she was right: that he does not belong in the world and will only suffer, and his only way to survive is to make others suffer as he has and will.
Dune was introduced to the Queen from an early age, and though he never met her, his ideal of her was much closer to worship than any semblance of such by way of Ha. Once he began adventuring, he performs rituals to her in which he exchanges secrets, and he hears her voice in his head frequently -- every night that he can manage it, almost. He hears her laughter when he tells her he's given a piece of himself to the Shadow Weave. He did, briefly, use her status to lord over Virgo -- although the effect was more intimidating for Nick than the archfey himself -- and his relationship with the Queen gives him a condescending perspective on other archfey, or beings who would consider themselves powerful.


Dune is completely, and utterly, terrified of Shar. Because she is an all-powerful and omniscient deity who he was taught from an early age was the creator of the very idol he was meant to worship, yes, but moreso because she is much too close to both of the people he holds dear.

As a child, Dune learned that Shar and Selune created the world, and thus all within the world are projects of their own: Selune made the moon to shine in Shar's darkness. Shar made the shadows that Selune's sun casts. And so the Queen of Air and Darkness was a being that Shar brought about. He was unfamiliar with her in his youth besides being the creator of his idol, but as he began to investigate the Shadow Weave, his feelings of patronizing apathy towards the god twisted into mindless fear.  


Dune despises his mother. He thinks she is pitiful and weak, and completely and utterly controlled. He is only vaguely aware that his own behavior was largely shaped by hers.

In his youth, she was cruel and neglectful, as is the way of the Court of Mirrors, but she also strove to keep information from him, and made him feel powerless in his ignorance. She harbors a lot of resentment towards him and considers him a harbinger of chaos, which left a  significantly large mark on his self esteem.  


Bhairavi was the most gentle person Dune knew in Cabaan, which wasn't a hard bar to hit. He remembers her with vague affection.
Before Bhairavi died, she was the only other tiefling Dune knew until Nicholas. Though they didn't spend much time together, she would tell him about the world outside. She taught him to speak Infernal.


Dune doesn't know who Adi is.







[This is essentially stuff that I plan to happen after things finish up with his campaign. Everything is subject to change, since, well, Dune literally switched classes halfway through the campaign -- but here's what I'm thinking for now:]