👤 Silvertongue (Nil)



5 years, 9 days ago





Name Nil Songheart
Alias Silvertongue, Silv, etc
Gender Neutral, they/them (fluid)
Age 32
Birthday Dravago 12
Class Glamour Bard
Race Changeling
Height 5'9" (179.832cm)
Weight ~174 lbs
Orientation Painfully Queer
Occupation Entertainer
Home Breland
Weapon Rapier, Electric Guitar

The Bard (affectionate)

I refuse to let my heart grow cold in a world that's already cold enough as it is!


Nil is most-commonly known by their main persona: Silvertongue. Silvertongue is a persona of their own creation, a mix of features from their adoptive mothers paired with traits they themself would like to walk around wearing. Silvertongue's personality is also not too far off from their base personality, but they are definitely far more confident and much more prone to dishing out compliments (and flirting, when single.) They can be a bit reckless, as well.
Without (and sometimes even with) this theatrical mask however, Nil is normally quite reserved and shy. Though they do their best to keep themself composed, they're not too hard to fluster through flirting. They can dish it, but they can't take it very well. That aside, Nil is an incredibly compassionate individual who has a hard time ignoring the suffering and pains of others. They're the sort to go out of their way to help someone in need, even if they already have something else to attend to. They are also incredibly respectful of boundaries, and feel strongly about enforcing this. Their morals, while at times surprisingly lax, are mostly very strong.
Once Nil is more comfortable around someone, they will inevitably grow more playful. Harmless mischief is something they take great joy in, along with good-spirited teasing.

Nil, despite being a glamour bard, has sworn off the usage of almost all enchantment spells for their own personal reasons.


  • laughter
  • kisses
  • thrills
  • performing


  • silence
  • boredom
  • being alone
  • killing


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Playing music
  • Being a terrible liar


Nil was originally an orphaned child, growing up rather lost for most of their young life. They were adopted by a tiefling couple who raised Nil as if they were their own flesh and blood. As Nil continued to grow, it wasn't until they found their niche as an entertainer that they finally started to feel less lost. An incident in their home life spurred them further on in their musical endeavors, causing them to form a band with fellow bard peers they'd studied and practiced alongside. This band became known as The Faceless, and would travel around to put on shows in an effort to become more well-known. During these tours, Nil would meet a young abandoned tiefling they'd quickly adopt as their own brother and would attempt to aid. Nil would also meet an aasimar woman who took a particular interest in Nil. Together, the three of them would wind up as one of the most infamous train robbery gangs around. (Nil, albeit, under a different identity)

Eventually, things went incredibly south. Nil and their brother, Freegift, were betrayed. Nil almost died. The severity of this betrayal caused Nil to drop everything and go into hiding, laying low with their brother. Nil would fall into a terrible spiral, before finally trying to claw their way back up onto their feet. Nil and Freegift, still raw from their wounds, decided to attempt to rebuild their lives and once again began to travel. Soon after, they ran into fellow travelers who would all get swept up into a grand adventure in persuit of the Genesis Forge. It is with Freegift, Linmir, Aelinor, Argos, and Antigone that Nil now travels with, along with the House Cannith baronness Jorlana, a half-dragon named Xarrash, a former member of The Blades named Épée, and the captain of their flying ship: Persephone D'Cannith. (Percy, for short.)

The Wayfarers 



[ Adoptive Brother ]
A young tiefling (like, a real one) Nil met while touring in Sharn. Nil quickly pack bonded with him and has been traveling with him ever since. They consider each other siblings. Though the two have been known to butt heads with each other due to converging interests and life paths, they ultimately care for and love another very much. They'd both fight to the death for one another.



Linmir Celemariel

[ Best Friend, Found Family ]
A half-elf woman only slightly younger than Nil themself. Nil bonded with her the fastest out of all of their traveling companions due to her going out of her way to save their brother from certain death. Nil tends to go to her when they feel like they're falling apart and have nowhere else to go.



Aelinor Celemariel

[ Friend, Found Family ]
A half-elf half-orc woman, and Linmir's younger sister. Nil was drawn to her the most at first due to her gothic sensibilities and macabre interests, but found themself too nervous to get much closer until they knew she would not take them hiding the fact they're a changeling personally. After growing closer with Aelinor, Nil loves to team up with her to prank Linmir.



Argos Gorespatter

[ Friend, Found Family ]
Argos is an older minotaur man and a veteran of The Last War. Nil sometimes lightly butts heads with him due to his eagerness to handle situations with violence, but ultimately looks up to and admires him. They are still incredibly touched that Argos allowed Nil to take part in a sacred part of his culture's naming practices.




[ Friend, Found Family ]
A half-elf woman the Wayfarers met in a corrupted forest on their way to rescue Percy for the first time. Nil is incredibly fond of Antigone, and leaps at any opportunity to get to spend more time with her. This goes for any of the other Wayfarers as well, of course, but is especially the case with her. They take great joy in teasing her harmlessly, as well.


The Faceless 


Honour Heartfire

[ Former Bandmate ]
A member of Nil's disbanded band.



Derrek Morrison

[ Former Bandmate ]
A member of Nil's disbanded band.




[ Former Bandmate ]
A member of Nil's disbanded band.










  • Has two adoptive mothers they love very much
  • The name of their old band is The Faceless
  • Is in a long-distance relationship with a changeling warlock named Vox
  • Has an incredible fondness for mimics
  • Has crushed on every adult in the party (minus their brother) at least briefly


