


5 years, 12 days ago


Name: Canopy (of Aellyn, of the Circle of Magma, Captain Canopy of the Crimson Corsairs, and Champion of Joramy the Embercrown) 

Race: Half Tabaxi 

Gender: Woman 

Age/DoB/Zodiac: 23, March 27th year 469, Aries

Class: Druid, Circle of Magma/Wildfire 

Level: 17

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Chaotic Dumbass) 

Weapon: Mace, Moon Sickle, magic 

Role: Leader? Fighter/healer 


Feral, rebel without a cause, “Nothing matters anymore!”, “What’re you gonna do, stop me?”, overconfident, untamable hair, eats dirt, headstrong, doesn't always think before acting,  

Traits: I’m always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them. I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home. I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear. 

Ideal: Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. 

Bond: My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me. 

Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge. There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Current Story: Dormus Awaits (campaign start: June 8th 2019. End date: July 8th 2023)

Canopy and her friends were employed by a mysterious man to retrieve some tokens for him. They managed to get one of the tokens and adopted a baby dragon, named Snowflake. However, it is revealed that this mysterious man is actually the evil guy who summoned the terrasque not long ago. They figure it's best to just keep working with him for now, and go to find more of the tokens. But before they can, they get caught by pirates, and adopted into the crew of the Crimson Corsairs, lead by Canopy's dad, Captain Storm. Currently, they just became un-stranded from a mysterious artic wasteland, after getting washed up there after a kraken attack. They're currently on a mission to steal some wine and maybe find Storm. The party has stolen the wine and found out that Storm is basically in the Bermuda Triangle. We burned down a boat full of transphobes and talked to the goddess of the sea. Our gnome barbarian, Pock, is now one of her champions. Having gained the blessing of the goddess of the sea, the party goes to the Magic Bermuda Triangle to collect her boat, The Ossory, and rescue the crew of Storm's ship, The Red Dawn. Canopy and our rogue/bard, Amelie, are lesbians. Along the way we encounter three krakens in a trench coat. 

Once the party reached the center of the Reef, we found The Ossory - on the bottom of the sea, and being used as a pillow by an ancient dragon kraken (or draken). Through sheer dumb luck and a lot of quick thinking from Pock, we somehow manage to kill the draken (or rather, Pock went in its skull and pulverized its brain). However, the battle was not without casualty, and Amelie is revived the next day on Death Cult Island. Amelie is Traumatized and Canopy swears to never let her die again. Then the party collects The Ossory and all its loot, and goes to find their ship, The First Frost. 

[fill in stuff later] 

Alasdair fully becomes a kraken. The party finally finishes their super powerful magic items, the Tenfold Will staff and the Beholder’s Spyglass. We fight through Mordenkainen’s simulacrums and finally kill him for good. 


Canopy saves her dad from an evil zombie ship (that used to be his) and Snowflake stays with her as her little sister. Canopy is also a Champion of the goddess of volcanoes and gets into a lot of bar fights. She becomes a full-fledged pirate captain and names her ship The Draken. She still regularly visits with her partymates as she continues to adventure. Eventually she becomes an archdruid and sets up an outpost on a volcanic island, a branch of the Circle of Magma. Other druids are encouraged to bring plants from their homelands, and fist fight the local flora and fauna. 

The whole party becomes legendary in their own right, and significantly less mortal than they started out as. 


Canopy grew up on a small farm at the edge of a large town. She worked on the farm with her siblings until she was 15, at which point her curiosity of the surrounding world overcame her and she headed off on her own. She eventually found her way to a druidic settlement at the base of a volcano, and felt she had found where she was supposed to be. But she never got used to living with a big group of people, so she set up a little camp just outside the edge of the settlement, out in the woods.
She frequently sent letters to her family.
She went to a neighboring mountain for a map-making assignment one day, and when she returned, her whole forest was destroyed. The whole volcano destroyed. But she saw which direction the destruction went in, and felt she needed to follow it, to at least see what did this to her home, to her family.