


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Dominique of the Church of Mars 

Race: Gargoyle 

Gender: Transwoman 

Class: Druid (Circle of Stars) 

Alignment: Lawful Good

Level: 1 

Weapon: Spear 

Personality: Alien theorist, just a big dog, no emotional middle sliders, friendly, protective, 

Traits: I am always on the watch and never let my guard down. I'll rather talk about the unknown than common gossip. 

Ideal: I love my church, and I will do anything to protect it. (Any) Preservation: I will protect all organic life. (Good)

Bond: It is my duty to protect the city and its citizens. I was built to protect a location, object or creature. I have seen the sacking of my Temple; I will have vengeance.

Flaw: I can’t feel pain, but I’m not impervious to damage. If someone seems trustworthy, I’ll do whatever they ask; I’m also a really bad judge of character. I guess more than I'll like to admit.  

Current story: World of Sky (campaign start: December 14th 2020) 

The party has been hired to go into a dungeon to find the quest-giver’s missing son. 

Backstory: Originally built as a guard for a large church. Many, many years later, the other churches of her deity, Deimos, suddenly disappeared, and is now on a quest to figure out what happened to them.