


5 years, 23 days ago


Name Corvus
Age 850+
Height 15.5 feet
Element Death
Rank Wanderer
Gender Male
Orient. Hetero
Allegiance Pride + Oasis
Designer starry--knight
Lineage [link]

  • Build, Looks + Mannerisms: Corvus has never been a slender cub, was the smallest of his siblings but was a fat ball of fluff as his mother lovingly describes him. He had bright, bright eyes that steadily stared forward, almost glaring at any lion who came to visit the family's den. As he grew, thankfully he lost that 'cub fat' and it became very clear that he had inherited his father's solid, strong build. Thick powerful legs, a long tail with a dark mane. He had always had large paws as a cub and there was no denying they stayed with him as he aged. Corvus has a short coat, (look up coat for a predator animal) but cursed with very fluffy ears. His strides are slow and lumbering, like he isn't in a particular hurry to get anywhere but there is serious power behind each step. And the male isn't one for idle wandering. Corvus doesn't much care for the spotlight and has only some confidence when speaking to other lions, well known friends and strangers alike. His facial features are steady, eyes staring unrelentingly at his 'peer' but ears pinned back against his head, lost in his mane.
  • Voice: Low, not particularly deep and speaks in soft tones. Despite his soft tones, he speaks clearly and refuses to use slang terms for anything. Proper terms at all times and has gotten into the habit of using unnecessarily long words in place of simpler ones. Doesn't laugh often but it starts out croaky but clears up to be soft chuckles. Will often start a conversation by clearing his throat.
  • Voice Claim / Inspiration: Jude Law
  • Scent: Cold stone.

Intelligent, Curious + Patient
"How curious, please, do tell me more."
The cub with a thirst of knowledge grew to be an adult with that same drive. Corvus is a bright lion and but while his brains aren't suited with planning tactics or coming up with battle plans he is however is brilliant at remembering facts and places. He also enjoys categorising information and reciting it to a certain few. Usually only the Oasis council members or his family. However, Corvus has no quarrels with how he obtains that information. Curious questions to parents, seeking out older lions for their wisdom, speaking to other 'dangerous' or suspicious members of various groups and through his gift. Like his mother, he has the power to speak to the dead, as well as more dangerous skills accompanied with wielding the 'death' element. His power can be used to obtain information / secrets from wayward souls but he never purposely hunts for harmful secrets, finding that the dead sometimes lose their ability to filter information. Corvus would rather know what is someone's favourite food then their deepest, darkest secret. Never appears to be in a rush to do much, but that is just a misconception. The large male is patient and happy enough to wait for someone to meet him even when the sky darkens. Time isn't something that drives his actions or his life.

Trustworthy + Mature
"You can trust me."
The large male isn't much of a joker, Corvus is very mature. He views things in a non-complicated way which can make it frustrating to some more, fiery lions. He understands what his right and what is wrong, thanks to his dedicated parent's teachings. While he has a very steady and unwavering moral compass, Corvus tries to be open minded and wants to see multiple sides of an issue in order to firmly grasp the whole situation. As an adult, the male doesn't have much enthusiasm for rough play, or any great exhaust of energy that can't be linked to something important. However as a cub, he would bound around if his siblings wanted to play but otherwise, he was content to wander around the pride and bother older lions with rather complicated questions. Corvus has always been a library of information, whether through gathering information for his own curiosity or for his job at the Oasis as a Wanderer but the male can trusted with all sensitive information. He would never betray anyone's trust in that way.

Careless + Blunt + Dry
"So, when will you ask her to be your mate? …What?"
While he is smart, Corvus is horrible with social ques and will often innocently point out the elephant in the room in a heartbeat. Also developed the unusually brilliant habit in ignoring pointed stares. The male isn't very well versed in proper body language, he will often stare directly into the eyes of the other lion and will often stand a little too far away when talking to others. Is very straightforward, will say what he thinks to be true with not much change in tone, spoken very matter-of-factly. Honestly never means to upset others, he just can't help how he thinks which then controls his tongue. Corvus himself, isn't an open book when it comes to emotions, it a difficult feat to determine if he is angry or upset but is very happy to show the more positive emotions when they strike.

Protective, Loyal + Empathic
"Just stand behind me."
Like his father he does have a heart of gold.  Corvus loves his family, something he learnt from his mother and very protective of them, doing whatever they ask of him not matter what it is or how dangerous. Can't stand bullying of any sort, is very quick to jump to the defence of someone, anyone, looming with piercing green eyes staring from a dark mane. Not an aggressive lion, regardless of his element and the association with it, he isn't one to start fights with other lions but is very happy to verbally cut someone down. Should he feel they deserve it. Emotions are somewhat a mystery to him, he knows what he is feeling most days but goodness, trying to comprehend others around him is simply baffling. Regardless, he doesn't like to see or hear things in pain and will go out of his way to solve it if he can. If he can't, he's sure that will be able to find someone who can.

Intimidating, Controlled + Sober
Most lions who possess the gift of Death appear very strange to other lions. A young cub who would speak to thin air and felt at ease around the lake can be a little off putting. Born through the war, the cub was constantly surrounded by the souls of dead warriors but strangely found it a comfort when he slept. They made him feel safe as he knew there was someone always watching him and his family. So when it came to seeing spirits, he had no issue but other aspects of his element didn't come easy to him. When he was younger, he would get easily frustrated and angry, small cuts and bruises appearing on those around him. After an incident, Corvus withdrew, focusing on increasing his knowledge and learning from his mother how to control his element. A rather intimidating creature, large bulky size paired with a sometimes impersonal way of interacting with others. Not a great talker, he instead just usually stays quiet, a figure in the background. A soberly emotional lion, not much fazes him whether it be mean words or even wounds.

Attentive, Concise + Absorbed
"Hmm, yes, yes. Wait, pardon?"
Attention to detail is a skill of Corvus', a reason why he believes he is such a good fit as an Oasis Wanderer. He does notice things about other lions, how a lion acts around certain lions and quirks but sometimes he can get so absorbed into his work that obvious things get overlooked. His inexperience with understanding other's emotions means that he sometimes overlooks them, a tear in the eye can be logically put down to the fact that they have something stuck in it, not that they have been crying. Sees things with his brain, not necessarily with his heart. With close friends and family he does like to keep tabs on them but while he may over look somethings, he does try hard. Not one to lie especially because he isn't very good at it. Excels however at giving information clearly and in as few words as possible.

Corvus' entry into the world was typical, born in a warm den, 2 little siblings beside him with bright eyes peering down at them. The chubby cub sneezed, fur fluffing up before with a little yawn, he buried his head into the crook of his mother's elbow. The young cub would drive his parents insane as somehow in the middle of the night he would seemly crawled from their arms to sit at the opening of the small den, green eyes staring intently at the starry sky above. He spent most of his time with his siblings, crawling and playing around the den, though it was obvious that Corvus yearned for the world outside the den.

The adults slowly introduced their children to the world of the Pride, the colours, scents and sights of a thriving society. It was an overload. Corvus stuck close to the legs of his father, golden cream fur a stark contrast to the black and tan cub. So when it came to Corvus, his parents took things slow. Mirrah brought her cubs to her classes as she quickly went back to her role as a cub trainer. Corvus wasn't particularly interested in interacting with the other cubs, as far as he was concerned, the only lions he needed was his family. It also didn't help that Corvus was viewed by the other cubs as a strange curiosity. The male was drawn to the lake in the centre of the Pride. Its glistening, reflective waters that seemed to whisper to him as he sat at the edge. There was a strange comfort he felt as he sat by the edge; not tempted to touch the water as he was well aware of the dangerous effects of the lake, but the whispering, as if he was surrounded by a large crowd of lions. He found it a little hard to make out the proper words, some clear as if he was listening to a lion standing in front of him but others were muffled and thick, masked by the 'barrier' of the lake water.

Soon the siblings began to start their training to see which elements they had inherited from their loving parents. They started with just little elemental tricks. Corvus tried very hard, tail twitching in an irritated manner as he failed over and over to make a feather float, summon a ball of light or even just make the darn thing glow just a little brighter. Even when the 'lessons' finished, Corvus would stay up late for hours, trying over and over. He even went off to talk to elder lions and other cub trainers, despite his anxiety.

One evening he was sitting by the lake, talking softly to the whispering voices. Usually the voices were a generous mixture of nonsense, dark sayings and comforting whisperings. The lake was full of lion souls, lions of importance, warriors and just the everyday pride member. This fascinated him beyond all reason. Tonight, the words that echoed around the lake were supportive, at least, that is what they made the cub feel. So, the cub chatted back to them in a quiet voice. Mirrah wandered over to her cub and sat beside him, Corvus looking up at her with his big green eyes. "Do you hear the voices?" she whispered to him and the cub nodded. "They are rather peaceful tonight, I don't understand it all but I can understand the 'feelings' behind the words sometimes" he said slowly, tail curling around his legs. With a soft sigh, his mother spoke about her element, the element of death. The cub had heard about the element, about how 'dangerous' it was. An aggressive element, one feared. Corvus wasn't how he felt to have such an element. Being able to cause such harm with little force scared him. His mother did was she could to address his worries, she spoke about being able to see and speak to the spirits. Which, she beamed, he was already able to do so well.

Hitting the age of 20, he was placed in a sub category with other cubs who they deemed would become warriors, powerful future tanks. Corvus wasn't exactly taken with the idea. No one in his immediate family had such a powerful, physical rank, something he was incredibly uncomfortable with.

He had been sparring with a fellow classmate, hackles raised and teeth bared. All in the spirit of training. His 'opponent' was a fire elemental, quite gifted which rivalled Corvus' inexperience with his own element. The tan and brown male hadn't made a mark on his rival while he sported a few singed fur marks. Corvus growled, sick of the other male toying with him, exploiting his weakness and inexperience. As a tank he needed to be aggressive with his offensive moves, or at least, that is what his teacher said. His opponent laughed as he pounced on Corvus, chomping on his ear. With a snarl, Corvus spun quickly, striking out at the cub's side in frustrating but stopped dead when his opponent howled in pain. A large slash appeared where Corvus had touched the cub, deep bruising spreading across the other cub's side. Corvus apologised to the other cub, ignoring the pointed stares of the others. His mother who had been watching trotted quickly over to her son and went to place a paw around him but Corvus scuttered away from her touch, tears rolling down his face as he quickly left the scene.

Since that day, Corvus shied away from physical contact of any sort, greatly distressed his family, especially his parents but the cub couldn't be swayed. Over the years it got slightly better, physical touch was met with a shiver and a gentle sidestep away.

He learned slowly to control his 'dangerous' element, through the patient teachings of his fawn coloured mentor but also through the evening teachings with his mother. As studious student, the green eyed cub soaked up everything taught to him, continuing to hunt down other lions to expand this knowledge. Before he aged, he had complete control of his element as well as his emotion. The fear of having another 'incident' again terrified him, so he made the decision that his element and his life wouldn't be controlled by emotion, especially anger.

Corvus aged up, inheriting his father's thick build but his mother's stunning pelt. A large, imposing pride mane meant that his 'tank' future was dashed. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't disappointed and was rather glad that his future wasn't surrounded by the pressures of choosing which lions lived and died on the battlefield. No, he wasn't made for that kind of world. There were various positions he could do to support his home. A performer wasn't something he was interested in, or particularly good at. He acted as a hunter for a century or two, providing food for the Prison Guards and prisoners on Planet Z-99.

He rather enjoyed it, the opportunity to develop and explore his element more in-depth as well as provide a quick death for the creatures he hunted. And while Corvus isn’t the chattiest soul in the Pride, he made some good friendships with his fellow hunters as they usually gathered in small groups or pairs to the hunting grounds. On the days he wasn't hunting, he sat by the lake, hung out with his family or talked with his mentor, extracting as much information as he could. The male was a scholar at heart and did think of changing his rank, but found his rather, intimidating and emotionless way of speaking scared most cubs, so mentoring wasn't going to work.

After a couple of years looking after his fragile mother, it was soon evident that the lioness was fading away and one afternoon she passed away in her sleep; curled up in the furs that Joziah had gathered for her to sleep on. The young male was heartbroken, the only family he had ever known was gone and thus his ties to the ravine were cut. He had long decided that he would leave for the pride when he had grown into his adult form but the thought of leaving his mother made the male feel incredibly guilty. Now she was gone, such feelings were void and there was nothing holding him back.

As he was idling one day and a puffed lioness ran into him, Corvus took a few stumbling steps as the impact was rather forceful. She mumbled something that Corvus' assumed was an apology but the lioness paused and then quickly asked if Corvus knew a certain lion. The male was puzzled by this certain line of questioning, he wasn't the best at making small talk but he was certain that this wasn't common. Melrose intrigued him. So when there was an empty slot for her patrol partner, he found himself volunteering. Their connection was, strange. His friend Louisa knew that those two were an item before they did. Both were blunt, unemotional and had very little flirting/love experience. Corvus was comfortable around her and after a rather 'brief' conversation, they were officially courting.

While he could never say it out loud, he adored the lioness. The way her tail curled, her mannerisms and her smile when she found out some new information to horde in that sharp mind of hers. After a few years they were even starting to discuss about their future cubs as they sat in their warm cave, gazing at the stars.

But, not every happiness lasts. His good friend Louisa, who he could rely on for helping him understand emotions he couldn't comprehend from others or even his own, passed away. She had always been ill, but it finally taking her was hard for Corvus. He sat by the lake for days, just waiting for any sign of her. After a week of Corvus remaining by the lake, his mate wandering down and gently ushered him back to their home, silently listening to her mate whisper that he thought he heard his friend's voice in that rabble.

One evening, Corvus woke up with a start and noticed that the space next to him was empty. His mate often went out at night and meeting up with lions, some with rather, dark backgrounds but she was tough, strong. Something felt strange though. Getting up, Corvus slowly wandered through the Pride with increasing worry as the sky slowly brightened. A pair of fellow patrol lions ran past him, their heavy breathing evident and worry on their face. Something was wrong. One stopped when they noticed him, her mouth opening and closing as if she was searching for the right things to say. The two patrol lions exchanged glances, the male gave a sorrowful look before racing off towards the healer's den. "Corvus, I'm…we….Melrose…" she started, walking close to the male who blinked blankly at her. The lioness sighed, Corvus could tell something was wrong but he needed her to spell it out. Reading between the lines wasn't a strength of his. "Tell me plainly, please" he asked bluntly. With her ears pinned back on her head, she told him. Melrose was found dead on the pride perimeter, a witness said they saw her talking to someone before a fight broke out, the lion leaving her to die. She passed away before they reached her.

The male was utterly crushed, his body felt heavy, like his heart had been torn out of his chest and he felt no need to be around anyone. He seldom left his cave by the lake, staring longingly at the swirling waters. Some worried he may fling himself into the lake but such dark thoughts didn't cross the male's mind. It was hard to contemplate what he was feelings but he knew nothing could be done to lessen this burning.

With the discovery of the Oasis, Corvus took it as a sign for him to leave the Pride. To expand his knowledge. He loyalty was still with the Pride but it was hard walking the same patrol routes without a certain curled tailed lioness by his side. One regret was how he told, or truly, didn't tell his parents. It was an afterthought. On the day he was to set out to the Oasis, he wandered over to his parent's den and told them of his intentions. When they asked when he would be back, the male paused. His mother, Mirrah didn't take the news very well but Corvus couldn't be swayed. There was a pang of regret as he walked away from Home mountain but he honestly thought it was still the heartache from his mate's death.

Life in the Oasis was bright and colourful with towering arches and interesting weather. Corvus fell in love with the feel, the history that was richly inscribed on walls and arches as well as the wealth of knowledge his new fellow Oasis dwellers had. A death elemental with diamond iris was able extend his knowledge on the dead language the souls spoke. His new role as a Wanderer filled him with purpose and was something he was interested in, retrieving and finding information. Melrose would have loved it too.

There was also a piece of home that followed him to the Oasis. There were plenty of familiar faces as he wasn't the only lion who was tempted by the 'shine' of the Oasis. One such lion was a grey lioness, Solana. She was expressive, dedicated and sarcastic. She was, interesting. Different from the stone faced male but for some reason, he was drawn to her. A hardworking Oasis guard who used work on Planet Z, moved to the Oasis after a 'broken heart', well, that’s what she told him after months and months of chatting.

Slowly, they formed a strong bond, Corvus looking out for the lioness when he returned from a long journey. He couldn't believe that he would be attracted to someone who was so opposite to him. But there was still the sting of Melrose, so he found himself becoming very attentive to Solana's whereabouts as well becoming rather self-conscious, hiding in the shadows and almost dulling his personality. It was difficult.

But Solana was quick to pick up on Corvus' struggle, something that he prided himself on hiding well. He was blunt, he had a mate, hundreds of years ago, but she died, rather abruptly. Solana in return told him of her 'heartbreak'. The lioness helped him to understand his emotional side and over time he grew more comfortable to physical, affectionate touch. While he still uncomfortable with hugs and overly affectionate nuzzling, his huge display of affection is a lick on the cheek or forehead. They were officially, finally, mates.

Tensions had built and had finally broken, the war that had threatened their world was finally happening. And the Oasis had pledged itself to assist. Solana as a guard was suiting up to assist. Corvus was extremely nervous for her but he couldn't find it within himself to suit up himself. He wasn't a warrior, he had the element of death but refused to use it in the power hungry way that everyone thought his element needed to be used. >

But the male also refused to stand idly by. So, he made himself useful, helping get wounded off the battlefield and away from danger. It also helped him keep an eye out for his mate. His heart racing when he couldn't spot the familiar grey pelt, heart dropping when he spent frantic seconds searching as there was a pause on the battlefield. A pale lion with blood red eyes talking to the Alpha and a body rolling down a hill towards him. Corvus hurried down to see what the commotion was and to ask if anyone had seen his mate. After a few whispered 'no's and 'sorry, I'm not sure's', Corvus' mouth felt dry and tears welled up in his emerald green eyes. It had happened, again. Suddenly a body brushed up against his and he turned his head to peer into a pair of lime green eyes. Corvus wrapped a paw around her shoulders and pulled her close, forehead pressed against hers.

She had some bruises and cuts but nothing too major, thank goodness. The war had been won but with all the dark spirits that Corvus could see looming around the battlefield, the male wasn't sure whether they did truly win or not. The death elemental ushered Solana to a healer when the group of confused warriors disbanded, standing outside the den patiently. Before he knew it, the lioness was bounding out of the den and pounced on him, air pushed out of his lungs as he lay on the stone floor with her paws on his chest. "We're having cubs Corvus! Can you believe it!" Corvus opened his mouth and closed it again. Us? Cubs? Little, tiny, fragile cubs? He was numb, speechless. Solana looked expectantly down at him, her large smile slowly fading as her mate continued to say nothing.

He had once discussed having cubs with Melrose, but some part of him never thought he would actually ever be a father. The male smiled, something he doesn't do often and Solana's smile grew wide again, burying her head into his thick mane. Only months after the disastrous war, four small little bundles were sleeping in Solana's arms. Something clicked in the male, he wanted to be around these little things as much as possible and teach them everything he could. Pride welled in his chest as he lay down next to his mate, staring down at their cubs. Zuri, Ebele, Sabra and Adeyemi.

Three of them inherited his element but he promised himself that he would teach them as soon as they were ready that 'death' wasn't a curse. Then there was his little air girl, while he knew he wouldn't be able to guide her with her element as well as he could the others, mentally he had already chosen her the perfect mentor. Knowledge, history, those were things he dealt with very well, the way of the mind but he worried that he wouldn't be able to handle the emotional side of things. Zuri came crying to him once, saying she could see dark shapes no one else could see. He explained what she was seeing but he just couldn't find the right words to calm her, so he held her close for a moment before telling her to go hug her mum, she would make her feel all better. Where Corvus struggles with the emotional side, Solana was doting and patient, and even cut back on work to be there for them. Both parents want their cubs to grow up feeling loved and a part of a family.

Adores getting asked questions by his children as that is his job, gathering information. But if it is about 'feelings', he will try his very hardest but honestly probably isn't the best. "Honestly child, I'm still figuring them out myself. But come sit by me and I'll tell you about your grandparents. Sound adequate?" A little absorbed in his work at times so may not notice things about his children that he should/could have but he adores his little bundles of fluff with all his heart and just wishes for them to grow up strong and knowledgeable to make the right decisions.

Corvus travelled back to the Pride to let his family know of their new nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Damon was ecstatic about the news, telling his brother of his own cubs he adopted with his mate but grew sober when he told Corvus of his parents death. It was awful that they never got to meet his children but Corvus made sure that his cubs knew about the golden heart of his father and the nurturing soul of his mother.


  • Very sensitive to touch to the point where he finds physical contact uncomfortable. He has always been like that, even as a cub and would even find it difficult embracing his mother.
  • However, will accept hugs from only his children as he finds it too hard to tell them to stop. Also tends to 'pat' them, with his big paws patting gently the top of their heads.
  • Has great control over his element and it is very unlikely for him to cause harm by mistake.
  • Has a chipped left upper canine after playing a little too tough with his siblings.
  • A brilliant solo hunter, his tactic is to stay hidden in the undergrowth, even for hours at a time and wait for the prey to come close. He is has unending patience, that can be frustrating for more 'active' individuals but Corvus is happy to wait forever for something if he needs to.
  • He would never let anything suffer with his element and if he needs to kill, it will be done as painlessly as possible.
  • Doesn't understand sarcasm, fluffs up like an angry bird while trying to comprehend it.
  • Has no musical talent, can't sing to save his life.
Quick Relations

  • Mother: Mirrah [deceased; died during the great war]
  • Father: Kimba  [deceased; died during the great war]
  • Siblings: Damon [alive; in the pride], Dahila [alive, in the pride]
  • Partner: Solana- owned by Mortikat
  • Past Love(s): Melrose
  • Children: Zuri, Ebele, Sabra and Adeyemi.

Wolves Without Teeth by Of Monsters And Men [ x ]

You hover like a hummingbird
Haunt me in my sleep
You'll sailing from another world
Sinking in my sea, oh

I’ll Still Have Me by CYN [ x ]

Maybe in another life
Everything worked out alright
And things that made this harder passed us by

Hostage by Of Billie Eilish [ x ]

I don't know what to do
To do with your kiss on my neck
I don't know what feels true
But this feels right so stay a sec

Kimba + Mirrah Parents

While Corvus found it difficult to say such things out loud, he adored his parents and looked up to them. His father who never made a wrong step and his mother who cared so much, maybe too much. He wished he could have related to them more. Deeply saddened by their deaths, he is determined to keep their spirits alive by telling his cubs all about them. It would break him to see their spirits corrupted.

Solana Other half

After all his loss, all his troubles with other lions, there is still a part of him that can't believe he has such a lovely mate by his side. Solana has everything he doesn't, together they complete each other. He loves how hard working she is and his affection as only grown with the births of their cubs. Could spend hours watching her with their children. Solana has chased away all his doubts.

Dahlia Softest heart - Sister

Out of his two siblings, Corvus always had the hardest time relating to his sister. Regardless, he spent most of his young life trying to protect her heart from what others said. Is proud of what a great huntress she has become and misses having their heart to heart chats when he was living with the pride. Never felt judged in her presence.

Damon Curious Brother

These two get along well, Damon the more outgoing of the two and guilty of pushing Corvus to 'goof around'. Have an ongoing game of seeing who can meet the most spirits as they share an element and made a fantastic hunting team for the Pride. Stays in touch with his brother the most and proudly presented his cubs to their 'fun' uncle.

Adeyemi Little Prince - Son

Ade has an unquenchable curiosity, something that Corvus is only too happy to encourage. He has an ambition that Corvus never had, the older male proud that he has had a son with such drive. Stubborn, just like his mother that can be frustrating at times. Corvus is curious to see what role his son will undertake when he finally ages. But for now, he loves to watch them play with their siblings.

Sabra Daughter

Sabra reminds Corvus so much of his mother, a playful soul with the same cream marks over tan swirls. Tries to help her in any way he can, supporting her curiosity and honestly would do anything she asked of him. Unless he is concentrating deeply on his work, but then, he doesn't respond to anything/one when concentrating.

Zuri Gentle Beauty - Daughter

Corvus is rather relieved for his daughter Zuri as she is just so easy. A calm, gentle lioness who walks with a grace Corvus wished he had. Probably the closest to her out of all his children. He taught her the dead language of the spirits of their world, and would spend hours discussing it. A calming presence and he is happy to sit there listening to her talk about her day.

Ebele Mover - Daughter

This lioness would not sit still as a cub, Corvus felt as if he was always scooping her up and stopping her from putting her pawprints on everything. A little chatty which was a little overwhelming for a new father but as she matured, they have become closer. Is the one Corvus worries about the most but with Solana's support, he knows that Ebele will thrive in this world.

Percy Old Bestie - Friend

Both of these lions quickly fell into a comfortable friendship soon after they had grown. Both at ease with the silence that would grow as both preferred to say very little. Corvus would be the first to admit that he forgot about his friend when he first moved to the Oasis but made it his mission to reconnect the first chance he could. Wishes only the best for his friend and hopes to stay in touch.