Eliza Martinez



5 years, 4 hours ago



Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Natural black hair, in the sunlight it sometimes look dark brown
Eyes: Darkish brown, almost blind
Skin: Olive


Eliza is seen to be a very open minded person. She is willing to work with just about anyone and is usually smiling. She is smart and very quick to solving problems. She is hard working but also can have some fun whenever she can be. Although Eliza enjoys helping others she is doesn't like others to help her deal with her past or needs. She thinks that makes her weak and that she would seem useless. Eliza also is very charismatic, some might see this as a good trait but with her job she often uses it to get more money out of club owners. Eliza also rely's on her emotions too often, this usually leads her to not think as clearly when she needs to and will often jump to conclusions.

Outfit/ Gear 

Eliza's default skin is based off a pastel clothing set, she wears light pink colored goggles which were made by Winston, Moira and Mercy(they kinda look like Tracers),a pink half shirt(her right shoulder is covered and the left isn't, just part of it.), a very light pastel pink bra, pastel blue skinny jeans which go down to just below her knees, and special boots created by Winston as well when Eliza first joined Overwatch. Eliza also wears small black bracelets, on on each arm.


Soilder 76: Jack is like a father figure to Eliza after is is taken in by Overwatch in 2059. After hearing about what happened in Eliza's hometown he comforts her. At first this was just to show that Jack did care for others became more than just showing that Jack was a nice guy. Within weeks after Eliza was brought into Overwatch he had become like Eliza's father and acted like it as well. After reuniting with Eliza and the rest of Overwatch in 2076, Jack still acted like Eliza's father.

Reaper: In the beginning Gabe was more like a boss to Eliza. He treated her like every other member of Overwatch. They both respected each other and would help each other when they needed help. When Gabe became Reaper he was forced to become enemies with anyone who opposed Talon, in 2076 when his Talon squad were taken down by the new Overwatch. After becoming apart of Overwatch again and reuniting with Jack Gabe became another father figure to Eliza.

McCree: Jesse was is like a big brother to Eliza. Upon meeting Eliza when she first joined Overwatch Jesse was already told about what she had been through upon finding her Jesse swore to act like a big brother with her. Jesse and Eliza became very close in the short time that he knew her he treated her as a equal and a little sister. When Overwatch was brought back together Jesse was thrilled to see Eliza again.

Lucio: Luico is Eliza's best friend. After meeting in 2071 the two worked together to try to bring peace and hope to the world. Eliza would use Lucio's music with her dances. The two also seemed to many things in common other than wanting to bring hope to the world. They would both tell others about one another and help each other out whenever they could. Many people thought that they were dating but they both cleared that up quickly, by saying that they were just great friends. After Overwatch came back together in 2076 Eliza was able to get Lucio to join and help keep the world as peaceful as possible.

Tracer: Lena is Eliza second best friend. They had known each other sense Lena joined Overwatch, even though they didn’t know each other that long they became close friends.

Junkrat: Jamie and Eliza have a very complicated relationship. They first meet in 2071 when Jamie  almost kills Eliza at a club in Australia. 3 years later Eliza with the new Overwatch team bust Junkrat and Roadhogs heist in France. The two are taken into Overwatch custody and become members of Overwatch. Junkrat and Eliza than become close friends after that. After a while Eliza realized that she liked Junkrat. Eliza wasn't able to confess to Junkrat before she was in a accident that lefter half blind, an accident that Junkrat accidentally caused. After Eliza was able to see again (see outfits/gear) Eliza Confessed her feeling to Junkrat. Who gladly shared the same feelings.

Powers and Ability's

Her boots help Eliza create rock mounds at will by creating a lot of force on the earth, she often shows off with her ability by dancing while making rocks. Eliza is very quick on her feet, which is why she decided to become a dancer after Overwatch was disbanded. Eliza's goggles also help her. They were made after Eliza was injured by one of Junkrat's bombs on a mission and due to the explosion she became half blind, she could still see colors but everything was blurry. They were built to help her see, but Winston and Moria also added a feature that would help Eliza see where to step to create Rock mounds.


Eliza Martinez was born in 2054 in a small village in Guatemala. She grew up with her mother, father, and brother. In 2061 a group of rough Omincs destroyed her village and killed her entire village, leaving her to be the old survivor. Overwatch was call in to deal with the Omnics but by the time they were able to arrive only Eliza was left in the rubble of what was left of her village.

Eliza was brought to Overwatch where she was taken in by the Black Watch squad. Once Eliza was at the base she was officially taken in by Overwatch. She grew up with Overwatch and was trained among them. She saw Jack Morrison as a father figure and Jesse McCree as a brother. She would call McCree ‘brother’ and Jack ‘Dad’. Eliza also saw Gabe as a father figure as well she would call him ‘Papa’. In 2071 (age 17) Eliza was informed that the Swiss base was destroyed and Eliza left Overwatch.

After leaving Overwatch Eliza worked in theater and then became a stage dancer. She also became a Freedom Fighter trying to bring peace between humans and Omnics. In 2071 Eliza meets Lúcio after he steals Vishkar sonic technology and the two became very close friends during this time Eliza also commissioned a mechanic to making her Power Boots. Some people started to think that the two were dating but they were simply best friends. In late 2073 Eliza was preforming in Sydney, Australia. During one night when she was hanging at a club after one of her performances, the club was destroyed by Junkrat and Roadhog who destroyed the building. During this Eliza’s eyes were damaged and she had to get special googles to help her see. She soon left Australia after the whole ordeal and traveled to Japan to perform there.






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Description of ability


Description of ability


  • Real Name: Eliza Martinez, Age: 22
  • Occupation: Overwatch (formally) Actor, Gemologist
  • Location: Location
  • Affiliation: Overwatch (formally)


Eliza Martinez was born in 2054 in a small village in Guatemala. She grew up with her mother, father, and brother. In 2061 a group of rough Omincs destroyed her village and killed her entire village, leaving her to be the old survivor. Overwatch was call in to deal with the Omnics but by the time they were able to arrive only Eliza was left in the rubble of what was left of her village. Eliza was brought to Overwatch where she was taken in by the Black Watch squad. Once Eliza was at the base she was officially taken in by Overwatch. She grew up with Overwatch and was trained among them. She saw Jack Morrison as a father figure and Jesse McCree as a brother. She would call McCree ‘brother’ and Jack ‘Dad’. Eliza also saw Gabe as a father figure as well she would call him ‘Papa’. In 2071 (age 17) Eliza was informed that the Swiss base was destroyed and Eliza left Overwatch. After leaving Overwatch Eliza worked in theater and then became a stage dancer. She also became a Freedom Fighter trying to bring peace between humans and Omnics. In 2071 Eliza meets Lúcio after he steals Vishkar sonic technology and the two became very close friends during this time Eliza also commissioned a mechanic to making her Power Boots. Some people started to think that the two were dating but they were simply best friends. In late 2073 Eliza was preforming in Sydney, Australia. During one night when she was hanging at a club after one of her performances, the club was destroyed by Junkrat and Roadhog who destroyed the building. During this Eliza’s eyes were damaged and she had to get special googles to help her see. She soon left Australia after the whole ordeal and traveled to Japan to perform there.