Bear That Follows



5 years, 22 days ago


Bear that Follows

"All I need, darling, is a life in your shape

I picture it soft and I ache"

  • Name Bear that Follows
  • Age Between 20 and 30 months (2 years)
  • Allegiance Kindred of Golden Leaves
  • Rank Messenger
  • Gender | Sexuality Cis female | Lesbian
  • Personality

    Bear is simply a lovely character to be around! Usually walking around with the starts of a smile always on her face and some little tune being hummed, this molly would love to consider every cat she meets a potential friend for life. Obviously, they know some cats are simply not well intentioned and would take kindness for ignorance but still, she simply prefers to not assume the worst out of them and is almost always willing to give out a second chance.

    One to admire simple wonders such as the turning of colors in leaves or the colors of a sunset, Bear is always searching for the beauty of everything she can. She thrives in knowing stories and loves making conversation with wanderers and travellers, simply because she wants to know things her eyes haven't yet seen.

    As her name accurately suggests, Bear that Follows is not one to take the leading initiative in most cases and is happy to simply follow orders, although she doesn't follow blindly either. She likes to think one doesn't need to be a leader to be of importance and will live by this principle until proven otherwise.

  • Appearance

    Bear that Follows is a huge molly with a wonderfully soft coat of light brown fur. Her extremities are a darker shade of brown as a colorpoint cat but her underbelly and front paws are white. Bear also has a single white spot on her forehead and her eyes are light blue. If the season allows for it, Bear that Follows will usually have a rounder form.

  • Likes Sunshine, Duck meat, Stories, Flowers
  • Dislikes Leading, Caring for small kittens (too fragile), Impatient cats, Hard rules
  • Backstory

    Honestly, there's not much to go in here. Bear hasn't been roleplayed for long before she was shelved but I still love her very much.

  • Voice Claim Zee Avi
  • Playlist None, sorry girl.
  • Trivia
    • ● Had one housecat parent who was a ragdoll cat. This is known by the Kindred of Golden Leaves and they have no problem with it. Neither does Bear.
    • ● Named after her parent saw a mother bear with cubs following after her. It was supposed to be a clever way of saying newborn Bear resembled a bear cub.

profile html by Hukiolukio