Maltolupis Lupixaranaf



4 years, 11 months ago


Maltolupis is one of the main characters in Pelepia and is Terry's surrogate father.  He serves as the team's bodyguard and powerhouse when dealing with enemies way out of their league.

Physiology and Biology

Although Maltolupis's appearance looks obviously wolf-like, he actually has the muscle and skeletal structure of a large, quadruped dragon. Speaking of which, his muscles are grossly enlarged due to the steroids put into him during genetic experimentation, making him much more stronger and athletic than his species usually is. Because of this, he can no longer fly, since his body has now overgrown its wing strength capacity.  Maltolupis has light grey fur with a light off-yellow underbelly. His right eye is red, with a slit reptilian pupil with a yellow sclera. He also has a scar on it. His exposed skin between his legs are blue with off-yellow rings on them, which symbolize the moon. These rings can glow when Maltolupis uses a certain power. On top of his head, he has the symbol of the Twin Moon eclipse, an event sacred to his species' culture. However, since he is the Alpha (or at least was), he has an additional crescent on his head as well as a jet black back mane that also characterize Alpha Lupagons. The tips of his ears are black and yellow on the insides.

 His wings are blue on the dorsal side and yellow on the ventral side with a sharp bone that stick out in the bend. His tail is also of exposed blue skin, but half of the tail is replaced with machinery that ends in a point. His left front claw is replaced with a machine as well as the left side of his face that has been torn away, that serves as an artificial facial tissue. 


  • Maltolupis's main attack is that he can shoot out superpowerful sound waves from his mouth. The force of the blast can cause massive damage to the environment it is released in.
  • Maltolupis can also shoot blasts of dark energy from his mouth. Usually in the form of shadow balls.
  • His tail is also used as a physical weapon to smack away foes.

Advantages and Strengths 
  • Maltolupis can use his wings to glide and jump high in the air. He cannot use them to fly however.
  • His metallic body parts, which includes part of his face, half of his arm and tail cannot feel pain. Only if the nerves inside are struck, then he could be in some trouble. They can be liable to damage however.

Disadvantages and weaknesses 
  • Maltolupis's species is naturally supposed to be a flyer, but since his body mass is too heavy for his wings to support, he can only fight on the ground most of the time.
Full Name/Aliases
Maltolupis Lupixaranaf
AttributeDark/Air (sound)
SpeciesGemiluna Lupagon
Age37 in human years
Weight788 LBS
BirthplacePenguia, North Antinacia
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Important RelationshipsTerry (adopted daughter)


Maltolupis is known to be EXTREMELY hot tempered and intolerant. He is incredibly hostile and aggressive to nearly everyone who is outside of his pack circle. He almost always speaks in all-caps and has a booming voice that even when he tries to whisper, he can be heard like a mile away. He also has a huge anger-management problem, for even the slightest thing can get him angry and getting him to calm down is almost impossible. Like most Lupagons, he is very territorial and hates his space being invaded by outsiders or unfamiliar faces. He will often try to remove himself from a group that isn't part of his pack, meaning he spends most of his time alone or with Terry. He is almost never satisfied or content, unless Jake is suffering somewhere, then he might crack a smile.

He is also super protective of his daughter, Terry. This is because she is his last surviving pack member and to lose her would mean that Maltolupis would become a lone wolf, a disgrace to be in his culture. Therefore he needs to make sure she is safe all the time, everytime, everywhere.

Alternate Outfits and Forms

Demon Mode

Spirit Mode

Maltolupis was born in Penguia, North Antinacia in a forest somewhere far away from civilization in a fairly normal Gemiluna pack structure called the Lupixaranaf clan. When he was born as a Lunarlobo, his pack discovered that he had the markings of an Alpha, with the double crescent marking on his forehead and the jet black mane. They rejoiced at his birth and gave him special treatment, for they were glad to see that they would now have someone to take over as the Alpha male of the pack, since an Alpha male had not appeared in the clan for many years. The only Alpha male that led them presently was an elderly Alpha male Lupagon who's health was deteriorating slowly. Because of this, the clan was very disorganized and struggled to survive. Therefore the best fighters in the pack made sure to teach this newborn well, for they wanted to ensure they had the strongest leader possible to help them climb back up on the top of the food chain.

As a child, Maltolupis was a bit of a bully. He knew well that he was favored among the adults and that he was destined to lead everyone else, so he began to treat everyone poorly and would attack anyone who would get in his way. However, he was also very close to his two parents. When Maltolupis reached his teenage years, he went through his metamorphosis process to become a full fledged Lupagon, which meant that he was now the new leader of his clan.
Fun Fax!

  • Maltolupis was originally some sort of demon doberman thing.