Marcus Middleton



5 years, 5 days ago


- Marcus Adam Middleton aka Marc aka Skittles aka

- Dipshit idiot loser

- male, 25-30y, 6'5" (tall freak)

- half-brother to Louie

- scared of Adrian but pretends he isnt

- i draw him a lot meaner than he actually is

- insecure masked autistic guy with mommy and daddy issues at the same time

- probably cries in the shower

- unstable self perception --> wildly contrasting clothing styles at different moments

- uses a different personality for each friend group

- chronically lonely

- wears formal clothing so that strangers on the street will think he has a real career (he is in fact a bartender with substance abuse issues)

- repressed bisexual

- cannot cook for shit. late 20s and eats like a college student

- gifted kid burnout

- disappointment of his entire family

- gets blackout drunk and makes lobsters fight in his bathtub and then denies that it ever happened the next

- morning

- drives a used 2015 ford fiesta 

- "no homo"