Nate (Charlie)



4 months, 9 days ago




Charlie Parker
Female [She/Her]
Grey Wolf - Shepherd
Brother; Nate
Middle School student
October 20th, 2021
Not for sale

Smart • Quirky • Level-headed

Describe the characteristics of their behaviour, mood, etc. Some of her favorite things to do are climb trees, and read books, and is basically the smarter of the two siblings. Her best friend is Lucas



Nathan Parker (19)

[ Older Brother ] Bond:

Charlie and Nate have always gotten along, and ever since she was born he took it as his personally respoinsiblity to take care of her. Their parents died shortly after she as born, and growing up in foster care was especially hard for her, she hardly had any memories of her parents and becuase of her sexauality, she struggles alot, but Nate is always there to be her rock. When they are together, theyre basically joined at the hip, and love watching funny videos, playing video games together and on board game night they make an impossible to beat team. Charlie is very smart, but often gets picked on for her sexuality and quirky personality, and will call Nate to come sit with her outside of the school until she feels better.


Isabella Parker

[ Mother ] Bond:

Calm, sweet and humble, Nates mom can be the exact opposite of his dad, and everyone often wonders how she handle the rambouncoius family so well. Isabella is a nurse, and can have funny work hours, but always makes time for her family. She's the type of mom to make it to any school event or parent teacher conference, and knows her kids can be troublesome, but still wants the best for them, and will sometimes be stern if she knows they are not taking care of themselves or taking school work seriously. When she found out she wasnt able to have kids of her own, its almost like Nate and Charlie fell right into her lap, and she loves them just as much as her own. She is bascially the glue for the family, is a great listener, and always gives the best hugs.


Aaron Parker

[ Father ] Bond:

A complete opposite from Nates mother, Aaron is a wild card. Hes a mechanic at his own business, and is usually home more of the time between the two parents. Its no wonder Nate and Aaron get along so well with his exciteable personality. He loves to have a good time, and has the perfect dad joke for almost every situation. Despite his fun personality, he will be stern when he needs to, espcially when it involves his kids. Hes a bit old school and doesnt know many video games or things about computers, but that doesnt stop him from trying to beat his son at whatver game he's playing. Being the only father figure in his life, Nate wants to be just like Aaron, and learn from him as much as possible. Which is probably where he got his competiveness and need to finish everyting with 100% effort. When someone comes to him, hes always willing to listen, though his hugs are not as warm as Isabella's, he still listens and has the biggest heart of gold.



[ Best Friend ] Bond:

Best freind




Guilty Pleasure:
