


5 years, 23 days ago



"Write a quote here....."

Use this box to write your character description. This box will scroll when filled with content.

Sometimes youve got to move to keep from settling! Shake things up!

When Matcha mulls over something for too long, shes prone to getting bitter. Shes at her best when shes active, splitting her energy between mental and physical pursuits.


Birthday: May 28
Pond: Summering Floodplain
Bodytype: Soprano
Subspecies: Natural
Masterlist: G0272
  • Dancing
  • Sugar and honey
  • Watching things burn
  • Ice
  • Patience
  • Inconvenient feelings



What is their first memory?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite animal?

Write an answer....

What is their least favorite animal?

Write an answer....

What element would they be?

Write an answer....

What is their theme song?

Write an answer....

What is their alignment?

Write an answer....

What deadly sin best represents them?

Write an answer....

What animal would they be?

Write an answer....

What is their socioeconomic level?

Write an answer....

What was their socioeconomic level as a child?

Write an answer....

What is their blood type?

Write an answer....

What are their hobbies?

Write an answer....

What are their special skills/talents?

Write an answer....

What is their patience level?

Write an answer....

What do they regret?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite place?

Write an answer....

Who is their role model?

Write an answer....

What are their favorite foods?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite book?

Write an answer....

Where is their dream place to live?

Write an answer....

What is their mode of transportation?

Write an answer....

Do they have any pets?

Write an answer....

Do they have any weapons?

Write an answer....

What TV Trope(s) do they fit?

Write an answer....

What do they smell like?

Write an answer....

How do they feel about love?

Write an answer....

Do they have a catchphrase or iconic quote?

Write an answer....

What is their least favorite color?

Write an answer....

Where are they from?

Write an answer....

Where do they live now?

Write an answer....

How do they make their living?

Write an answer....

What is their Jung personality type?

Write an answer....

Do they have any fears or phobias?

Write an answer....

What is their race, ethnicity, and/or nationality?

Write an answer....

What music do they listen to?

Write an answer....

Do they have any bad habits?

Write an answer....

What turns them on?

Write an answer....

What turns them off?

Write an answer....

If they transitioned from their world to ours, how would they react?

Write an answer....

Does their universe have a god?

Write an answer....

Do they have any pet peeves?

Write an answer....

What are their personal problems like?

Write an answer....

Are they religious? To what extent?

Write an answer....

If they attended a school, what kind of student would they be?

Write an answer....

Random fact!

Write an answer....

Do they have ghosts or supernatural entities in their world?

Write an answer....

What role would they play in a Disney movie?

Write an answer....

What one item would they bring to an uninhabited island?

Write an answer....

What is their outlook on life?

Write an answer....

Who or what inspired their creation as a character?

Write an answer....

Who is the most important person in their life?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite object?

Write an answer....

When were they created as a character?

Write an answer....

If they have/had a significant other, what song would they share?

Write an answer....

What where they like as a child?

Write an answer....

What do they eat?

Write an answer....

What do others assume about them?

Write an answer....

Do they like their given name?

Write an answer....

Do they have any nervous habits?

Write an answer....

Do they have any addictions?

Write an answer....

What languages can they speak?

Write an answer....

What is their enneagram type?

Write an answer....

Do they have any siblings?

Write an answer....

Do they like/wear jewelry?

Write an answer....

Have they ever wanted to commit suicide?

Write an answer....

Do they have close friends?

Write an answer....

When they were young, what did they want to be when they grew up?

Write an answer....

When, where, and with whom was their first kiss?

Write an answer....

Do they see a glass half full or a glass half empty?

Write an answer....

Do they believe in an afterlife?

Write an answer....

How do they feel about gambling, lying, killing, etc.?

Write an answer....

Do they stand up for what they believe in?

Write an answer....

How much do they value money?

Write an answer....

Do they want to get married?

Write an answer....

Do they want to have kids and/or raise a family?

Write an answer....

Are they passive, aggressive, or defensive?

Write an answer....

Are they a cat person or dog person?

Write an answer....

Do they have a sworn enemy?

Write an answer....

Do they prefer ranch dressing or italian dressing?

Write an answer....

What other fictional character are they comparable to?

Write an answer....

Is their name a pun or joke?

Write an answer....

Is there anyone they really hate?

Write an answer....

How has their look or design changed with time?

Write an answer....

What was their most traumatic experience?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite memory?

Write an answer....

What brings them the most joy?

Write an answer....

Are they ticklish?

Write an answer....

Do they play any instruments?

Write an answer....

What Hogwarts House would they be sorted into?

Write an answer....

What is their favorite holiday?

Write an answer....

Do they have any nicknames?

Write an answer....

What animal do they most relate to?

Write an answer....

If they could have one thing in the world, what would they choose?

Write an answer....

Would they ever kill someone?

Write an answer....

Are they involved with magic or witchcraft?

Write an answer....

Do they have any body modifications, such as tattoos, peircings, or implants?

Write an answer....

What "My Little Pony" character are they most like?

Write an answer....

Would they be willing to sacrifice order and sanity to live in a fantasy world where anything is possible, or do everything in their power to prevent that from happening?

Write an answer....

Which historical figure do they evoke most strongly?

Write an answer....

Which mythical or legendary figure do they evoke most strongly?

Write an answer....

Do they have an accent?

Write an answer....

Questions originally from May it rest in peace.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
