

5 years, 20 days ago


Age 37
Height 5'9




  • She's based off of the Mary Sue trope. Her name came from this term, but it was formerly Marie-Soo (ew).
  • Her last name comes from Yoshio Kodama, a Japanese criminal from the 1970s.
  • She drives a motorcycle.
  • She owns a stitched bat named Boris that she kept ever since she was a young girl.
  • During her hiatus, she developed an interest in quantrum theory, but a dislike for boats after discovering she was seasick.
  • She has a fire-and-ice fox named Tenko and a Mexican red-knee tarantula named Death Nugget. She used to have a chicken named Ron.




Known for her strikingly blue hair, Marie Kodama is the vocalist, guitarist, and founder of Dead Celebrity. However, after many trials and errors, she soon disbanded the group and later started a career as a lone musician. With a quick temper and a sharp tongue, Marie can come across as condescending and rude, making her almost intimidating. Her hardened exterior and confidence in her leadership skills almost makes it hard for her to cooperate with others at times.

Despite her rough behavior, she is shown to be very carefree and outgoing, often attending clubs and bars at night. This grants her an opportunity to start charming and seducing others for the night, often leading to one night stands. However, she is careful in choosing her hookups, usually found observing from the bar or the dance floor.

Even though she has a tough exterior, she is found to be hiding a much softer side to her. To the few she trusts, she's very kind and caring. Even if it's hard for her, she can be incredibly patient and very affectionate behind closed doors.



  • Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
  • vintage objects
  • neon colors + LED lights
  • goth Lolita fashion


  • authority figures + politics
  • Halsey
  • k-pop
  • bathroom humor


Hikari Kodama lived in poor condition with her family. Her mother looked after the children after losing her job in the field of science. Her father was the only working man, but only gaining enough to support what little food and shelter they had.

While her mother searched for jobs, she stumbled upon an ad from a makeup company that wanted a human to represent their idol for meet and greets and promotional things for their brand. They offered lots of money to many poor families in exchange for the time and effort of their daughter. Reluctantly, Hikari agreed and took up the offer for the company. Soon, her family moved to the city. Although they enjoyed their new life, they missed their daughter dearly. Hikari, in return, missed them.

While she worked hard to gain money and impress her audiences, Hikari soon began to feel stressed from the pressure. After an attempt to dye her hair, the company showed much disapproval and became more strict with her. They limited her meals in order to keep her body slender and told her to hold in her emotions and smile for the fans. She requested to quit, but the contract prevented her from leaving right away. When the time came, she immediately left with a new attitude: to become her own person under no rules. She told her family her new plans. They were reluctant at first, but eventually agreed. They hugged her and told her to visit them whenever.




Soon, she moved to the USA. She lived in a single apartment with the remaining money she had while looking for a job. At some point, she founded a band called Dead Celebrity after getting inspired by older rock bands, including Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.

However, they disbanded after realizing their creative differences, but agreed to stay connected. She found a job as a record shop clerk and worked to stay afloat. However, she found herself losing money fast. She was facing the risk of overdue rent. She contacted her family for help, but they sent her enough to only last her one more month. Soon, she discovered strip clubs and ended up getting hired by one.

During one of her shifts, she met 2D, who, at the time, was in his first hiatus from Gorillaz. The two hit it off from the bat and hooked up. From there, they became friends with benefits. She was intrigued by his zombie-like appearance and involvement in Gorillaz.


She felt inspired to start up her music career again after the band reunited. After quitting her job as a stripper, she became a soloist with her music, with some collaborations from her old bandmates. Additionally, she took up the name Marie since it had a "nice ring to it" and took up defense classes and shooting lessons.

Despite how well things were, Marie later became very stressed from the pressure, causing her to lash out at the people around her, including 2-D. This led to a fight between them before they eventually cut each other off. On top of that, she grew distant from her family after becoming incredibly busy.


After the fight, she entered a depressive state, making her unable to keep up with her career. This led her to take a hiatus and later head to Cancun, Mexico for a vacation. Despite attending many events and meeting new people, she was not able to forget the prior events.

Alone in her hotel room, she continued to write songs, many of which involve her venting about her emotions and uncertainty on her goals. Many songs were scrapped later on, but still kept in a journal in her room.

When Plastic Beach came out, she attempted to ignore it, but eventually gave in and bought it. She became very attached to On Melancholy Hill and To Binge after listening to it, which led her to finally reflect on herself as a whole and her relationships.


After her vacation, she slowly regained confidence in herself and left Cancun. Once she returned, she found a job as a bartender and worked extra hard to earn more money for a trip to visit her family. Soon, she flew a plane toward Japan and found them still in her childhood home. After a very emotional reunion, she used the opportunity to rebuild the bonds by visiting many places and spending as much time as she could with them.

After she left, she returned to her bartender job, where she eventually scored a few dates and attended a few parties. When she discovered the new music video, Saturnz Barz, she made it her mission to search for them. Finding them hosting a concert nearby, she bought a ticket and made it to the front seats.

After it was over, she and 2D met up at a park and agreed to become friends again. Soon, the two began to date and Marie started her music career again, keeping her bar job on the sidelines.


After Murdoc's arrest, 2D and Marie struggled to maintain their relationship due to 2D's new arrogant attitude. Their similar behaviors clashed and caused them to butt heads at times, but attempts were still made to work it out. At some point, she decided to take a break from their relationship.

There was a possibility that he may have impregnated her, however...


2-D ex-boyfriend, friends


Despite him having very little going on upstairs, his optimism outlook made her quite fond of him. She was afraid of getting too close to him, keeping an on and off relationship until they eventually got together in phase 4. However, the two later split up in phase 5, but still remain friends to this day.



The yin to her yang. The two have stuck together ever since they met as teenagers. Marie was distrustful of her at first, but Valerie proved to be a strong and loyal friend. The two have each other's backs no matter what.

LELA NARA friends


They met when Marie was looking for a musical producer at U-Phoria Records and became good friends later on. The two seem to have a nice relationship, with Lela's airheadedness making her fond of her too.



Soulmates. Marie met him during a blind date at a cafe and the two hit it off. At first, the two kept it strictly to a friends with benefits relationship, but later fell in love and became engaged.

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