Crystal Cookie



5 years, 5 months ago


Crystal Cookie is a subcelebrity known to all, but by considering it the most beautiful of all the biscuits took the wrath of Dark Enchantress Cookie who cast a spell cursing its beauty when the day dawns. Now every time you feel a sign the day is lighting on, run off like a doe before you see all your skin being wrinkled

legendary cookie that can be bought for 15000 crystals

Turn basic jellies into crystals (or gold coins case use costume)

Can be played only once, after this it asks for 4 hours rest

Its candy can give high values in the accumulation of crystals, besides replacing the button of  basic jelly turn bear for basic jelly turn crystals

Relationships (Others to her)

Candle Cookie (trust) - "...understanding..? Really..?!"

Mulberry Dragon Cookie (neutral) - "Bah, celebrities. Waste of dough."

Pine Cookie (neutral) - "She sounds kind, I hope I don't hurt her."

Shrimp Cookie (neutral) - “Huh..? Am I forgetting something…”

Chocolate Sauce Cookie (friendly) - “You’re always welcome at my parties!”

Honey Cookie[WipsyWoods' version] (tension) - “Oh no! I’m sorry…”

Irish Cream Cookie (friendly): "Look'it ye, lovely no matter what t'e time."

Relationships (Her to others)

Comming soon