Ashley Abbington



5 years, 26 days ago



Name Ashley
Birthday March 6th 2018
Gender Female
Status Gay - Taken
Race Pure Kirin
Zodiac Mirror
Education ???
Occupation Jewelry and Fashion Designer

“Money can't buy your happiness but it can buy the happiness of others.”


  • Bows, Jewelry, Dresses
  • All things that are PINK
  • Getting attention from people
  • Seeing people wearing her designs


  • Staying In
  • The color black
  • Wearing long sleeves
  • Reading books


Ashley is a single child who has lived a very privileged life. Her mother married the heir to a gem mining enterprise and together the couple expanded the company, confirming their place amongst elites. They not only supply stones for jewelers and portals but also harvest crystals for every day usage. Because of this company, the couple was able to spoil their daughter from the moment she was born. However, this has not made Ashley spoiled my any means. Though like any daddy's girl she has the best clothes and the prettiest jewelry, Ashley prefers to spend her time socializing and buying stuff for other people (and herself). She gets her sense of style from her mother who is a powerful influencer of the fashion industry. As of recently the family has launched a jewelry line created by Ashley herself and its proven quite profitable.

Ashley is not one to stay cooped up for long. During her years at University she was the princess of party and thats not entirely out of her system yet. It took the patients of a saint to tame this wild unicorn but she found her other half in the form of her girlfriend Rose. In a sense, Rose complete her. Being level headed, patient, and a little stuffy, she somehow manages to keep Ashley grounded. The two met as teenagers when their families would attend upper class events. Though Rose's story is her own to tell, Ashley was there to lend a hand when things went south and from that friendship grew something almost magical. Since then they have moved into a nice house near Rose's Coven where she can practice her business of fortune reading.



Rose [ Girlfriend ]

Having met when they were still children this unlikely pair has been inseperable. Rose is Ashley's other half in many ways. A women of maturity and pose Rose is the first to be the voice of reason and often keeps Ashley grounded.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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