Xanthea's Comments


This is my first time attempting a WTA, so I hope this is alright? Will probably come up with more stuff later on/make changes, but this is what I have at first glance.

I'm not usually a fan of female OCs but she's definitely one of the more interesting ones I've ever come across! I imagine she's some sort of highborn bastard-child between a high ranking demon and a human (since she has different coloured eyes). The tattoos are proof that she's been accepted into the nobility (she had to go through many trials to prove herself worthy), and she's respected enough, though whispers remain. She speaks in a refined and elegant manner, though her words are laced with poison. Generally exudes a calm demeanor, though those who know her knows she is dangerous enough, and are smart not to cross her.

That's really interesting ;o; I hope you enjoy her! Sending her over now~

Thank you so much! I'll definitely have fun with her *w* 

Love this too! Hope there's no limit on how many we can WTA here. Thus will be back for sleepy. Is their any deadline?

Once I see something I like, I'll transfer. So it really depends on when I like something I read.

Ah ok going be while for me start both. Hopefully I can get it in before you do find the one you like!