Terry Lupixaranaf



4 years, 11 months ago


Saterrilupinaria Lupixaranaf (Terry) is one of the secondary main characters from Pelepia. She is a mutated feral human, wanted criminal and a weaponry farm escapee from North Antinacia. Her surrogate father, Maltolupis, is almost always seen by her side. She serves as the quick assassin and bodyguard of her team.

Physiology and Biology

Terry has slightly tan skin, unkept white hair, dark red almond shaped eyes and sharp teeth, which often make people mistake her as a vampire. Her body is quite lean, but also slightly muscular due to having steroids in her body. One of the most prominent things to notice are the parts of her that were replaced by machines. Her left eye, lower half of left arm and the lower halves of both her legs are replaced by machines. She wears a light brown military utility belt that she stole from the weaponry farm she was captured in. She also wears a dark grey animal skin rag and a black short tights underneath.

In public or during the wintertime, she wears a black cloak that covers almost all or her body. She had also worn an animal skull during her time at Nowhereville. 


  • Terry can slash enemies with her parasitic arm claw. The sides of the "fingers" are very sharp and can come together to make a sharp dagger. She can also make it into a fist for devastating punches and shoot out lazer blasts out of the palm area. 
  • Her mechanincal legs throw stong kicks at a foe. They also allow her to jump higher than usual and do arial attacks.
Advantages and Strengths 
  • Terry has a very high attack stat. One attack from her can leave a lot of damage on a foe, for she and Maltolupis are the main powerhouses in Jake n Pals. She is also very tactful, swift and nimble in her attacks. 
  • Terry cannot feel anything where her body has been replaced by machines, at least on the surface. Her nerves are connected deep inside the machine's wiring. So when her mechanical arm gets injured, she can only feel the pain if the damage reaches inside of the nerve. 
  • Many steriods were added to Terry's body throughout the years and eventually made her become 10 times as strong as she would be in the wild. Her body has also become hardened from all of the harsh enviroments shes been in and can endure extreme pain and serious injuries. 
  • Terry's senses are far more potent than normal humans. Her sense of smell is 50 times stronger than the average human and her hearing about 5 times. Because of this, she is able to pick up when and where enemies are way before anyone in Jake n Pals can. 
  • Terry has a very strong jaw and enlongated canines, so she can hold on and carry heavy things without hurting her jaw, as well as strengthening her bites. 
Disadvantages and weaknesses 
  • Albinism is a common trait in some lupagons, which really isn't a problem because they are usually surrounded by snow without any sunlight. However since Terry was taken away from her snowy home, she doesn't fare well in the sun. Lupagon's usually lose half of thier power in sunlight, and with albinism thats quadruple the loss for Terry. Luckily some of the genetic engineering she went through still saves her strength, but she stills suffers when fighting in the sun. 
  • A lupagon's eyes cannot see colors. They can only see in black and white and some shades of red, as does Terry's. The fact that the only color she can see when she sees her friends is Jake's hair color and his shirt may play a role in her attraction to him. Their eyes are also very sensitive to sunlight and can be blinded easily by light. 
  • Since Terry's body was greatly tampered with many strange chemicals and mechanical things, it developed a routine sickness to try and get out the toxins. So she has periods where she becomes greatly ill to get rid of the problems, usually about once per month. She often gets nausea during this time. This stops by the time she becomes 16. 
  • Weak balance is also a problem with Terry's body. Since the parasitic mechanical arm on her right side makes her weigh 50 pounds more than her left, it greatly throws off her balance. However, she has learned to adapt with this disadvantage and often strikes without fail. However her imbalance also makes her hurt herself at times. Because of this, she is poor at fighting on terrain that requires balance, such as in water and areas that don't have much ground. 
  • Terry was only taught how to attack her entire life and isnt so much knowledgeable on defense. So her defense stats aren't too impressive. She also tends to attack on impulse and sometimes forgets to think before attacking.

Full Name/Aliases
Saterrilupinaria (Terry) Lupixaranaf
SpeciesFeral Human (Lupagon)
Age14-16 years (she's depicted to be 14-15 in most of her images)
Height5'0''- 5'6''
(goes through a growth spurt through the story)
Weight110 +90 LBS (added weight because of metal parts)
BirthplacePenguia, North Antinacia
AlignmentChaotic Good
Career PathwayMechanical Engineering (in future)
Important Relationships Maltolupis (surrogate father)
Jake (secret admirer)


Terry is very cold, serious and quiet, often being described as "having less of a personality than a cardboard box". She is also very mentally mature compared to her teammates because of the significant difference in her upbringing, the hardships she faced and seeing the "ugliness" of the real world. She will rarely show emotions because she was raised to believe showing emotions was a sign of weakness, and therefore keeps her feelings bottled inside. Terry also suffers from PTSD (post truamatic stress disorder) causing her to go into random emotional breakdowns whenever she sees objects that remind her of her past, like lamps. She is also very agressive and hostile to strangers and has trouble trusting people due to being mistreated and betrayed by many in her past. She doesn't like to waste time and have "bonding sessions", which Jake does a lot of. She also prefers to be alone and dislikes social gatherings.

She is often described as being "tsundere" since she often returns Jake's affections with disgust, annoyance or anger, even though its shown many times that she does care for him deeply. She acts this way to hide her feelings in fear of what others might think.

Terry rarely speaks out. She's one of those who won't speak unless spoken to, probably due to being punished for speaking out of turn as a child. Many of her traits originate from the teachings of the mother Masalupis and father, Maltolupis. Masalupis mostly taught her the goody goody earthly stuff, like to respect all of the planets creatures no matter how much you may dislike them, and to only attack in self defense. Maltolupis, however taught her to not be afraid to show no mercy, to kill your opponents and how to only do things for yourself, which made Terry very self-centered and alienated from everyone else. After being around Jake for a while however, her personality starts changing. She starts to care more about the people around her and learns how to be friendly towards others. (even if she is still poor at it) 

Alternate Outfits and Forms

Spirit Mode

Animal (non-canon)

In an alternate, non-canon universe, Terry can also be drawn as a wolf cub. Terry the Wolf   is a lone young wolf who prefers to be alone most of the time. Shes a formidable fighter but strangely Jake the Mutt doesnt seem to be afraid of her! Her fur color is the same as her hair color and has the same mechanical parts and scars on her animal form as her human form. Her owner is Maltolupis the human.

Oh boy...

Terry was born in Penguia, North Antinacia, on the Month of First Snow in year 13781. Her biological parents were human slaves who fled outside of the Penguian districts after the birth of Terry. The Penguian Empire has a very strict policy of protecting the sanctity of thier civilization and will eradicate anything that threatens thier "purity". This includes exterminating all babies that are born deformed, mutated, mentally challenged, believed to be possessed by demons, not resembling the parents, ect. Terry was born with the genetic mutation, Homo Feralis, which causes humanoids to possess traits similar to creatures outside of thier species .As for Terry, she had red eyes, elongated canines and white hair, traits resembling an albino Lupagon. To save her from being destroyed, she was abandoned in a forest by her parents, hoping that the Lupagons would adopt her. Her parents are believe to have died in the forest after being hunted down by the Penguians.

Two Lupagons came across the abandoned infant crying in the middle of the forest clearing. One of them was about to eat Terry until the other one stopped him. He pointed out that the baby had the twin moon symbol on her back, identical to the ones on the Lupagons' heads. Lupagons use this symbol as an indentification marker for their species and they felt that it might be wrong to eat Terry for they might be eating one of thier own kind. Confused, the Lupagons brought the baby back to their pack's territory to see what the Alpha would choose to do with this human. Many of the other Lupagon's were shocked that the two Lupagons brought a human into their domain, since many Lupagon's consider humans to be enemies. Then, the Alpha, Maltolupis came into the scene and raged at the two Lupagons for bringing a human into thier territory, but they explained that this human had the twin moon birthmark on her back and weren't sure if they would be committing cannibalism if they ate her. Maltolupis, not caring about the birthmark, told them to get rid of the baby and let her die on her own. Then the kindhearted Alpha female and mate of Maltolupis, Masalupis, stopped him and told him that the birthmark symbolizes that the baby is one of them and suggested that the baby could be raised with the pack. Maltolupis was outraged by this suggestion and proceded to kill the baby on the spot, but Masalupis shielded the baby with her body. Unable to even think of hurting his mate, Maltolupis gave up but told her that the baby would be raised only by her and that no other pack member would be allowed to help or be responsible for her. He also told her that no matter how hard she would try, the baby would never be accepted as one of them. He then named the baby a curse word in Antinacian, Saterrilupinaria, which would then be simplified to Terry by Jake.
As the years passed, many of the Lupagon's mistreated and outcasted Terry. She was regarded as the Omega of the pack, the lowest pack ranking, for she was much more physically weaker and slower than any other member, even compared to the newborns. Other Lupagons would attack or bully her if she was spotted invading thier personal space or speaking out of turn. Terry was also not allowed to eat until all of the other Lupagons finished eating, only leaving her with scraps. This gave Terry her quiet and distant personality. But her new surrogate mother, Masalupis, kept an eye on her at all times and protected and fed her most of the time. The only one who ever showed her any love or compassion was her mother and the two often stayed together alone to bond and play. She also taught Terry about the elements of nature, prey and predators, and the dangers of the outskirts of the forest, mainly the Penguian empire and the many military bases set up around the forest. Maltolupis became jealous of thier relationship because he thought that Terry was distracting Masalupis's duties as Alpha. He told Masalupis that the child was becoming nothing but another mouth to feed and that she needed to learn how to be independent. Masalupis hesitantly agreed and started to teach her how to hunt.

Terry was very poor at hunting because many of the animals that Lupagon's eat are difficult to kill. She was also afraid of taking other creatures's lives because she learned from her mother that all living creatures have souls and feelings. Masalupis was worried that Maltolupis would soon kick her out of the pack if she could not prove herself. Maltolupis then took Terry under his wing to toughen her up. He forced Terry to kill as many small creatures as she could without remorse and how to not show mercy when dealing with enemies. After these trials, she became less afraid of killing, but still did poorly. Maltolupis's and Masalupis's faith in her was fading. Terry became angry and frustrated at herself. She did not understand why she looked so different from the other pack members and why she couldn't make herself stronger. She began to do some self discovery and learned that she could make tools with her hands, something that the Lupagon's couldn't do. She began thinking cognitively and built weapons from the sticks and rocks in the forest, such as a slingshot, spears, and a bow and arrow to hunt. These tool helped her astoundingly and she was able to gather food faster than the average Lupagon. The Lupagons were intrigued by Terry's new hunting style and began to see her potential. She was finally invited to join them in hunting, for she now had a usage to the pack.

As Terry began mastering her newfound skills, Maltolupis became paranoid that she would soon discover who she really was and use the weapons against the pack, so he kept a close eye on her. Terry also became more rebellious as she grew older and wandered around areas of the forest that she wasn't allowed to go. She then stumbled upon a military base at the edge of the forest and stuck into the storage rooms. She noticed that the weapons manufactured there could be operated by human hands, so she began stealing them to use for hunting. At first, many of the Lupagons were impressed by Terry's new weapons for being able to kill so many prey in one shot, lessening the chance for famine during the upcoming winter, but then Terry started taking a destructive turn and began killing for fun. After letting off a bomb in the middle of the forest and accidentally injuring a few pack members, Maltolupis had enough of Terry's behavior. When Terry reached 10 years old, he destroyed all of her weapons and sentenced her to banishment for using foreign weapons against pack members. Masalupis was shocked by Maltolupis's decision and told him to reconsider, for there was no way Terry would be able to survive in the forest alone. But Maltolupis was too angry to change his mind. Before Terry was to depart, Masalupis gave her a necklace with one of her teeth attached to symbolize that her mother would always be with her to protect her in spirit.

Terry was extremely miserable and lonely during her banishment which took about a course of 6 months. She was able to survive with her more primitive weapons but her body was unable to adapt to the harsh wintery envirmonment, which made her very weak. She also suffered depression and withdrawl. Desperate to be reunited with her pack again, she decided to earn her way back in by defeating one of the Lupagon's biggest enemies in the forest, King Zunarare, which seemed ridiculously impossible. She wanted to behead him and take his head back to the pack as a trophy. As she searched all over the woods, she finally stumbled upon him near the outskirts of the forest. He was looking over a Penguian military base. Although Terry's attempt to kill him failed, she managed to make Zunarare spill out a secret to her that the Penguians were planning to clear out the forest area tomorrow for even more miliary bases and that he was planning to evacuate soon. Frightened by the news, Terry abandoned her plan and frantically searched for her pack to warn them. When she reached them, Maltolupis, of course, tried to chase her out. But she warned them that the Penguians were going to destroy the forest and that they needed to get out. But Maltolupis called Terry a liar and told her that SHE needed to get out. Upset that no one would believe her, she ran away. She didn't know whether or not to evacute by herself, but she felt guilty if she would abandon her pack, especially since her mother was still in there. So she decided the stay in the forest and help them evacuate when the attack came.

Alas, that fateful day came. The Penguians entered the forest with flamethrowers and tanks to obliterate the forest. This came as a suprise for most of the forest residences and many couldn't get out alive. However some of the more stronger forest residences began to rally up troops to stop the Penguians, thus causing a small war breakout. When Terry saw smoke and heard screaming in the distance, she frantically seached for her pack. Since the deforestation was so severe and the fire and smoke was all over the place, it was hard for Terry to navigate herself and she became lost. She didn't realize how deadly the Penguian's destructive power would be. By the time she reached what she thought was the pack's territory, she found a most sorrowful and disturbing sight. Almost every single pack member was charred to death. After having a metal breakdown, she desperately searched for her mother, Masalupis in the wasteland. She eventually found her, and was relieved to see her still alive, but barely. Terry ran to her mother's side to comfort her. She was shocked to see a gigantic opening in her neck which she was bleeding severely from. She told her that she tried to fight off the Penguians but they blasted her with a cannon. She also told her that Terry needed to get out of here, but she was too afraid to leave her side. Her mother tried to protect her from the flames with her wing, but she was dying slowly. They both heard a distant roar, and they believed it to be from Maltolupis. Masalupis told Terry to see if Maltolupis was still alive, but she still refused to leave. After a touching moment between the two, Masalupis finally passed away and of course Terry had another breakdown. As the flames grew closer to them, she had no choice but to leave her mother's now dead body.

She followed the sounds of Maltolupis's booming roars, and came across him in the middle of a group of Penguian deforestators that he was fighting. Although she was frightened, she still wanted to protect him from the enemy even after the abuse she had to endure because of him. So she grabbed one of her weapons that she kept with her and ran in front of him and the Penguians. The Penguians were suprised to see a wild human living in the forest and wasn't sure if they should capture her or blow her up with Maltolupis. However, a large figure came out from the group and calmly walked over to Terry and Maltolupis. The figure ordered the Penguians to cease fire and instead he would take them from here and use them for... something else. Then Terry blacked out.

When Terry woke up, she was in a dark crate with other creatures she had never seen before. She didn't realize that she was on a train to a wandering island, and on the island was an illegal biogenetic engineering facility that served as a type of "weaponry farm". It would take organic creatures and turn them into living weapons over a period of time. These type of weapons are highly desired in militaristic societies and are worth huge amounts of money, but extremely illegal. She was thrown into a cell with 4 other creatures, along with a creature named Flower who would become her best friend. They were just as confused and scared as she was, but later served as her only way to keep her sanity in check. Terry and 3000 other imprisoned creatures would have to endure years of torturous experiments, terrible living conditions, forced fighting and genetic enhancement to become military weapons. Those who weren't up to par with the facilities expectations would be destroyed, so many of them lived in fear and eventually became insane. These creatures were captured because the facility believed that they all had a special property to them that they could exploit to make weapons. Many of them would undergo extreme transformations and lose all sense of feeling and personality, as Terry would. She became far more stronger than she ever was and had her injured arm, eye, and legs replaced with parasitic machinery. She also became listless and unemotional after a while, killing without pity or remorse. And during all that time, Terry had no idea where Maltolupis was or if he was even still alive. Even though Terry knew what the facility runners were doing was wrong, she evntually lost the will to fight back after many failed attempts to escape and did what she was told.

Flower became Terry's closest friend and helped her get through tough times without totally losing her sanity. However, she was very weak, and didn't serve much purpose to the runners of the facility. So eventually she was exterminated and Terry later found out that she was turned into a lamp shade, which explains Terry's fear of lamps. This made Terry explode with anger and all of her feelings came back to her. An effect of the genetic engineering that was done on Terry was that she became very technical and intelligent, so she devised plans to get back at the facility runners. She managed to persuade others to join her in the rebellion and they eventually caused a riot that destroyed the entire facillity. Terry's main concern however was to find her father. When she did find him, he was kept in a giant pod where he was undergoing experimentation. He was 3 times his normal size and had mechanical attachments implanted on him. When he woke up, he couldn't recognize Terry at all and attacked her. She tried to avoid his attacks but she couldn't just leave him in the facility, so she tried to snap him out of it with a powerful blow to the head. Miraculously, it worked and Maltolupis regained his memory. Maltolupis was shocked to see that Terry was still alive after 2 years of being separated and how much she had changed. Angry that their family and friends were torn away from them, Maltolupis and Terry seeked revenge of the headmaster of the facility, which was an AI who ran all of the machines of the facility. They managed to defeat him and escaped the facility, but Terry was severely injured. Maltolupis managed to swim to an nearby island for restoration and once Terry was healed, Maltolupis told Terry that she was the last of his pack member alive. This was the first time Terry was regarded as an actual pack member and was accepted as Maltolupis's "daughter".

Once the two regained their energy, they kept flying across the ocean until they reached a large body of land. It was an unfamiliar desert-like area. They wandered the desert, surviving on killing monsters for food, until they reached a water reservoir with some forestation around it. After clearing out some of the monsters living there, they made their new home on top of a mountainous plateau with some trees near the reservior. Their main goal in mind, however, was to return to Northern North Antinacia to see if their home was still there and if any pack members survived. But since they had no idea where they were or if they would find any resources again, they decided to stay put. Terry was dissatisfied with her looks and the mutations done on her from the facility, so she began wearing an animal fur cloak and a skull mask to hide her appearance.

After a few days, Terry heard some noises down in the valley. She discovered that a group of humans were building a town near the reservior. After alerting Maltolupis, he became enraged and not wanting to lose his home a second time, he charged at the humans and tried to chase them out. Little did he know that the humans were well armed and had stolen tanks and weapons from the Penguian military to defend themselves from monsters. Since Lupagons didn't fare well in the sunlight, the hot desert heat took a toll on Maltolupis and Terry and they couldn't do as much damage as they wanted to. They were badly beaten, but Maltolupis still wanted to defend his territory. He told the humans to get out, but they refused. They said that they were runaway slaves and refugees from the Penguian Empire who escaped to Southern North Antinacia and had wandered for many miles in the desert to find a better place to settle. Many sacrifices were made to get to this far, so they weren't going to give it up without a fight. Maltolupis and Terry were too weak to fight, so they were driven out of the town and back to thier mountain. Since the humans now gained control of the reservior, their only source of water, Terry and Maltolupis would now have to only strike when the sun went down if they wanted to get past the humans for a drink. They would also have to resort to eating the humans if there wasn't enough prey around. The town that would be built would later be named "Nowhereville", which would only last for about 2 years. Terry later would be left with nothing but bottled anger and disgust with everything around her, and would aim to seek revenge of everyone that hurt her and those that she loved.
Fun Fax!

  • Terry was originally a plain-as-hell tomboy, but then Seyumei realized that Jackie was already a bit of a tomboy so she was drastically changed later.
  • Terry secretly loves flowers, her favorite is the white lily
  • "Saterrilupinaria" in Antinacian means to send a death wish to an outsider. "Sa terri" means "die stranger/outsider" and "lupi naria/o" is a suffix given to wolf humans" Good thing most people call her by Terry now then!