Daemon (ChroDae)



husbands . disasters . devoted



Though they have had rocky moments near the beginning of their relationship, their feelings for one another are unwavering. Before Chronos, Daemon was completely devoid of feeling, having been deeply traumatized in their past. After falling in love with Chronos, Daemon finds themself able to smile and laugh. Daemon feels more human when they are with Chronos, able to reach those emotions that eluded them for so long. To them, Chronos is the most important person in the world. They would to anything for Chronos, and would protect him with their life--though they know that Chronos does not necessarily need to be protected.

Chronos' work keeps them apart quite often, leaving Daemon alone to wait. They do not wholly mind, knowing that Chronos will always return to their side, but they cannot help but feel lonely. Often times, before they adopted Amelia, Daemon would simply shut down their systems for days and weeks at a time until Chronos returned.

Through the years, as Chronos has begun to show visible signs of aging, Daemon has begun to consciously age themself at the same rate. THe thought of Chronos' mortality has become something of great worry to Daemon; who does not want to think of life without their husband. This is not to say that Daemon doesn't enjoy Chronos' appearance. They find him only getting more and more attractive as he ages, which they find to be almost unfair.



Both Daemon and Chronos had their own barriers from their past when they first entered this relationship. Lowering them was a long process, and letting themselves feel something for each other was an arduous process. Daemon's lost memories of their past and their extreme phobia of having their default self seen by others made it difficult for them to get close to anyone. While Chronos' past frought with loss made him reticent to allow anyone near him. That may have also included a homicidal angel that was determined to kill anyone that Chronos loved.

Breaking Daemon

Chronos made the grievous error of sleeping with another man. When Daemon found out, it overwhelmed their already weak system with emotions completely foreign to them, as well as a sense of deep betrayal that they had not felt since they first lost their memories. The result was a complete shut down of their system, essentially breaking the cyborg.

It took days before their systems managed to be repaired enough for Daemon to regain consciousness. Though, the side effects of their overloaded system meant an almost complete wipe of their memories. Only with time did they return, and Daemon was--slowly--able to properly process the negative emotions that they experienced.


Having Chronos become their husband was one of the greatest things to happen in Daemon's life. Once convinced that they were merely a husk, incapable of more than merely imitating emotions, who could no longer serve a purpose to anyone in their broken state... knowing that someone could come to love them the way Chronos did was more than they could ever ask for. Chronos is the most important person in Daemon's life, and they are completely devoted to him. Being able to call Chronos their husband is one of the most joyous things to them, knowing that he will always be by their side.


Chronos found a small child while he was working one day. Her parents had been killed, leaving her traumatized and alone. When he brought her back home with him, Daemon became almost immediately attached to the girl. Two people who had spent so much time dealing with isolation and the feeling of loss could not allow an innocent child like her to experience the same loneliness. They now raise Amelia as their own daughter, with Daemon taking care of her daily while Chronos is out working.


Being unaware of how truly old they are makes it difficult for Daemon to guage the status of their own system. They can preform their own basic routine maintenance, but aren't able to preform anything more in depth. Knowing that their creators are long gone makes things even more difficult, as Daemon had no idea where to even begin to look for someone knowleagable enough to fix long broken parts of the cyborg.

Slowly, Daemon's already fragile systems began to break down over time. First, their shifting function, what gave them the ability to morph their appearance at will, began shutting down more often; leaving Daemon in their default state. Despite knowing that Chronos never minded Daemon's true appearance, being stuck in their default state was still incredibly damaging to Daemon emotionally.

With their shifting function already at it's worst, Daemon's memory storage began to deteriorate after. They began to forget small things at first, and it was something that became a big frustration to them. They tried as best they could to hide this, avoiding bringing up anything they couldn't wholly remember. But there would be times that Daemon could not remember simple phrases or words, in addition to events that had happened in the past. They could only keep it a secret from Chronos for so long.

Eventually, though, once the problem began to get more and more severe, Daemon managed to find a mechanic who was knowleagable in fixing cyborgs. Even ones as aged as Daemon. Though he still has system malfunctions, and sometimes forgets small things, he is functioning quite well on a daily basis.

Important Notes

Chronos and Daemon can, will, and have, killed for one another.

Daemon is often referred to as Chronos' wife, despite presenting, usually, as male.

Daemon loves kissing the scar on Chronos' lip.

credits . drawr img . html by vom