


8 years, 21 days ago


Nathen Parker


Male [He/Him]
Grey Wolf
19 years old
Bisexual [Female pref]
Partner; Lee [Canon]
Gas station clerk [part-time]
Flirty. Rowdy. Loyal. Sarcastic. Protective. Nerd.



Nate is extremely loyal, and always tries to see the good in everyone, but that doesn't stop him from being super protective and willing to fight anyone that hurts his loved ones. He loves to crack jokes, and is a big pervert. Making others laugh is always one of his first priorities, and he always wants to be the life of the party. He has a no care attitude alot of the time, which leads him into trouble alot. Skipping classes can be a normal for him, but, he has a very good heart, and just wants to prove himself to others, believing he is a screw up. Despite his outwardly positive attitude he does get sad easily, and has anxiety in certain situations. He loves musicals and always wants to sing though he isn't any good. He can be kind of dense, but makes up for it with his loyalty and humor. Has a slight stutter when he is nervous or embarrased.


Food: Ramen & Sushi

Beverage: Dr. Pepper

Season: Summer


Singing/Music, table top & video gaming [mostly mmo's] being active, learning other languages, skateboarding, smoking, parties




Nate was 6 when he was put into foster care with his little sister, Charlie. His parents died when Charlie was about a year old, and they bounced around for 7 years until they were adopted by Isabella and Aaron Parker. They struggled with getting adopted for a while, since Nate insisted they had to be adopted together, and he was labled a "problem child" since he has a troublemaker personality and ADHD. Isabella and Aaron made everything way easier on them both, and Nate and Charlie saw them as family very quickly. They both had a dificult time adjusting for a bit after getting adopted, and couldnt get into school right away, which resulted in them both being a grade behind. Nate was 14 going into 7th grade, and Charlie was just starting 1st grade at 7. Becuase of their past, and them growing up in foster care until he was 13, Nate is very protective of his sister. Hes never overbearing, since he knows she can (and will) fight her own battles, but he is always willing to drop everything hes doing, even leaving or skipping class, if she needs him.


Nate lives in a really chill household and loving family, with both of his adopted parents. His family is always super supportive of both of their kids, and are super fun to hang out with, often playing video games with and having board game nights and things like that.His parents want their kids to do the best, and have rules, but they are not super strict so he can have friends over often and even partners and they would treat them just like family. His parents also had to adjust, but they made it so easy for Nate to be able to put his guard down. They are the most gentle and kind people Nate has ever met, and he has mad respect for them both. They do their best keeping thier kids on the right track, while not being too overbearing and overwhelming them.

Despite his family being pretty well off money wise, Nate loves to keep busy, and hates to feel like a burden since they have already done so much for him and his sister, so he never wanted to ask his parents for any money. However, he likes to have extra spending money, and He works on Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights at a convenient store.

Due to his ADHD, Nate has a really hard time focusing on school, and is not super smart, often making low B's and C's. Alot of the time because hes too busy focusing on music or the new video game that came out. He wants to go to college but doesn't have a career in mind, and he also don't have alot of faith in himself since hes been held back, and his grades are always pretty low, so he feels its almost pointless for him.

He is extremely loyal, and always tries to see the good in everyone, but that doesn't stop him from being super protective and willing to fight anyone that hurts his loved ones. He blieves he owes everything to his parents, and he holds his little sister very close to him. He loves to crack jokes, and is a big pervert. Making others laugh is always one of his first priorities, and he always wants to be the life of the party. Hes a very social creature and tries to make it to every party and loves to drink. Despite his how social he tries to be, hes not popular, and most people only know about him because they like to tease him about his childhood. Has a slight stutter when he is nervous or embarrased.

Nate is really into music, and knows how to play guitar, and drums and is learning piano. Hes in the school band, and plays the snare drum most of the time. He also loves to sing, even though he knows hes not very good, and often sings out of key, but he does it anyway. Nate can be very competive, and always does wants to put his 100% into new things he tries, even if he isnt very good. He also loves video games, and will skip class if a new game came out that day that he really wanted to play. Even though he wants to do well in school, he will always put everything else before it, since he finds class so boring. He loves to keep himself in shape, since its a good way to distract him when hes feeling down. He tries to work out after school twice a week and wakes up at 6 in the morning on weekends to jog. Nate has a truck that he bought when he first started working, and loves to drive it through back roads and lay in the back on summer nights and look at the stars. Despite this, He will often take every excuse he can to walk, since he loves to keep active, and has a slight phobia of cars.



[Crush ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


[Younger Sister] Charlie and Nate have always gotten along, and ever since she was born he took it as his personally respoinsiblity to take care of her. Their parents died shortly after she as born, and growing up in foster care was especially hard for her, she hardly had any memories of her parents and becuase of her sexauality, she struggles alot, but Nate is always there to be her rock. When they are together, theyre basically joined at the hip, and love watching funny videos, playing video games together and on board game night they make an impossible to beat team. Charlie is very smart, but often gets picked on for her sexuality and quirky personality, and will call Nate to come sit with her outside of the school until she feels better. Some of her favorite things to do are climb trees, and read books, and is basically the smarter of the two siblings. Her best friend is Lucas


[Mother] Calm, sweet and humble, Nates mom can be the exact opposite of his dad, and everyone often wonders how she handle the rambouncoius family so well. Isabella is a nurse, and can have funny work hours, but always makes time for her family. She's the type of mom to make it to any school event or parent teacher conference, and knows her kids can be troublesome, but still wants the best for them, and will sometimes be stern if she knows they are not taking care of themselves or taking school work seriously. When she found out she wasnt able to have kids of her own, its almost like Nate and Charlie fell right into her lap, and she loves them just as much as her own. She is bascially the glue for the family, is a great listener, and always gives the best hugs.


[Father] A complete opposite from Nates mother, Aaron is a wild card. Hes a mechanic at his own business, and is usually home more of the time between the two parents. Its no wonder Nate and Aaron get along so well with his exciteable personality. He loves to have a good time, and has the perfect dad joke for almost every situation. Despite his fun personality, he will be stern when he needs to, espcially when it involves his kids. Hes a bit old school and doesnt know many video games or things about computers, but that doesnt stop him from trying to beat his son at whatver game he's playing. Being the only father figure in his life, Nate wants to be just like Aaron, and learn from him as much as possible. Which is probably where he got his competiveness and need to finish everyting with 100% effort. When someone comes to him, hes always willing to listen, though his hugs are not as warm as Isabella's, he still listens and has the biggest heart of gold.


[Best Friend] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


[Friend] High school friend; tank in his wow guild. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


[Friend] High school friend; cleric in his wow guild. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.