Chocolate Milk Cookie



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




A tired younger sister. She loves to follow around her older sibling though, finding it to be quite the adventure. Makes for a great bed stories! She does fall asleep sometimes, even when she doesn't mean or want to, but somehow still manages to get where she needs to be going.

An imperfection with her dough gave it this mottled pattern.

Pet: Bunny Sleeper

Ability - Nap
She falls asleep and floats in a cup as soft music plays. Waking up on the final note, she collects chocolate milk drops.
Magic Candy - sweetens the tune of her lullaby, making the drops at the end worth more.


"Good mornin'..."
"Rise and shine~!"

Cheer up
"These are my fav pjs!"
"Stars look so pretty..."
"Oh, thanks you!"

"Night time is the best time!"
"Good night, sleep tight!"
"I... don't like the dark..."

"Awwh! Thankye'." (default)
"...spooky..." (Black Sugar Crystal)
"A little sun of my own!" (Lifeless Little Star)

Milk Cookie (admiration) - "Soooo coool..."
Hero Cookie (trust) - "He's so nice and smart and cooool..."
Pancake Cookie (friendly)  - "We play together sometimes!"
Dark Choco Cookie (tension) - "...they're just a scary bedtime story... right?"

Bonus relationship
Honey Cookie (neutral) - "Her bees make me sneeze."
Chocolate Sauce Cookie (family) - "The best sibling EVER!"
Cocoa Butter Cookie (family) - "...the best brother ever!"
Shrimp Cookie (admiration) - "Adventure but also relaxing? They're so cool!"
Cardboard Cookie (Friendly): giggle "Show me the fireworks... that you showed to Sauce!"
Hightlighter Twins (Bright & Light) (Friendly) - "I like your bright colors! Gonna have good dreams now!"

Pine Cookie (tension) - "Poked my eye..."
Mulberry Dragon Cookie (tension) - "RUDE"
Candle Cookie (friendly) - "She's jus a baby."
Charred Cookie (tension) - "Sauce... Cocoa... it's a nightmare cookie.!"
Irish Cream Cookie (friendly)- *yawn* "i'm... not sleepy... the grass... is just soft..."

UFO Cookie Roll (friendly)- "Guessing what they're saying is fun!"
Beer Cookie (neutral)- "I've been told to not talk to strangers... but he seems nice?"
Passion Cookie (neutral)- "I think my sibling has heard her sing a few times."

Others' Relationship to her
Milk Cookie (neutral)- "Dark Choco is real and I'm looking for him!"
Skater Cookie (neutral)- "She follows around that party cookie right?"
Carrot cookie (tension)- "She sleeps mOsT of the TIME. LAZY."

UFO Cookie Roll (Friendly)- "Eu queria entender como ela consegue traduzir tudo o que eu falo?" (Translation comment to portuguese)
Beer Cookie (Trust)- "I see sleeping from time to time. She likes to sleep"
Crystal Cookie (Neutral)- "Similar to the Blackberry's daughter... Although she does not look scared"
Passion Cookie (Admiration)- "She is very determined in what she wants, I hope it will be that way too."
Soy Cookie (Neutral)- ",,, Very sedentary..."