
Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthday: January 27th

Hair color: Blue

Eye color: Light Blue

Tail Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: None

Loves: Ocean Breezes on beaches, Swimming competitions

Hates: Scales getting yucky, Knives, Being without funds

    Nori is a young man that lives in Aquinous in the middle to low end side of the kingdom. While he got out of high school, he never really moved forward once that was done. He mainly took jobs related to tracking funds and goods, feeling like he was good at doing so. It wasn't until he took a vacation to the land where he ended up feeling relaxed in a long time: the sun shining upon him, the breeze washing over him, as he laid in the hot sand, it all felt so relaxing. Overtime, he would come back every now and again until he was able to live at the seaside city via something of an equivalent to a "foreign exchange program." He eventually meets a High School girl named Yukiko, and slowly began talking with her and began to hit it off with her. Currently, he feels like he can share just about anything with here, especially since she saw him as a merman. But, there's this level of trust that he feels towards her. He currently works at [???] and tries to get along with his coworkers; he doesn't know if he'll stay on land, but he's considering it.