


WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!


A cyborg tsundere that can control electricity and is secretly (or not so secretly, if you somehow become close friends with her) really, really gay.

Personal Details

Full Name Her real name is unknown, but everyone calls her Lightning
Nicknames N/A
Gender Female
Species Cyborg (used to be human)
Age 17
Height -
Birthday Her true birthday is unknown *starsign*
Likes Storms, the rain, HOT GIRLS, relaxing things, video games, favourite colours = dark grey and yellow
Dislikes Pretty much everyone she doesn't know well, 
Strengths -
Weaknesses -
Powers Can control electricity, however this is not a magical power. With this power, she is able to do various things, such as power electronic devices and give somebody an electric shock.  
Alignment -



To her friends, she is loyal and protective. She is also a lot calmer around them, and sometimes will even be somewhat cheerful when she's around them.
Unfortunately, to anyone who isn't her friend, she is often grumpy, rude, and can even be aggressive. Her protectiveness, combined with her occassional aggressiveness to people she doesn't know well, has often caused her to get into fights to protect those she cares about. Her bitterness towards strangers has also naturally made it difficult her to make friends. However, she won't act this way at all towards those she finds attractive, for better or worse; she'll often try to flirt with them, which can get annoying.




This is just a brief summary of this character's relationships - their links have more info on them, so be sure to check those out, too!

Friends - She is very close friends with Allie, Melody and Spade, to the point where she considers them to be her family. Apart from those three, she doesn't have many friends due to her personality towards those she doesn't know well.
Enemies - 
Family - She doesn't know who her true family is, but she strongly considers Allie, Melody and Spade to be her family, despite none of them being biologically related to her.
Relationship status - Single/Looking/Homosexual
